May 14, 2014

LHES Sophomores and Juniors


LHES sophomores and juniors are invited to Sustainable Hawaii Youth Leadership Initiative: 2014-2015 program. Represent Lana'i at the 10th Annual Youth Leadership Summit for Sustainable Development on Martha's Vineyard: June 21-28.
  • Have fun traveling and exploring Sustainable Island Tours: kayaking, sailing adventures;
  • Meet inspired island youth who are changing their lives & their world;
  • Eat yummy food and learn about different cultures Jamaica, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Hawaii
  • Learn from youth leaders with can-do spirit & make-it-happen initiatives in their lives;
  • See best practices and innovative models to address sustainable issues on islands;
  • Develop action plans, troubleshoot challenges & develop strategies to engage others;
  • Make effective presentations: artistically, speaking through video and social media;
  • Match your personal interests and skills with your college and career goals.
  • Learn to become a leader and help make things happen.
  • Be empowered to be a representative of sustainability on your island.
Special Guests
  • Connect with Hokuleʻa crew in Tahiti via Skype
  • Polynesian Voyaging Society film maker/author: Sam Low, Nainoa Thompson's cousin 
  • SHYLI Alumni: Makana Tavares welcomes Lana'i youth delegation
SHYLI-Lanai's mission is to train young people to become leaders of a more sustainable island. The pilot program began in 2013 when three Lanai youth were nominated by LHES to serve as delegates to the Summit held with island youth on Martha's Vineyard. They became members of SHYLI's year-round fellowship program where they developed Sustainability-In-Action Projects with Lana'i organizations. They participated in Job Shadow Day with Pulama Lanai employees and Oahu organizations. They shared their vision for a sustainable Lanai at SHYLI's Youth & Community Forum on Oahu on April 4. SHYLI is a branch of the Stone Soup Leadership Institute, a non-profit organization founded on Martha's Vineyard in 1997. For more information:

You are invited to nominate Lanai youth to SHYLI-Lanai and serve as a delegate to the 
10th Annual Youth Leadership Summit for Sustainable Development.


Soup 4 the World


Sustainable Hawaii Youth Leadership Initiative *

The Stone Soup Leadership Institute *