The Big Game Hunter, Inc.
No B. S. Coaching Advice Ezine
Coaching from
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

October 4, 2016
Jeff Altman
The Big Game Hunter 

Jeff has been a coach professional recruiter for more than 40 years. He has filled 1200 positions plus consulting assignments.

Are You or Your Firm Trying to Hire Someone? Call me at   
This is going to be a special type of issue of No BS Coaching Advice Ezine.

Instead of the usual videos and articles I provide, I am going to make two requests and provide you with a link to one of my Kindle offerings that includes a short guide plus two of my books combined for $.99

I hope you find it helpful.


Please Support My Walk for World Peace

On November 5, 2016, I will be participating in a Walk for World Peace to raise money for opening a meditation center in Asheville, NC.

In my practice, I have learned that there can be no peace in the world without inner peace and that starts with me.

For those of you who are receiving this ezine for free, I have been supporting you freely with time and effort that I hope you find helpful (more about that in another section). 

I would appreciate your financial support in whatever form you feel you can afford. Please follow this link to make your pledge.

VP Investment Banking

New York, NY

Do you know someone qualified?

Want to Diagnose Where Your Job Search Is Going Wrong?

If you are like most job hunters, there are times when your search may break down and you aren't quite sure what to do.

I recently released a short guide for Kindle called, "Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems: Figuring Out Where the Problem Is." The will allow you to sort through where in the process things are breaking down for you.

Bundled with it is "No BS Resume Advice," and "Interview Preparation," two ebooks I sell separately on Amazon.

Together, they are $.99 even though I charge $5 for the others.

To order and download, follow the link

Senior C++ Software Engineer

Chicago IL


How Can I Help?

 What subjects do you want me to address in future issues of No BS Coaching Advice Ezine?

Tell me how I can help you. Really. Tell me.

Drop a note to me at
Psst. Can You Use a Leadership Coach? 

If there is one thing I know it is that most people make things harder on themselves by trying to figure things out alone. 

Even if someone asks for advice, often it is from people who can't help them or don't know enough.

Instead of trying to figure things out at work, let me help you by being a second set of eyes on a problem and help you "play big." Help you with being a bold spirited leader. Help you sort things out.

If you are interested, drop a note to me at and put "Leadership" in the subject line.

Join me on and let me help you find work more quickly.

Currently, over 400 pieces of content are available and easily organized including all of my books and guides to job hunting, plus curated videos, podcasts and articles.

You can ask me questions through the site or we can speak for 10-15 minutes so you can get my input on things.

In addition, you receive $25 off coaching, resume critiques, LinkedIn profile critiques (or both)

Join and start taking positive action to head off more job search struggles.


Although you think of me for job hunting, my work is evolving into leadership and executive coaching.

Drop a note to me if you or someone you know is interested in hiring a coach to help them develop further.
