Did you know that fishing gear is the leading cause of human-related deaths of Sarasota Bay dolphins? We will be talking more about that next year, but in the meantime you can learn about these and other threats dolphins are facing in a new publication I have out this month: “Human Impacts on Dolphins,” chapter 14 in the new book The Physiology of Dolphins edited by our colleague Dr. Andreas Fahlman and Dr. Sascha K. Hooker. In this chapter, Andreas and I teamed up to tell the story of the growing human pressure being put on dolphin communities like Sarasota Bay’s and the implications it has for their future.
Before I sign off for 2023, I’d also like to take a moment to thank our staff — Drs. Katie McHugh, Krystan Wilkinson, Christina Toms and Kathryn Holmes, and Jason Allen, Robyn Allen, Aaron Barleycorn, Kim Bassos-Hull, Eizabeth Berens McCabe, Jonathan Crossman, Carolyn Cush, Kylee DiMaggio, and Allison Honaker — and our students and colleagues around the world. Because of their collective efforts, SDRP is able to have a positive impact on dolphins here in Sarasota, throughout the U.S. and worldwide.
I’d also like to thank you for your ongoing and continued support of the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program. We couldn’t do it without you!
Here’s looking ahead to a new year of fair winds, cooler waters, and following seas!
Randy Wells