National Institute for Latino Policy (NiLP)

25 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011


Board of Directors
José R. Sánchez
Edgar DeJesus
Israel Colon
Maria Rivera
   Development Chair

Hector Figueroa

Tanya K. Hernandez
 Angelo Falcón

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National Latino Opinion Leaders Survey

Latino Opinion Leaders

on Hate Speech and the Media

By Angelo Falcón (August 30, 2016)


To download a free copy of the report, click here


The Presidential candidacy of Donald Trump has raised the issue of the role of anti-Latino hate speech to a new level. To what degree has Trump raised the level of hate speech against Latinos and what effect would this have on this community? This survey also explores the general use and assessment by the Latino opinion leaders of the media during this election period.


Polls almost exclusively focus on adults or registered voters when asking Latinos their views. However, such polling spefically of Latino leaders is largely absent. The National Institute for Latino Policy has developed the National Latino Opinion Leaders Survey to address this lacuna, given the important role Latino community leaders plays in setting its agenda and framing issues.


To our knowledge, no comparable ongoing survey of Latino opinion leaders exists at present. The National Latino Opinion Leaders Survey, therefore, is a unique resource that provides yet another window into the opinions of this important segment of the national electorate.


This online survey was conducted by the National Institute for Latino Policy (NiLP) during August 14-22, 2016. A total of 389 Latino opinion leaders participated from 31 states, Puerto Rico and Guam. While this may be the closest thing to an ongoing survey of national Latino leadership in existence today, it is not based on a scientific sample, making our findings only suggestive of broader trends and attitudes (to see a similar survey conducted once recently by another organization, click here). The intent of the NiLP survey is to stimulate discussion and debate on critical issues facing the Latino community by providing some insights into the thinking of a broad range of engaged Latino leaders. Special thanks to media expert Federico Subervi, and attorney Jessica Gonzalez of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, for their contribution to the design of this section of the survey.



"NationalAnti-Hate Speech Campaign: Media Coverage," compiled by the National Hispanic Media Coalition (August 2016)


The NiLP Report on Latino Policy & Politics is an online information service provided by the National Institute for Latino Policy. For further information, visit www.latinopolicy. org. Send comments to