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March 8, 2022
New Fact Sheet: Dual Language Learners in Early Care & Education
Dual language learner households were less likely than English language families to enroll in center-based early care and education and more likely than English language families to rely on parental care only, according to OELA’s newest fact sheet. Dual Language Learners in Early Care and Education presents information about children under the age of six growing up speaking a language other than English at home. Disparities between dual language learner households and English language households in accessing high-quality, affordable, early care and education options are highlighted.
Watch – Keeping the Promise: Higher Education and Afghan Newcomers
On Friday, March 4, ED hosted a webinar focused on how the higher education community can help Afghan evacuees and other refugees. This conversation featured:
  • Diya Abdo, Every Campus A Refuge and Guilford College
  • Shelly Calabrese and Ali Schaeffing, Russell Sage College
  • Jennifer Fish, Old Dominion University
  • Patty Perillo, University of Maryland
  • Anthony Ruiz, Nevada State College
  • Nancy Zimpher, National Association of System Heads 
Panelists discussed how higher education partners can extend their services to Afghan evacuees and refugees more broadly and support their successful transition into our country and respective communities. In addition, we learned how our institutions and systems are rising to the occasion and providing an array of supports and opportunities to Afghan evacuees, such as school supplies for children, housing, workforce development, and translation services. Finally, we discussed how our education system can support them in pursuing new skills and credentials.  
Questions about this event or other ways that ED is Keeping the Promise to our Afghan allies and their families can be sent to
IES Research Methods Training Workshop Opportunities
The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) is funding four research methods training programs that are holding workshops this summer. These workshops support the training of current education researchers to expand and upgrade their methodological skills. Participants include individuals located in colleges and universities, state and local education agencies, education-focused organizations, and companies that have developed and deployed education-related products and services. The four training workshops include the following:

  • Cluster-Randomized Trials (June 20–30, 2022): This program provides training on rigorous evaluations of the impact of education interventions, including planning, implementing, and analyzing data for cluster-randomized trials. The workshop will be held June 20–30. Applications are due by March 18.
  • Evidence-based Intervention Training for Education (June 21–24, 2022): This program trains teams (2–6 people) working together on the use of evidence-based interventions in school/educational settings. The teams may come from the same school or district and include research partners. The training will be held June 21–24, with follow-up coaching provided during the academic year. Applications are due by April 15.
  • Economic Analysis (July 6–8; July 11–15, 2022): This program will hold two workshops. The first is a 3-day training (July 6–8) designed for state and local analysts who support significant policy decisions and the allocation of educational resources within and across districts. The second is a 5-day training (July 11–15) designed for education researchers undertaking or planning to undertake cost-effectiveness and benefit-cost analyses in education. Applications are due by noon on March 31.
  • Meta-Analysis (July 24–30, 2022): This program will train researchers in state-of-the-art meta-analytic techniques. The workshop will be held July 24–30. Applications are due by March 31.
ED Invites Applicants for Innovations in Assessment Systems
ED is releasing the 2022 notice inviting applications (NIA) for the Competitive Grants for State Assessments program, a program designed to enhance the quality of state assessment systems to better reflect the needs and experiences of our nation’s students and communities. The program will award up to $17.7 million in grants to 4–6 state education agencies, with estimated grant awards of up to $3 million per grantee. Grantees will use these grant funds over a period of up to 4 years. Applicants can focus on assessment systems for ELs based on multiple measures, competency-based education, and improved reporting of assessment results to parents and educators.

Applications will be due on April 18, 2022. Successful applicants will be selected, and awards will be made by September 2022. Officials from OESE will also conduct a webinar for potential applicants in the coming weeks. Registration information for the webinar, the application for this grant program, and additional information about the Competitive Grants for State Assessments program is available online.
Explore ED's Open Data Platform
Do you want to see more education datasets? Are you researching education? Want to know how developers can access education data? ED’s Open Data Platform is bringing transparency to our public data in a way that is accessible, valuable, and user-friendly.

Email to share what new datasets you want to see from ED. And be sure to check out the data explorers, like ED Data Express, ED’s Civil Rights Data Collection, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Data Explorer, and more! 
Upcoming Events
State and local education leaders are invited to this Town Hall event sponsored by the Comprehensive Center Network that will feature researcher and educator Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings on the importance of culturally responsive pedagogy and practices in recruiting, preparing, retaining, and supporting a diverse educator workforce. After her keynote presentation, Dr. Ladson-Billings will engage with a panel of youth who will illuminate our understanding through their experiences and insights. Audience members will have the opportunity to participate in this moderated session.
In this session from the Illinois Resource Center, participants will explore tools for setting up an early childhood environment for ELs with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Experiences and strategies for supporting ELs with IEPs in pre-K will be discussed. Common misconceptions around ELs with IEPs will be reviewed.
March 17
Webinar Series
Join the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) and Vista for Empowering Multilingual Learners, a free three-part webinar series for dual language and English language educators. The first episode, Empowering Multilingual Learners with Digital Learning Resources will be hosted by CAL's Manager of Professional Development Content, Maria Cieslak.
The AAAL conference, hosted this year in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is known for its in-depth symposia and focused workshops on key issues in applied linguistics; sessions on a wide range of research studies, in progress or completed; stimulating plenary sessions; and access to the latest publications via their book exhibit. 
During TESOL 2022, English language teaching professionals will gather to learn about innovative tools, techniques and strategies, public policy issues, new research, and best practices in the field. The convention will be hosted in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and will include over 900 sessions to learn from, including live in-person and virtual sessions. 
With the support of the Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Steering (SILS) Committee and the American Indian/Indigenous Teacher Education Conference (AIITEC) Planning Committee, a decision was made to host a combined SILS/AIITEC conference as a hybrid conference at NAU Flagstaff Campus that allows for both virtual and in-person attendance. The deadline for proposal submission is April 15. Download the proposal form and email completed proposals to
In the News
New York City Council Member Rita Joseph, who herself came to the U.S. as a child from Haiti, represents District 40 in Brooklyn. Joseph, who spent more than 20 years as a public school teacher, is committed to supporting ELs and their educators in post-pandemic recovery. Joseph notes that she witnessed firsthand the negative effects that the pandemic had on ELs and their families in her district. These include learning attrition, lack of access to technology, confusion about navigating online learning, and low graduation rates. Joseph plans to advocate for additional funding for enrichment and assessments to provide targeted academic support. She also plans to push for more mental health services for students and educators. 
Nevada Appeal
About 9% of ELs in Nevada’s Carson City School District met the criteria to exit language assistance programs during the 2020–21 school year. This presents a 5% drop from the typical rate of around 14%. The district is currently assessing additional ways in which it can support ELs academically and with language development. District teachers continue to work on getting their English Language Acquisition and Development licenses through the city’s partnership with a university in Southern Utah. 
Inside IES Research
This interview with Dr. Xigrid Soto-Boykin is part of a series showcasing a diverse group of IES-funded education researchers and fellows who are making significant contributions to education research, policy, and practice. Dr. Soto-Boykin recently completed an IES postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Kansas and is currently an assistant research professor and senior scientist at Arizona State University. Her research focuses on early childhood education for bilingual learners, including those with communication impairments. In the interview, Dr. Soto-Boykin discusses her career, the experiences that have shaped it, and how her work addresses equity and inclusion in early intervention.
Colorín Colorado
The substitute teacher shortage that has resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant but rarely discussed impact on ELs and their educators. Last fall, Colorín Colorado launched an anonymous survey about this topic. This article provides background on the issue of teacher shortages; reports educators’ reflections on how the substitute teacher shortage impacts ELs; provides some examples of how educators deal with this issue; and features system-wide approaches implemented by some districts to support their students and educators.
This brief focuses on the representation that ELs receive and makes suggestions on how to think and write about EL achievement. Recommendations for equitable and transparent coverage include interpreting assessment results with care, which includes looking at the achievement of exited ELs and noting their accomplishments; using better metrics such as English language proficiency assessments to contextualize EL assessment results; using data to explore new assessment angles, which includes including ELs as a part of the student population rather than a separate population; and exploring experiences of a new wave of students, such as newly arriving Afghan ELs.
Professional Learning
CARLA at the University of Minnesota provides high-quality professional development for language teachers that links research and theory with practical applications for the classroom. This summer, CARLA will offer 16 institutes (online and in-person) on a wide range of topics: Transforming the Teaching of Language Online, Teaching Language Through the Lens of Social Justice, Critical Approaches to Heritage Language Education, Teaching for Proficiency in Dual Language Immersion, and more.
Proposals are being accepted for conference sessions for the SIOP® Virtual Conference scheduled for July 13–15. This event offers new and seasoned educators an opportunity to reinvigorate and strengthen their teaching practices to successfully support multilingual learners. Presenters will be notified by April 11 of session acceptance or nonacceptance.
This 12-hour, synchronous institute, guided by CAL’s experience connecting research to practice and the CAL publication, Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education, provides information and tools to help school leaders gain a solid understanding of the benefits of dual language education, explore how they can develop a program that promotes student success in two languages, and increase their impact as leaders. 
The La Cosecha 2022 Hybrid Conference, scheduled for November 2–5 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, will focus on providing instructional and programmatic support to best serve ELs and emerging bilingual students. La Cosecha will feature over 180 professional presentations and workshops for supporting two-way and one-way immersion, developmental bilingual, and heritage/tribal language immersion programs and bring together educators, parents, researchers, and practitioners from across the U.S. The La Cosecha Conference Planning Committee invites you to share your promising practices, instructional strategies, research, experiences, and overall dual language expertise with your colleagues and dual language community by presenting at this year’s conference. 
DLeNM: Summer Institutes, Registration Open
  • June 1–2: AIM4S3 Math 2-Day Virtual Institute This institute is designed to deepen your mathematical understanding and support you in addressing students’ mathematical gaps. Join DLeNM to experience effective and engaging mathematics instructional strategies to support in-person instruction while deepening your own mathematical knowledge. This will be a hands-on institute targeting K–8 mathematics educators and secondary teachers working with ELs, emerging bilinguals, and students who struggle with math.
  • June 7–8: Hybrid Summer Institute 2022 – Join DLeNM in-person or virtually for sessions that will support you in building your understanding of powerful frameworks; engage in student-centered instructional strategies for the core content areas of math, language arts, social studies, and science; and deepen your understanding of how to integrate content and language to support ELs and emerging bilinguals.
Job Opportunities
Intercultural Development Research Association
San Antonio, TX
Connect With NCELA
Pi Day/International Day of Mathematics
The International Day of Mathematics, also known as Pi Day, is celebrated on March 14 because π, one of the most widely known mathematical constants, can be rounded to 3.14. Interested in practices for facilitating math instruction for ELs? Check out the NCELA Teaching Brief, Integrating Language While Teaching Mathematics, for five key teacher, educator, and leader practices. A companion podcast featuring Haiwen Chu explores three key themes: academic rigor for all students, quality interactions around math content, and purposeful language focus in a mathematics classroom.
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by Tuesday, March 15 for inclusion in the next edition of Nexus.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that every student, including ELs, is provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented on NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), or the U.S. Department of Education.