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December 7, 2021
DEIA Virtual Listening and Learning Sessions
The National Center for Education Research and the National Center for Special Education Research will host a series of virtual listening and learning sessions on broadening participation in research grant programs as well as diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in education research. Listening sessions will be posted on the Institute of Education Sciences website as they are scheduled.

  • Leveraging Black Voices in Education ResearchDecember 9 at 2:00 p.m. ET. Hosted jointly with the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Black Americans. Register
  • Leveraging Native American and Alaska Native Voices in Education ResearchDate to be determined. Hosted jointly with the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Native Americans and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities.
  • Leveraging Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Voices in Education ResearchDate to be determined. Hosted jointly with the White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders.
Pre-Application Webinars for the HEP and CAMP Programs
The Fiscal Year 2022 Notices Inviting Applications (NIAs) for the High School Equivalency Program (HEP) and College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) have been published in the Federal Register. The Department will hold a pre-application webinar for prospective applicants on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 1:30 PM ET, and will repeat the webinar on Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 1:30 PM ET. Visit the links below to join these webinars.

The High School Equivalency Program (HEP) helps migratory and seasonal farmworkers (or children of such workers) who are 16 years of age or older and not currently enrolled in school to obtain the equivalent of a high school diploma and, subsequently, to gain employment or begin postsecondary education or training. The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) assists students who are migratory or seasonal farmworkers (or children of such workers) enrolled in their first year of undergraduate studies at an institution of higher education (IHE). The CAMP funding supports completion of the first year of studies. Competitive five-year grants for HEP and CAMP projects are made to IHEs or to nonprofit private agencies that cooperate with such institutions.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+1 202-991-0393, 707465893# United States, Washington DC
Phone Conference ID: 707 465 893#
Information to join Thursday, December 9 webinar:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+1 202-991-0393,152090045# United States, Washington DC
Phone Conference ID: 152 090 045# 
Research-to-Practice: Promoting Leadership and Collaboration for an Effective Multitiered System of Supports (Brief 5)
Promoting Leadership and Collaboration for an Effective Multitiered System of Supports is the fifth and final brief in the series Meeting the Needs of English Learn­ers With and Without Disabilities. Brief 5 features the work of Projects ELITE, ELLIPSES, and LEE (model demonstration projects funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs) in implementing multitiered instructional models for ELs with and without disabilities in Grades 3 to 5. This brief highlights key strategies to foster leadership and build capacity among educators for effective multitiered frameworks for ELs with and without disabilities.
Topics covered in the brief include:
  • Fostering leadership as a foundation for successful implementation of a multitiered system of supports (MTSS) for ELs
  • Building capacity for successful implementation of the MTSS framework through professional learning and collective participation
  • Developing and providing job-embedded professional learning and fostering collaboration among staff who implement MTSS 
Upcoming Events
In a conversational style, this free 1-hour webinar from Saddleback engages participants along with the authors of Beyond Crises: Overcoming Linguistic and Cultural Inequities in Communities, Schools, and Classrooms in tackling some of the pervasive issues that educators of older multilingual learners face today and how some schools are addressing these successfully. Speakers include Debbie Zacarian, Margarita Espino Calderón, and Margo Gottlieb.
This webinar from Regional Education Laboratory (REL) Southwest will include an overview of Grow Your Own (GYO) teacher programs, the needs such programs are designed to address, and national GYO trends from REL Southwest’s Elizabeth Barkowski. Participants will also learn about on-the-ground GYO implementation from three districts: Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) and Crosbyton CISD in Texas, and Hamilton County Schools in Tennessee. 
December 15
Join this session to learn more about how WIDA focuses on both academic language development and academic achievement for culturally and linguistically diverse students. This free webinar introduces international and independent schools to WIDA and includes time for Q&A.
February 7–10, 2022
Registration is now open for the National Association for Bilingual Education’s (NABE) 2022 conference in New York City, New York. The theme is “Building a Globally Diverse Multilingual Society.”
The 8th International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Inclusive of all languages, program models, and educational levels, the 2022 conference brings together researchers and practitioners from the U.S. and around the world to share knowledge, expertise, and best practices in dual language and immersion education. The conference theme, “Embracing Languages and Cultures for A Better World,” represents the key tenets: diversity of languages, collaboration and inclusivity, and equity.
September 28-30, 2022
The 2022 WIDA Annual Conference will take place in Louisville, Kentucky, with a limited virtual option. The WIDA Annual Conference is the premier event for educators of multilingual learners, giving educators from around the globe the opportunity to share best practices and discover innovative classroom strategies. The call for proposals is now open and the deadline to submit a proposal is January 31, 2022. Registration for this event opens in spring of 2022.
In the News
Keisha Thorpe, a high school teacher from Langley Park, MD, became the winner of the Global Teacher Prize. Thorpe, who immigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica as a child, is an English teacher at International High School where more than 85% of students are Hispanic and 95% identify as low-income. Thorpe was selected for the award from more than 8,000 applicants and nominations. She believes that education is a human right and believes in empowering students to believe in themselves.
VPR News     
Burlington, VT, is home to ELs and their families who speak more than 40 languages. Nepali students make up the largest portion of ELs in Burlington. The district is taking the initiative to embrace, empower, challenge, and motivate their multilingual students at every grade level. The district made a commitment to decrease the instances of pulling ELs out of class for English instruction and instead focus on in-class support that can help develop English language skills in an academic context. Another part of this initiative is to ensure that ELs continue to develop their native language. Sunita Basnet, a Nepali-speaking language support specialist, works with students in and out of the classroom to help them develop English as well as Nepali language.
The author of this article consulted with Elizabeth Benavides, an English language specialist with 21 years of experience in education, about strategies for educators to make ELs feel welcome and succeed in school. Benavides highlights the importance of helping ELs make the transition into U.S. schools and some of the challenges that ELs and their families may experience with this transition, including English language proficiency. Some of the suggestions that can help ELs feel welcome, comfortable, and supported include learning the pronunciation of their names, affirming their contributions to classroom discussions, and using comprehensible input techniques to help them communicate. Benavides also highlights the importance of strong relationships between content and language teachers and specialists that can help ELs succeed academically.
Colorín Colorado
Amid another challenging year, gratitude can be a force that motivates students, families, and educators. Gratitude also has the potential of yielding numerous social and academic benefits such as contributing to a more positive school culture, boosting mental health, enriching social-emotional learning, and others. This article presents ideas, activities, and resources for discussing and practicing gratitude with students, school staff, families, and communities.
Education Week
This video features Mandy Smoker-Broaddus, an expert in Native education and member of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes in Montana. Smoker-Broaddus speaks about culturally responsive teaching, how it should be implemented to support multilingual and multicultural students, including native students, and its benefits. The expert highlights the important role that educators have in promoting a classroom environment where Native students feel respected and valued. 
Professional Learning
This series of professional development webinars focuses on improving instructional practice in 21st century heritage language schools. These interactive webinars address various topics such as the foundational elements of a successful school organization, instructional design alignment, online teaching methods, the application of web tools, and emerging learning technologies (e.g., 360/VR) in the classroom. The role of parents and peer learning strategies will be examined in depth. The workshops are purposefully designed for heritage language practitioners, administrators, and teachers. Participants may sign up for all webinars or just those they are interested in:
  • January 20, 2022: Technology-Infused Curriculum: Necessity or Opportunity
  • March 3, 2022: Parental Role in the Process of Heritage Language Learning
The lineup for the 26th annual Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) Summer Institute Program is now available. The CARLA summer institutes are primarily targeted at elementary through postsecondary foreign/world language educators and language teacher educators. In some cases, the institutes are also appropriate for English as a Second Language or English as a Foreign Language teachers.
The School Ambassador Fellowship program is designed to enable outstanding teachers, administrators, and other school leaders, such as school counselors, psychologists, social workers, and librarians, to bring their school and classroom expertise to the Department and to expand their knowledge of the national dialogue about education. The School Ambassador Fellowship is a professional learning community designed to improve educational outcomes for students by leveraging the expertise of school-based practitioners in the creation, evaluation, and dissemination of information around national education initiatives.
The call for proposals for the 2022 ACTFL Annual Convention is open. Compelling proposals address the needs of today’s learners and educators by focusing on innovative programs, emerging trends, and research-informed practices.
The 2022–2023 Fellow Application for the English Language Fellow Program is now open. The program sends experienced U.S. TESOL professionals on paid teaching assignments at universities and other academic institutions around the world. Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until all projects are filled, although you are encouraged to apply early in order to have the best chance of being considered for all available projects. Candidates that apply before the priority application deadline are the first to enter the project matching phase when it begins in January.
Job Opportunities
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
Cambridge Public Schools
Cambridge, MA
Connect With NCELA
The National Professional Development (NPD) program supports professional development activities designed to improve classroom instruction for ELs and assist educational personnel working with such children to meet high professional standards. Check out OELA’s discretionary report on the 2016 and 2017 NPD cohorts to learn more.
  • In 2019–20, more than 10,000 pre-K–12 teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, school support staff, and families participated in programs administered by the 2016 and 2017 grantees.
  • More than 1,100 preservice teachers were served in teacher preparation programs administered by both cohorts, with 80% of the grantees meeting their participation and recruitment targets.
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by Tuesday, December 14 for inclusion in the next edition of Nexus.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that every student, including ELs, is provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented on NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), or the U.S. Department of Education.