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January 11, 2022
Survey: We Want to Hear from You!
We’re conducting a review of NCELA’s resources. We’d like to hear from you about which resources are most useful and what content you’d like to see in the future. The survey should take less than 5 minutes, and your responses are completely anonymous. 
Visit the NCELA home page to take the survey (the survey will pop up on the screen). If you have any questions, please email us:
Upcoming Events
The 2022 NAELPA Conference welcomes state and local education agency leaders from across the country. This year’s theme, “Advancing Linguistic Equity Through Program Leadership,” underscores the focus for all attendees on the unique needs of multilingual children and the ability to maximize services for these students across all Elementary and Secondary Education Act programs. Participants include state agency officials, school district administrators, school building leaders, and teachers — all gaining new knowledge, instructional strategies, and skills needed to transform student learning.
February 7–10
Registration is now open for the National Association for Bilingual Education’s (NABE) 2022 conference in New York City, New York. The theme is “Building a Globally Diverse Multilingual Society.”
The 8th International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Inclusive of all languages, program models, and educational levels, the 2022 conference brings together researchers and practitioners from the U.S. and around the world to share knowledge, expertise, and best practices in dual language and immersion education. The conference theme, “Embracing Languages and Cultures for A Better World,” represents the key tenets: diversity of languages, collaboration and inclusivity, and equity.
September 28-30
The 2022 WIDA Annual Conference will take place in Louisville, Kentucky, with a limited virtual option. The WIDA Annual Conference is the premier event for educators of multilingual learners, giving educators from around the globe the opportunity to share best practices and discover innovative classroom strategies. The call for proposals is now open and the deadline to submit a proposal is January 31, 2022. Registration for this event opens in spring of 2022.
In the News
Public Radio Tulsa   
In addition to expanding its language program by creating language immersion schools, the Cherokee Nation is making another effort to preserve and teach its native language. Cherokee linguists and speakers are in the process of creating an online dictionary that will help preserve the Cherokee language. With only about 2,000 first-language speakers remaining in the tribe, the Nation hopes that the online dictionary will be a valuable digital tool where, in addition to other features, learners will be able to hear the Cherokee language in everyday use.
Daily KOS
This article presents two examples of how school districts on the opposite coasts of the country support newly arriving Afghan refugee students. In San Diego, California, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) partners with seven schools in an effort to help support refugee students. Through its Refugee Education, Acculturation, Civic Engagement, and Health program, IRC provides wraparound services that help newcomers and their families navigate the U.S. education system. Another example of Afghan refugee support comes from Annandale, Virginia, where refugee supports include peer helpers who are assigned to help newly arrived students acclimate and become familiar with many aspects of attending U.S. schools.
This study examines long-term growth trajectories of ELs starting in elementary grades and describes systematic patterns underlying the process of students who “get stuck” in long-term EL status and those who move toward English proficiency more quickly. Motivated by findings of a 2018 WIDA report pointing to substantial overlap between ELs with Individualized Education Program (IEP) designations and those ELs who could be identified as long-term ELs, this study further focuses on these dual-identified students.
Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
This brief discusses the importance of culturally sensitive assessment and intervention practices for language and vocabulary development for Native American children. Through an IES grant, the author and her colleagues developed a culturally based intervention for kindergarten children at risk for speech and language impairment and a training program for teachers and speech-language pathologists. As a result of her IES-funded research, the author makes several recommendations for ensuring culturally sensitive interventions such as including members of the tribes into the process of intervention and assessment, developing culturally relevant and sensitive materials, and respecting differences of cultural practices within the Native American communities.
Professional Learning
The School Ambassador Fellowship program is designed to enable outstanding teachers, administrators, and other school leaders, such as school counselors, psychologists, social workers, and librarians, to bring their school and classroom expertise to the Department and to expand their knowledge of the national dialogue about education. The School Ambassador Fellowship is a professional learning community designed to improve educational outcomes for students by leveraging the expertise of school-based practitioners in the creation, evaluation, and dissemination of information around national education initiatives.
The call for proposals for the 2022 ACTFL Annual Convention is open. Compelling proposals address the needs of today’s learners and educators by focusing on innovative programs, emerging trends, and research-informed practices.
This series of professional development webinars focuses on improving instructional practice in 21st century heritage language schools. These interactive webinars address various topics such as the foundational elements of a successful school organization, instructional design alignment, online teaching methods, the application of web tools, and emerging learning technologies (e.g., 360/VR) in the classroom. The role of parents and peer learning strategies will be examined in depth. The workshops are purposefully designed for heritage language practitioners, administrators, and teachers. Participants may sign up for all webinars or just those they are interested in:
  • January 20: Technology-Infused Curriculum: Necessity or Opportunity
  • March 3: Parental Role in the Process of Heritage Language Learning
Proposals are now being accepted for conference sessions for the SIOP® Virtual Conference scheduled for July 13–15. This event offers new and seasoned educators an opportunity to reinvigorate and strengthen their teaching practices to successfully support multilingual learners. Presenters will be notified by April 11 of session acceptance or nonacceptance.
Job Opportunities
Cambridge Public Schools
Cambridge, MA
Walker Charter Academy/National Heritage Academies
Walker, MI
Connect With NCELA
Fact Sheet: Migratory Children Who Are ELs

In school year 2017–18, 40.1% of migratory children were ELs, according to OELA’s fact sheet Migratory Children Who Are English Learners. This fact sheet discusses the unique educational needs of migratory children, states with the greatest number and highest percentage of migratory children, and student performance on statewide assessments.

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by Tuesday, January 18 for inclusion in the next edition of Nexus.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that every student, including ELs, is provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented on NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), or the U.S. Department of Education.