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June 7, 2022
Information ELevated: ELs with Disabilities
The latest episode of Information ELevated explores new data on ELs with disabilities from the Office of English Language Acquisition’s (OELA) forthcoming 2018–20 Biennial Report. One out of seven (15.3%) identified K–12 ELs was also dually identified as having a disability in SY 2018–19. That number increased slightly to 15.5% in SY 2019–20. The episode also highlights the states with the highest and lowest percentages of ELs with disabilities.
Check out the full Information ELevated series, featuring snapshots of EL data and a first look at new publications.
Upcoming Events
The Intercultural Development Research Association EAC-South brings together educational leaders, teachers, and community organizers to focus on individual, institutional, and systems-level work to identify and remove barriers for students. In this workshop-style convening, participants will get tools and information to open access and opportunity for students, foster equitable learning environments, and increase and support pathways to culturally sustaining schools.
With the support of the Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Steering (SILS) Committee and the American Indian/Indigenous Teacher Education Conference (AIITEC) Planning Committee, a decision was made to host a combined SILS/AIITEC hybrid conference at NAU Flagstaff Campus that allows for both virtual and in-person attendance.
June 17–18
Virtual Conference
Join TABE for this virtual conference that will be available to all participants live on Zoom and available via video-on-demand until August 30.
The event is a professional development opportunity for educators to learn about U.S. federal and international education issues and advocate for policies that support ELs and the field of English language education. Participants will learn from experts about the latest education policy, share local issues impacting their work, and meet with legislators.
July 13–15
Virtual Conference
Attend keynotes and sessions led by SIOP® authors, guest keynote speaker Kelly Yang (author of Front Desk), and K–12 educators from across the U.S. Learn best practices to foster academic language development and make learning relevant and comprehensible for language learners.
September 28–30 
Hybrid Conference 
Registration is now open for the 2022 WIDA Annual Conference. The WIDA Annual Conference is the premier event for educators of K–12 multilingual learners, giving educators from around the globe the opportunity to share best practices and discover innovative classroom strategies. The in-person conference will take place in Louisville, KY. In addition to the in-person conference, a curated virtual option will be available.
November 2–5
Hybrid Conference
This November, come together at La Cosecha Dual Language Conference in Santa Fe, NM, to share current theory, best practices, and resources and build networks to fuel community efforts for a better future for our children! This national conference brings together the largest gathering of educators, parents, researchers, and practitioners supporting dual language, two-way immersion, one-way developmental bilingual, and one-way heritage language immersion programs from across the United States.
In the News
Daily Democrat
The Woodland School District in Woodland, CA, recognized 176 ELs who have demonstrated English competency, resulting in their reclassification to fluent English proficient. Of the 176, 112 were high school seniors who had their oral and written competency in at least two languages acknowledged, thereby allowing them to receive the Seal of Biliteracy. This year’s languages included Spanish, French, American Sign Language, and Tagalog.
The Arizona Department of Education announced on Thursday that it will award $10 million for an English language learners program through a collaboration with the nonprofit WestEd. The funding will go toward WestEd’s Quality Teaching for English Learners, which will implement rigorous, generative instruction for students to accelerate learning. The program will develop English language proficiency standards, a language development approach, and structured English immersion program models.
New Mexico Public Education Department
This guide is the latest New Mexico Public Education Department resource for educators serving EL students. The guide provides a step-by-step process for deciding on, making, and testing a change in practice. That process starts with educators developing greater understanding about the particular education needs of their EL students, then using the guide to identify which high-level promising practice(s) might best meet those needs in their particular context. 
Institute of Education Sciences
The study examined two statewide cohorts of American Indian students identified as EL students in New Mexico public schools. The study found that most American Indian EL students were not reclassified as English proficient within 5 years. Similarly, most American Indian ELs did not meet grade-level standards on New Mexico state assessments in English language arts and math in Grades 3 and 4, regardless of whether they attained English proficiency and were reclassified within 5 years. However, considerably higher percentages of American Indian EL students who were reclassified as English proficient met grade-level standards in both English language arts and math compared with students who were not reclassified. 
Reflections on Teaching English Learners
When it comes to multilingual learners, terms vary by geographic region, and certain terms are preferred over others by some groups or organizations. Information in this blog provides definitions and examples of use for the wide variety of terms used for students who are not yet fully proficient in academic English and qualify for language support services. 
Professional Learning
Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL): Virtual Institutes, Registration Open
CAL Institutes provide research-based strategies and practical, hands-on tools and help teachers meet the language and literacy demands of content instruction for all language learners.

California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE): 2023 Institute Proposal/Call for Workshop Presentations, Deadline: July 29
CABE is seeking presentations that engage participants in topics related to quality education

NABE will hold its 52nd Annual Conference on February 22–25, 2023, in Portland, OR. Abstract proposal submission is open until July 31. Proposals that demonstrate how their topic addresses one or more of the following competitive priorities will be able to earn extra points in the proposal review: dual language learners, multilingual/multiliteracy, and ELs. Early Bird Discount Registration is now open and will end November 4. On-site and online registration packages are available. Visit for more information.
The English Language Fellow Program is now recruiting applicants for the 2022–2023 academic year. The English Language Fellow Program sends experienced U.S. TESOL professionals on paid in-country teaching assignments at universities and other academic institutions around the world. Fellow projects are 10-month, full-time positions for professionals with a graduate degree in English language teaching and TESOL teaching experience. In return, the program provides professionals with a platform to build skills that can greatly enhance their TESOL careers. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until all projects have been filled.
TQ is seeking proposals from prospective guest editors for the 2024 special topic issue. Proposals are chosen by the TQ Editorial Advisory Board, and the guest editor(s) are responsible for overseeing the review process and selecting the content of the issue. The issue will appear in September 2024. 
Job Opportunities
LEEP Dual Language Academy Charter School
Brooklyn, NY
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Milwaukee, WI
Connect With NCELA
Fact Sheet: EL Learning Opportunities and the COVID-19 Pandemic

A recent fact sheet from OELA explores the learning opportunities offered to ELs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data is based on the School Survey Dashboard, which includes information on students in Grades 4 and 8. In January 2021, 62% of Grade 8 ELs were enrolled in remote instruction — a higher percentage than all students in Grade 8 (48%), Grade 4 ELs (52%), and all students in Grade 4 (43%). From January to May 2021, ELs and all students experienced a decrease in remote learning, as more students transitioned to hybrid and in-person instruction.
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by Tuesday, June 14 for inclusion in the next edition of Nexus.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
Disclaimer: NCELA Nexus is intended to share information that can be of use to educators, parents, learners, leaders, and other stakeholders in their efforts to ensure that every student, including ELs, is provided with the highest quality education and expanded opportunities to succeed. The information and materials presented on NCELA Nexus do not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NCELA, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA), or the U.S. Department of Education.