We are continuing our experimentation with some new forms of communication. This is a new version of the monthly newsletter. We think you will find engaging and helpful. You will also be receiving the newsletter in its previous format in a separate email. This is a way for us to be sure our new system does not cause anyone to miss the newsletter (and to get our list properly updated if needed). Thanks for your understanding and help in making our connection to one another as strong as can be.
Worship & Discipleship Opportunities

First United Methodist Church
9:15 AM: 
Celebration Service

 9:30 AM: 
Connections Small Group

 9:45 AM:
 Faith Builders Sunday School Class
 Adult Fellowship Class

 10:00 AM: 
Sunday School classes:
Children and Youth 
Adult Seekers Class

11:00 AM: 
Traditional Service
The Traditional Service is broadcast each Sunday on
Brenham Radio
KWHI/AM 1280 at 11:00 a.m.
Newsletter Deadline

Your next newsletter deadline will be
Thursday, October 20, 2022 by 4:00 PM. 
If you have a submission for the newsletter, please email your written article to or submit a handwritten article to the church office.
 Thank you.
To my fellow disciples,

My prayer for each of us is that we find the life that is truly life – the one found in
Jesus – and that we live our life with and for him. My desire for you and for me and for all those we might reach, is that we know, love, and follow Jesus more and more. He is the one we pledge our allegiance to. He is the Lord we follow. He is the one we look to for transformation and hope and renewal.

It is also something we do together. We were never meant to be solitary believers living our own brand of faithfulness. We are called to be connected to a community of faith. And I am thankful to be connected to this one. It is not a connection that comes naturally, it takes effort and commitment. This is why we ask members to take a vow when they join the church. It’s why we now use our “Joining Sundays” to also renew those vows – so we voice our commitment to one another.

During worship throughout the month of October we will be looking at those vows of membership and where Scripture connects to those commitments we make. We are the people of one book – the Bible – and so our life together must always align with and grow out of God’s Word.

I hope you will be in worship each Sunday during October for that conversation. I also hope you will be there because we will be talking particularly about one of our commitments – supporting this congregation and its mission with our gifts. We know that congregations that approach financial stewardship as a priority and from a biblical perspective see money not simply as a way to pay the bills, but a way to help us and others grow in faith, grow in our relationship with God.

October 30th will be “Consecration Sunday”. Throughout October every member – of every age – is encouraged to pray this prayer: “God, what would you have me give?” And then, on October 30th we will take time in our worship services to fill out an Estimate of Giving card, where each member/family can make a commitment based on what God has called them to give.

I love using this process for several reasons. One, it is grounded in prayer. It is not simply a budget calculation, but a God-directed work. Any time we rely on God’s direction we find a greater blessing. Two, it is not about making some arbitrary budget we think we need to meet. It may even be that the faithfulness of our members leads to a budget we never imagined. Lastly, it is not an intensive push to get people to give. There are no home visits or phone calls asking for a pledge. There may be an invitation to a celebration (yet to be figured out based on Activity Center challenges), but that would be it.

At this time, all I would ask of you is to begin praying – “God, what would you have me give?” Look over your finances as you pray. Let God show you what you could do to help further his work here at FUMC Brenham. I know that just spending time in that prayer will bless you. And then the generosity you offer will be exponentially better for your soul, I have no doubt.

I’ll see you on Sundays. May God bless you and may God bless us all.

Pastor Mike
Methodist Weekday
Childcare Development Center
On October 31st we will be having a Costume Parade day!
The children will be walking down the hallways parading their amazing costumes.

Youth Events
Handbell Rehearsal
Wednesday evenings 5:45 PM
in the Fellowship House
Choir practice
Wednesday evenings 7:00 PM
in the sanctuary

Wednesday evenings at 8:00 PM
in the sanctuary
Anyone who would like to participate
is welcome to come or contact Matt

Children’s Corner

FUMC Brenham Children's Ministry 

In September, we began our Walk With Jesus! Each week, we mark where we have been or where we would like to travel on a huge USA map! This is a visual reminder that Jesus is with us everywhere we travel! We have started at the beginning with the Creation story! We know that while God created EVERYTHING, and made us in His image, He was also there! God is everywhere! Each week, we have a different “Active” focus: ie craft, scavenger hunt, game, or mission. 

Our mission focus this month was to collect SHOES for the RAINBOW ROOM of Washington County. THANK YOU!!!! We prayed over each and every shoe that was donated. We know it will make a mighty impact on these kids!
A HUGE Happy Birthday to our Favorite October Kids!

Andrew Pauler (10/7)

Attikus Grabarschick (10/16)

FUMC Children uses Remind to send QUICK reminders!To be added to the list, simply text @fumckid123 to the #81010

October 9: Prayer Partner Kick Off! We invite you to join us in praying for the children of our church! Beginning on October 9, we will have the names of children in the Sunday school program and Weekday Ministries Program. Choose a child and commit to praying for them!!
October 16: Movie Night! Join the us as we watch “Running the Bases” at 5 PM, Westwood Cinema 6.
Mission Sundays!
OCTOBER Mission Sundays! The Children’s Sunday School, in conjunction with the Youth, will be collecting NEW TWIN SHEET SETS, TWIN MATTRESS COVERS, and NEW PILLOWS for Child Protective Services in October. Children pulled from homes many times are sent to a home that doesn’t have a bed for them. The CDC, in conjunction with St. Paul’s, has built twin bed kits for these kids. We are looking forward to having the youth and children help to build the beds, too, for their November mission focus. HOWEVER, the CDC is in need of the topping for these beds: sheets, mattress covers, and pillows. Collection boxes will be placed around the campus if you would like to help us be the hands and feet of Jesus! We will collect new twin sheets, covers and pillows through October 30. Thank you!
Prayer Concerns

Audrey Boney
Beverly Duree 
Marshia Foster
Sue Hewitt
Virginia Hodde
David Husmann
Mary Jane & Clarence Jean
Beverly Leyrer
Shirley McIntyre
Debbie Pauler
Red Powell
Pastor Kay Reed
Tom Rogers
Edna Rote
Jan Stratton
Jody Tyson
Hank Voelter
Elaine & Ron Walberg
Faye Wubbenhorst
Nelms' Family


Cheryl Dierking Buenger
Bruce Buenger
Chuck Burley
Mark Collier
Dorene Drake
Haley Dugas
Rick Fitzgerald
Yvonne Hegefeld
Kathi Ivy
Sharon & Fred Ketcham
David & Linda Kiemsteadt
Don Manchester
Kay and Douglas Marek
Susan McMurray
Cindy Mullins
Janice Murphy
Steve Nelson
Lisa & Georgie Oresco
Gregg Owens
Jim Pool
Carrie Polwart
Karen Presley
Sue Quin
Stan Royal
Frankie Rudd
Barbara Scates
Cory Schibler
Britany Sims
Marissa Spangler
Susan Stollman
Barbara Wilganowski
Linda Wilson
Amy Wrigley
Linda-Gary Hewitt’s Aunt

Please let us know if the prayers of the church have been answered so we can praise God and keep this list updated.
Thank you letter
 I would like to thank everyone for the cards, payers, phone calls , and get well wishes I received after my knee surgery. I'm doing better everyday.

Love in Christ
Louise Goodrich

Sunday,  September 4, 2022
Offering:                $14,146.80
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Offering:              $16,443.00
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Offering:                $8,990.00

Sunday, September 25, 2022
Offering:              $3,736.23

  2022 Budget: $623,815.00


Offering Needed Each
Week: $11,997.00

Average Weekly Offering 
YTD: $10,816.00

October Calendar
Click here to
see the calendar
Please note that our annual Charge Conference is October 23rd at 3:30pm in the Activity Center. This is the meeting where our District Superintendent, Rev. Steve Woody, will come to preside as we elect leaders for 2023 and set clergy salaries.
Contact Us
408 North Baylor, Brenham, TX 77833-3213
Methodist Weekday Child Development Center
Church Staff
Rev. Mike Lindstrom, Senior Pastor
Pastor Madison Garcia, Associate Pastor
Chris Ann Stroech, Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Matt Hulon, Minister of Music
Diane Garrett, Organist
Maxwell Burgess, Celebration Worship Leader
 Kris Trevino, Office Manager
Iliana Flores, Administrative Assistant
Michelle Lookingbill, Lead Administrator
Lelli Hernandez, Child Development Center Director
Lelli Hernandez, Nursery Coordinator
Cindy Mathis, Custodian