Dear family and those yet to be...

It's a bit of a strange greeting, no doubt. But the first part is just a reality of what Jan and I feel in this church every day. It feels more and more like family with every passing moment. We feel extremely blessed to be included in the love you share and the love of God you show on a regular basis.

And then there are those "yet to be." I miss them most of all. Who are they, you ask? I have no idea. Not yet. These are the people longing for a place to connect with others in a real way; to connect with God in a deep way - or for some, in ANY way. These are the people we have been called to reach. It is for just such a time as this that God has made us the church at 408 N Baylor. We are not here for our edification alone, but for the work of helping others find light in what feels like an ever-darkening world.

During Lent we will talk about the reality of what it means to follow Jesus - the family connection, the struggles we face, the call to serve. If you know people who are disconnected from God, disconnected from a family of faith, disconnected from the belief that being part of those connections matter, well, I hope you invite them to come. I am certain they will be glad they did. I am certain because I know that when they come, they will meet you. And, when they meet you, they will meet Jesus. Sometimes it will be because of your faithfulness. Other times it will be in spite of your failures. Every time it will be because God is true to His word, and he desires to see all people find the life that is truly life.

Think about it. Think about who you know. Think about inviting them to join you in worship. You will be glad you did. They will be glad you did. And God will be overjoyed. See you - and your friends - on Sunday.

Pastor Mike

Upcoming Events and Happenings
During the season of Lent Pastor Mike will lead a lunch time brownbag study
(you bring your own lunch and Pastor Mike brings
the teaching).

Books are $10 each payable at the first session on March 1st at noon in the Activity Center.
Youth Events
Outreach Corner
March Mission
Collection for Dignity Liberia 

During the month of March
we will be collecting items for Dignity: Liberia, an international nonprofit organization that provides medical and spiritual care to women suffering with obstetric fistula.
Our very own Kathy Beth Stavinoha has been involved in this organization, and we are collecting supplies for her to take on her trip this April. Please drop off your donations in the boxes in both worship spaces or the church office. 

We will be collecting the following items: 
-White towels
-White washcloths
-White hand towels
-Vegetable seeds
corn, collard greens, okra, sweet bell peppers, pumpkins
Join Us for our Annual Church Spring Cleaning on Saturday March 25, at 9am .
Methodist Weekday
Childcare Development Center
The Methodist Weekday CDC

We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to read books to our children. This is a great way to interact with children, let them see a new face, and provide some assistance to our hardworking staff! 

If you are interested, please contact Pastor Madison at:
Methodist Weekday
Childcare Development Center
Will Be OPEN
March 13-17, 2023
Children’s Corner

FUMC Brenham Children's Ministry

CHAPEL update: In February, we learned about Ruth and Naomi! Ruth shows us how to be a faithful follower as we continue our “Walk with Jesus”! We created Valentines to showcase the qualities we admire about our loved ones, just as Ruth admired Naomi. We did a scavenger hunt to illustrate that Jesus provides even when it takes hard work, just as Ruth worked hard to collect the wheat left behind. We talked about how we can lay ourselves at the feet of God knowing that He will take care of us always. Next month we will begin our Lenten journey, learning of Jesus’ love and sacrifice for us!

Prayer Partners
FUMC Prayer Partners                 
A huge thank for your dedication to praying daily for the children of our church! In March, please consider praying the following scriptures over your Prayer Partner:
*James 4:8~ Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
*Psalm 73:23~ Yet I am always with you. You hold me by my right hand.
*John 14:6~ I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
*Psalm 46:10~ Be still and know that I am God.
*Matthew 5:14~ You are the light of the World.
Minute Madness will be Wednesday, March 15, at 6pm in the Activity Center! We will play tons of new Minute-To-Win-It Games! Join us for a great time! 
Vacation Bible School will be in the EVENING June 20-22, 2023  
Volunteer Registration begins in March.

Registration for the event will begin first of April.   
If you would like to help please
email :!
Handbell Rehearsal
Wednesday evenings 5:45 PM
in the Fellowship House
Choir practice
Wednesday evenings 7:00 PM
in the sanctuary

Wednesday evenings at 8:00 PM
in the sanctuary
Anyone who would like to participate
is welcome to come or contact Matt

Prayer Concerns

Audrey Boney
Jane Brewer
Sharon Buban
Lisa Curbo and Family
Beverly Duree
Marshia Foster
Glen & Jetta Goodman
Fritz & Jan Herbst
David Husmann
Gary & Kay Ivy
Gaylain Keenan
Beverly Leyrer
Shirley McIntyre
Coleen Murphy
Karen Newsom
Debbie Pauler
Ken & Ann Pieper
Jean Pool
Red Powell
Pastor Kay Reed
Edna Rote
Cathleen Smestuen
Doug & Patrice Summerour
Jody Tyson
Hank Voelter
Elaine & Ron Walberg
Mary Wilhelm


Chuck Burley
Mark Collier
Haley Dugas
Clarence Dodd
Jaclyn Finke
Rick Fitzgerald
Fred Ketcham
Yvonne Hegefeld
Kathi Ivy
Fred Ketcham
Sharon Ketcham
David & Linda Kiemsteadt
Connor Murphy & Alyssa Lasater
Don Manchester
Lindie Manchester
Douglas & Kay Marek
Eddie Martinez
Michael Mathis
Susan McMurray
Margaret Mikeska
Cindy Mullins
Janice Murphy
Steve Nelson

Lisa Oresco
Georgie Oresco
Karen Presley
Carrie Polwart
Sue Quin
(Gary Hewitt’s aunt)
Stan Royal
Frankie Rudd
Barbara Scates
Cory Schibler
Jack Schulz
Michele Smith
Britany Sims
Marissa Spangler
Susan Stollman
Carrol Tabor
Pastor Jack Womack
Barbara Wilganowski
Linda Wilson
Amy Wrigley

Please let us know if the prayers of the church have been answered so we can praise God and keep this list updated.

For those who are interested, you can find the latest news about the Texas Annual Conference and particularly our district - the West District - by CLICKING HERE to see their newsletter. Once you go to the newsletter page you will see a link that allows you to subscribe to the newsletter and have it sent directly to your email when it comes out.
March Calendar
Click here to
see the calendar

Prayer Concern List
Click here to
see the list


Sunday  February 5, 2023
Offering:  $55,925.00
Sunday   February 12, 2023
Offering: $5,622.00     
Sunday February 19, 2023
Offering: $10,535.00     

Sunday  February 26, 2023
Offering: $18,064.00   

  2023 Budget: $623,815.00


Offering Needed Each
Week: $11,997.00

Average Weekly Offering 
YTD: 22,536.50

Worship & Discipleship Opportunities

First United Methodist Church
9:15 AM: 
Celebration Service

 9:30 AM: 
Connections Small Group

 9:45 AM:
 Faith Builders Sunday School Class
 Adult Fellowship Class

 10:00 AM: 
Sunday School classes:
Children and Youth 
Adult Seekers Class

11:00 AM: 
Traditional Service
The Traditional Service is broadcast each Sunday on
Brenham Radio
KWHI/AM 1280 at 11:00 a.m.
Newsletter Deadline

Your next newsletter deadline will be
Thursday, March 16, 2023 by 4:00 PM. 
If you have a submission for the newsletter, please email your written article to or submit a handwritten article to the church office.
 Thank you.
Contact Us
408 North Baylor, Brenham, TX 77833-3213
Methodist Weekday Child Development Center
Church Staff
Rev. Mike Lindstrom, Senior Pastor
Pastor Madison Garcia-Tabor, Associate Pastor
Chris Ann Stroech, Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Matt Hulon, Minister of Music
Diane Garrett, Organist
Maxwell Burgess, Celebration Worship Leader
 Kris Trevino, Office Manager
Julia Ramirez Administrative Assistant
Michelle Lookingbill, Lead Administrator
Lelli Hernandez, Child Development Center Director
Lelli Hernandez, Nursery Coordinator
Cindy Mathis, Custodian