This July, our Coalition applied for Phase I of CADCA’s 2022 Got Outcomes! Awards. In Phase I, CADCA reviewed and scored our application and various submitted products (to include our Community Assessment, Logic Model, and Summary of Outcomes related to underage drinking).
In early September, we received notification that our Coalition will advance to Phase II of this select process where only the top 25% of applicants move onward!!! As an advancing finalist, we will be invited to tell our coalition’s story of how we attained positive changes in our community-level outcomes.
Applying to Got Outcomes also opens up the opportunity be recognized as a Blue Ribbon Coalition. The Blue Ribbon Coalition Program is a special recognition of coalitions who do an exceptional job creating a foundation for their work by updating and utilizing their products.
We will keep you posted on our final recognition in this endeavor. For more information on CADCA's 2022 Got Outcomes! Awards, click here.