Thursday, June 13, 2024


For a long time stewardship principles were presented as "the Four T's": Time, Talent, Temple and Treasure. But stewardship can also be seen as the principles of ownership, responsibility, accountability, and reward.

Ownership: God owns everything, we are simply managers acting on God's behalf. Stewardship expresses our obedience regarding the administration of everything God has placed under our control, and it is the commitment of one’s self and possessions to God’s service, recognizing that we do not have the right of control over our property or ourselves.

Responsibility: Although God gives us “all things richly to enjoy,” nothing is ours. God owns everything; we’re responsible for how we treat it and what we do with it. While God has graciously entrusted us with the care, development, and enjoyment of everything God owns as stewards, we are responsible to manage God's holdings well and according to God's desires and purposes.

Accountability: A steward is one who manages the possessions of another. We are all stewards of the resources, abilities and opportunities that God has entrusted to our care, and one day each one of us will be called to give an account for how we have managed what God has given us.

Reward: The Bible tells us that faithful stewards who do God's will with God's resources can expect to be rewarded incompletely in this life, but fully in the next. We all should long to hear the master say what exclaims in Matthew 25:21: Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.

Northminster recently set forth "35 Ways To Be A Good Steward" as a play on our "35 Years of Ministry." Of these listed, where can you practice stewardship?

Join Us for Worship

Sunday, June 16 at 10:45 am

Rev. Jillian Hankamer Preaching

Yertle the Turtle

Luke 16:1931

Stream Sunday's Service

View Order of Worship

View Previous Service

Our Worship in Song

Opening Hymn: O For a World Inspired by Charles Wesley's phrase "O for a thousand tongues" and the familiar tune AZMON, Miriam Therese Winters wrote this hymn envisioning a new world order for the Presbyterian Women's Triennial Conference in 1982. It was later recrafted and recorded by the Medical Mission Sisters.

Anthem: My Love Colors Outside the Lines by Gordon Light.

The Communion Anthem: Offertory by John Ness Beck.

Closing Hymn: Sing A New World Into Being by Mary Louise Bringle, 2006.

Our Concerns and Celebrations

John Carr

Elvis Stelly

Mary Sandow

Iglesia Bautista Enmanuel, in Ciego de Avila, Cuba.

David Bryan, friend of DH Clark

Marie Easterling, frend of Mara Loeb

Beau Burns, great-grandson of Peggy Burns

V. P. Dalrymple, friend of Anita Breen

Pattie Bewick, sister of Carol Ann Tubbs

Sarah Maloney, friend of Carol Ann Tubbs

Nora Kay Meredith great granddaughter of Kay Southern

Doug O'Neal brother of Debbie O'Neal

We Celebrate with...

Kaitlyn Cloud (15th)

Denzell Denagall (20th)

Maxwell Aro (21st)

Mary McCandlish (22nd)

as they celebrates their birthdays

Children & Youth

Youth Will Continue to Meet This Summer!
Youth Group Meals Will Still Be Needed
Our youth will continue to meet during the summer months, every Sunday at 5:00. We would like to offer them a light meal. If you would like to help provide a meal click the link to sign up. They love easy meals. Some suggestions are tacos, spaghetti, chili, sandwiches and pizza! Please review the available slots by clicking on the button to sign up. Dates will be added as planning continues. Thank you! We typically have between 10-15 youth and adults. Please call or text Jennifer Kimble-Keen (318-307-6716) with any questions! 

Church Life


Due to youth camp and all of our children’s Sunday School teachers being out of town, there will be no Children or Youth Sunday School on June 30. A nursery will be available for children during the Sunday School hour.


In order to continue our after church fellowship, we need folks to volunteer to provide drinks and snacks. Please see the sign-up sheet in the hall outside the pastor's office!

Please, NO items with icing or "gooey" stuff. This is getting into our rugs and embedded into the concrete floors.


Thursday, June 20 at 7pm at The Fat Pelican!


Our next book is Dispatches from Pluto by Richard Grant. We will meet for potluck and discussion on Thursday, June 13 at 6pm in the home of

Marilyn Decker, 711 Oakhurst Dr., Bastrop. LA.

We will carpool from the church at 5:15 p.m.


NELA Pride: The Festival will take place on Saturday, June 29 from 10am - 4pm in the Monroe Civic Center Arena. General volunteers are needed along with volunteers to work Northminster's table that will be on site. There is a sign-up sheet in the hall where you can indicate your willingness to help and what you would like to help with! Thank you!


Are you interested in the wonderful world of Audio/Visual work? Well now is the time to hone your skills right here at Northminster. we currently have three trained individuals, but one is often unavailable and the other will leave in December so we are on the hunt for help! If you are interested in this ministry, contact Mara Loeb at 348-3026, or Hannah Clark at 366-7625, We need you and training will be provided!!


We are in need of folks who would be willing to serve as "greeters" prior to services. This would involve wearing a name tag provided on the bookshelf in the office, handing out orders of worship and then later after services have begun, taking attendance. After the service you would collect all the sign-in sheets by tearing them out of the book, replacing the book in the appropriate hymn holder on the inside isle and putting the sheets in the church office on the desk. Please contact Jillian or Renee if you are interested in serving in this much needed capacity. Training will be provided!!

Mission Opportunities



This mission emphasis was carried over to June as no collections were made in May.

Our May Mission is MedCamps of Louisiana.  MedCamps’ Mission is to improve the health and wellness of people living with chronic illnesses and disabilities through unique recreational and educational camping experiences.  They believe that all people, regardless of medical or special needs, deserve to experience life to the fullest and that camping is an American tradition which epitomizes normalcy and provides participants with a sense of well-being, belonging, accomplishment and self-worth.  MedCamps has never charged a fee to attend camp.  


NEEDS: Gift Cards (Wal-Mart, Target, Lowes, Academy), Sharpie Markers, Batteries (A, AA, AAA), Lysol, Lysol cleaning wipes, Baby Wipes, Air Fresheners. Cleaning supplies: Simple Green Cleaner, Duct tape, Paper towels, Toilet paper, , First aid kits, Light bulbs, Mosquito spray, Wasp and hornet spray, Latex Free Gloves, All laundry detergent: sensitive free.

Coming Up

This Sunday

9:00 am - Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am - Sunday School

10:45 am - Preludes

11:00 am - Worship Service

Noon: Northminster Fellowship

5:00 pm - Youth Group


6:30 pm - Choir Rehearsal

The choir will be on rehearsal hiatus during the month of July and will only meet at 9am on Sunday mornings.

Upcoming Events

Tonight, June 13 at 6pm: Book Club meets at 6pm for potluck and discussion in the home of Marilyn Decker.

Thursday, June 20 at 7pm: Pub Theology at The Fat Pelican.

Sunday, June 30: No Children or Youth Sunday School.

Giving to Northminster

If you have found a space of community, or healing, or hope at Northminster and believe in the work we are doing, please consider supporting us financially so that we will be able to continue creating spaces like this in all the days to come. Just click here, or scan the QR code with the camera on your phone.

Find Us

Northminster Church is located at:

2701 Lamy Lane

Monroe, LA 71201


Church Office Hours:

Monday -Thursday 9am to 4 pm

Closed Friday

Visit our Website
Click here to view a video of our Church bilding and grounds

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Vocal Vibes

by Dr. Deborah Chandler,

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