New Jersey Business Immigration Coalition

Winter, 2022-2023

News and Views

Pursuing Bipartisan and Evidence-Based Immigration Reform



The Garden State Immigration Policy Institute, a joint project of the NJ Business Immigration Coalition and the NJ Business and Industry Association, will be sponsoring a special online program on May 11 entitled, “International Students and Scholars: Powerful Stimulus for a Dynamic Economy.” The program will discuss the economic benefits of the international student presence in the U.S. and identify policy reforms that might restore U.S. leadership in this area.

More than one million international students attended American colleges and universities during the 2021-2022 academic year. Although this number may seem high, a decade-long trend of increasing enrollments came to an end in 2015, and the number of new enrollments fell each year for the following five years. The decline was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying immigration restrictions. Indeed, the U.S. share of the global market for international students is declining as countries like Canada, the UK and Australia have taken steps to attract more such students.

To read more about this program, click here

To register to attend, click here

Coalition Supports

Policy Reforms Designed to

Increase the Number of

Employment-based Immigrants

With only 14 percent of all legal immigrants to the U.S. admitted for employment-related purposes, the U.S. is an outlier among immigrant-receiving countries in not paying close attention to the needs of the economy in awarding immigrant visas. Although the partisan stalemate on immigration reform shows little sign of easing, it is clear that both Republicans and Democrats favor modifications to our immigration system to correct this imbalance. The NJ Business Immigration Coalition has published a number of recommendations in order to address this problem, including raising the annual number of employment-based visas from 140,000 to 200,000 and raising the per-country cap on immigration.

To read the full Coalition statement on this issue, click on this link.

Winners of the 2022 Immigrant Entrepreneur Awards

with family, friends, and colleagues at the awards ceremony

held at the HOLA Expo of the Hudson County Chamber of Commerce in Jersey City

Nominations Open for the 2023 Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year Awards

Honoring the Economic Contributions of

Immigrant Entrepreneurs to

New Jersey's Economy

While immigrants have played a vital role in maintaining the working age population in New Jersey, they have also stimulated the state’s economy with their entrepreneurial skills and their ability to create hugely successful companies. Immigrants founded over one in five Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. (seven of which are headquartered in New Jersey). If one adds the children of immigrants to the mix, the percentage rises to 44% of Fortune 500 companies

In order to call attention to the important role immigrant entrepreneurs have played in power charging the state’s economy, the NJ Business Immigration Coalition invites nominations for its 2023 immigrant entrepreneur of the year awards. Awards are offered in six different categories. This year, we have streamlined the nomination process to make it easier to submit names for consideration for these awards. This year’s awards will be presented at the Multicultural Business Expo of the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce on June 27.

To make a nomination, click on this link


Immigrants and international students boost exports

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New polling shows that most Americans recognize the need for more high-skilled immigration

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President of Dairy Foods Association argues that we need immigration reform now

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Congress missed a major opportunity to pass immigration reforms that would help the United States compete globally

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Layoffs at tech companies are complicating some workers' immigration status

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Study finds that immigrants out-innovate native-born Americans

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Blog post discusses the number of immigrants the US can realistically accept

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Congress needs to fix immigrant visa quotas to boost economy and curtail illegal immigration

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How labor shortages drive inflation and how immigration can help

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What's a winning GOP strategy on immigration in 2024? Back to business with immigration reform

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Research of Interest

Rutgers Economics Professor Calls for Complete Overhaul of the Nation's immigration System

A professor of economics at Rutgers University and former Chief Economist at the U.S. Department of Labor, Jennifer Hunt has published a paper calling for a complete overhaul of the nation’s immigration system. The paper was produced for the Hamilton Project of the Brookings Institution.

The first section of the paper reviews the weaknesses of the current system, including its failure to align the system with the needs of the economy. As an example, she refers to the pressing needs of the nation’s health care system, which are not being adequately addressed largely because of a built-in bias towards “admitting workers primarily in male-intensive occupations.” 

She also believes that a new system must reduce illegal border crossings and visa overstays. Otherwise, public opinion will turn negative on all immigration, both legal and illegal. Her general inclination is to increase forms of immigration beneficial to native-born Americans, specifically immigrants chosen by employers (not by any kind of point-based system) and immigrants in high-skilled categories.

To achieve this increase, she would eliminate the F4 category of visas reserved for siblings of U.S. citizens. Her reforms would also reduce excessive wait times for visas by adjusting or eliminating caps in various categories. She also proposes changes to lesser-skilled programs, such as agricultural (H-2A) and seasonal non-agricultural (H-2B) visas to make them open to workers in a broader range of industries and to make them easier for employers to utilize. Click here to read the full paper.

Over the entire history of soccer's world cup, the U.S. has had the highest percentage of foreign-born players of any country in the competition.

Click here for more information

Nearly 1 million immigrants became U.S. citizens in the past year -- the 3rd highest tally on record.

Click here for more information

Two Republican governors (Indiana and Utah) argue that the states should have the power to admit immigrants on their own to meet the specific needs of local economies.

Click here for more information

From 2017 to 2021, the U.S. lost 45,000 advanced degree holders, 88 percent of whom were not U.S. citizens, to Canada's "Express Entry" program

Click here for more information

GET INVOLVED: We want to hear from you!

Check out our NJ Business Immigration Coalition policy platform here and if your company or organization (or you as an individual) agrees with our principles for immigration reform, sign up as a member of the coalition. There is no fee to join.

Share your thoughts on the immigration reform challenges facing the United States. How is your industry affected? What specific reform proposals are you championing? Write us at:

The New Jersey Business Immigration Coalition,
c/o Einstein's Alley, P.O. Box 175, Plainsboro NJ 08536,
Newsletter Editor: Nicholas V. Montalto