Microsystems Technology Laboratories
news & updates
Spring 2023
Dear members of the MTL community, 

As you know, I had the honor to be appointed as MTL director last December. The last few months have been incredible as I have had the chance to connect with our amazing community of researchers, staff and industry collaborators. Everyone I talk to is excited about the future of microsystems, the huge opportunities in front of us, and the role that MTL is playing to set the foundations of the next generation of microelectronics.  

This is my first newsletter as MTL director, and I am proud to report on some of the most important events and news our community has been involved with.  We started 2023 with our annual Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire. After the isolation of COVID-19, the in-person conference was a welcomed opportunity for the vital exchange of research ideas for our students, faculty, and industry colleagues. We hope you will enjoy some of the event highlights in the photos. Fresh air, fresh ideas, new alliances and new friendships made the conference a great success. You can find the videos for the keynote speakers here

In the newsletter below, we are also proud to share some of the many accomplishments of our esteemed faculty. Huge congratulations to Professor Evelyn Wang, who has been confirmed by the US Senate as director of the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). The future of MTL is also bright thanks to the new MTL faculty who have achieved tenure this year. I encourage you to connect with all of them, as they are a key part of the future of the Lab. 

It is really energizing to see how our MTL community is thriving! In January, we led an engaging Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) meeting with participation from the leadership of all of our MIG companies.  We are proud of our strong partnership with the IAB, and we are looking forward to strengthening this collaboration in the future under the CHIPS act and other programs. MTL, alongside Lincoln Lab, the MIT.nano fab and our MIG partners is singularly poised and prepared to support the future of research and workforce development needs in the semiconductor and microsystems industry. 

I'm excited for the future and what we all - staff, researchers, students, faculty, and industry partners - will contribute as we continue building excellence within the MTL community and beyond!

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy all of the great news enclosed.

Tomás Palacios

Featured Stories
Tomás Palacios named new Director of Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL)

Palacios has served as director of the 6-A MEng Thesis Program, industry officer, and professor of electrical engineering. Read more.

The head of MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering was nominated by President Biden to lead ARPA-E’s mission to support critical energy research. Read more.
Annual award honors early-career researchers for creativity, innovation, and research accomplishments. Read more.
Ruonan Han replaces Harry Lee as Director of the Center for Integrated Circuits and Systems (CICS)
After nearly 25 years, Professor Hae-Seung Lee is stepping down. Professor Ruonan Han has been chosen as the next CICS Director.
Student-led conference charts the future of
micro- and nanoscale research, reinforces scientific community
19th Microsystems Annual Research Conference reveals the next era of microsystems technologies, along with skiing and a dance party. Read more.
Faculty Recognitions & Awards

  • Jeehwan Kim, Luqiao Liu, Robert Macfarlane were all granted tenure in 2022.
  • Pablo Jarillo-Herrero elected to the National Academy of Sciences for 2022.
  • Jeffrey Lang named 2022 MacVicar Faculty Fellows.
  • Duane Boning received the ICPT Lifetime Achievement Award, September 2022.
  • Jelena Notaros received the 2023 NSF CAREER Award.
  • Jelena Notaros received the MIT RLE Early Career Development Award.
  • Jelena Notaros named MIT Robert Shillman Career Development Chair.
  • Will Oliver named Henry Ellis Warren Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
  • Karl Berggren named the Joseph F. and Nancy P. Keithley Professor.
  • David Perreault named the Ford Foundation Professor of Engineering.
  • Velasquez Group’s work on additively manufactured vacuum electron sources win Best Paper Award at PowerMEMS 2022.
Research Highlights & Faculty News
Spring 2023 MTL Seminar Series

  • Making Computing More Brain-like | March 15, 2023 | Mike Davies, Intel

  • From the conquest of Space to the conquest of Smells​ | March 22, 2023 | Patrick Mielle, ISOCS

  • Improving Your Understanding of Advanced MEMS Design Problems: Design and Simulation for Innovation, Better Reliability, Manufacturing and Performance | April 12, 2023 | Luke Lee, Harvard University

  • UpNano Talk: Pushing the Boundary in Resolution and Speed Limits in 3D Printing | April 26, 2023 | Erika Bechtold, UpNano

  • Rump Session (Charlie Sodini moderator) | May 10, 2023

  • Doctoral Dissertation Seminar | May 24, 2023 | TBD

Upcoming Events

  • The Future of Semiconductor Manufacturing | March 17. Learn more.

  • May 23, 2023 | Save the Date: MTL End of Year BBQ

  • May 31, 2023 | Save the Date: MTL Graduation Reception
STEMVAULT: Student Video Competition - Call for Submissions.

Help make STEM exciting, understandable, and fun for
middle school audiences!

Film a video for STEMVAULT:
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Videos for Accessible Understanding of "Locked" Topics

Submit your video here.

Thank you, Vicky!
Vicky retired earlier this year after overseeing
the fab at MTL for 27 years.

Congratulations and enjoy retirement, you deserve it!
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