Microsystems Technology Laboratories
news & updates
Summer 2023
Dear members of the MTL community, 

I am pleased to share with you our Summer newsletter with lots of updates about MTL. First, it is my pleasure to announce that Prof. Ruonan Han and Prof. Bilge Yildiz are joining the MTL Leadership Team as Associate Directors. Prof. Han is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and his research focuses on very high frequency analog circuits. Prof. Han is already serving the MTL community as the director of the Center for Integrated Circuits and Systems (CICS). Prof. Yildiz, the Breene M. Kerr (1951) Professor in the Departments of Nuclear Science and Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, is an expert on both experimental and computational material science and device engineering for energy and machine learning applications. We look forward to their expertise, dedication and leadership to make MTL an even better place.

We are at the most exciting time for microelectronics in history, and we all have an important call to action to help push the field to new limits. MTL is ready for the challenge, and the entire community has been very active. For example, MTL has been heavily involved in writing a proposal for the Microelectronics Commons, an important part of the US CHIPS and Science Act that focuses on helping lab to fab transition of microelectronics technology. We expect to hear back from the government during the summer.

MTL has also led the Massachusetts Microelectronics Summer Internship Program (MMIP), which helps connect freshmen and sophomore students with summer internships. We had more than 200 applicants this year. I would like to thank all our friends and colleagues in the industry for hosting the students and organizing an amazing summer experience for them. For those industry friends reading this...if you are interested in bringing some of these amazing students to your companies next year, please send us a quick email and we will follow up with you.

I would also like to highlight one new initiative by our students. They have started the MTL Student Seminar Series. Every couple of weeks, MTL students get together to teach each other new skills and ideas, network, eat cookies, and strengthen even more the MTL community. If you are on campus on a Thursday afternoon, please try to stop by. It is a great event. You can find more information below.

With the better weather, there were more opportunities to get together and celebrate the strong MTL community. The End of the Year MTL BBQ, an annual event hosted by MTL on Walker Lawn, offered an opportunity for our many research teams to mix, meet, and mingle, and celebrate the end of the academic year. Over 300 members of our community participated, and photos from the BBQ can be found here.

Campus-wide graduations and commencement exercises were prominent events for the end of Spring semester. MTL held our annual graduation reception for candidates receiving masters and doctoral degrees on May 31, 2023, after the School of Engineering commencement. Over 40 graduates were honored at our event, and you can find photos from the reception here. Congratulations to our newest alumni!

And not to forget (as September is fast approaching), we want to also announce a Save the Date for the MIT Deep Tech Career Fair, which will take place on September 21st. The career fair is a perfect opportunity for MTL partner companies to meet MIT students face-to-face and engage in discussion. Stay tuned for more details!

But we have many more news and announcements. Please keep reading below the second half of this email for more updates from the MTL community. Also, don't forget we are always happy to hear from you and to share any news you may want us to publish. Please stay in touch, and I wish you the best of summer!


Tomás Palacios
  • To students who will be defending their PhD thesis work, we would like to showcase your exceptional research to our MIG members by recording your presentation and posting the video to a password protected site. As a thank you for allowing us to record and post your work, we will give you an official MIT frame to protect your hard-earned new diploma.

  • Adler Room Announcement: to students in the MTL community who need a quiet space for phone calls, zoom presentations, etc. please use the Adler Room. You can reserve space here. Your MIT ID card should already open the Adler Room but, if it doesn't, please contact Jami Mitchell.

  • MTL Seminar Series: We are looking for speaker nominations and suggestions for the Fall 2023 MTL Seminar Series. If you know a speaker you think would be great, please let us know! Check out the Spring 2023 Seminars here - past topics include:
  • Will Cloud or Edge Computing Dominate over the Next 10 Years? ​​​​
  • UpNano Talk: Pushing the Boundary in Resolution and Speed Limits in 3D Printing
  • Nanomedicine via Smart SANDs, EXODUS, and Brain Organoid MAP
  • 22FDX Silicon-on-Insulator CMOS for Logic and Edge AI Applications
  • From the Conquest of Space to the Conquest of Smells​

  • MTL Photo Submissions: We are looking for pictures that highlight the amazing materials, devices, circuits and systems being developed by the MTL community. If you have some nice pictures, please submit them with a short caption to Meghan Melvin. These could be used for MTL social media, website, wall art and more. Thank you!

  • Microsystems Mini Technical Symposium: The April 2023 Microsystems Mini Technical Symposium on Integrated Photonics is available to view online. We are currently working on putting together the next Microsystems Mini Technical Symposium on Sustainability for the Microelectronics Industry; we will share details soon!
MTL Student Seminar Series

We are excited to have started hosting the MTL Student Seminar Series, a great opportunity for research groups to share their work and get exposed to other interesting research happenings around the community!

Seminars are hosted every other Thursday in Haus Room (36-428) at 3:30pm. Pastries and coffee will be provided! If you would like to be a presenter, contact Gillian Micale to reserve a spot.  Seminar topics are not limited to research focuses, so if you have experience with something interesting, we’d love to hear from you.

The next seminar will be held July 20th:

Lock-in Amplifiers and Lock-in Measurements
presented by Zhiping He, First Year Student, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

previous topics include:
Overview of Electronic Transport in Semiconductor Materials (with Emphasis of GaN based devices)
Advances in Atomic Force Microscopy
X-Ray Diffraction Characterization Techniques
Open Positions?
Please share current job openings with Elizabeth Green who will share directly with MTL students.
Featured Stories
Jelena Notaros receives 2023 NSF CAREER Award

The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty. Read more.
Ruonan Han named EECS Undergraduate Laboratory Officer

The role involves long-term strategic planning and supervision duties for the EECS Department Teaching Laboratories (DTLs). Read more.
Mingda Li honored with Junior Bose Award for Excellence in Teaching
Award is given each year by the School of Engineering to an outstanding educator up for promotion to associate professor without tenure. Read more.
John Hart named head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
A leader in manufacturing science and technology, Hart SM ’02, PhD ’06 will become department head effective July. Read more.
Mayuran Saravanapavanantham selected as the Spring​ 2023 MTL ​Doctoral Dissertation Seminar speaker
The MTL Seminar Committee was thrilled to award Mayuran for his PhD work on additive manufacturing towards electronically-active surfaces. Read more.
Palacios named the Clarence J. LeBel Professor
This chair appointment recognizes his groundbreaking research, excellent teaching and mentoring, and exceptional contributions to the department and to MIT. Read more.
David J. Perreault receives the 2024 IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award
For contributions to the development of
very-high-frequency power converters.
Upcoming Events & Save the Dates:
MTL Mini Technical Symposium
More information to come.

MIT Deep Tech Career Fair
September 21, 2023
January 23-24, 2024

January 25, 2024
Research Highlights & Faculty News
MTL is on Social Media, follow us!
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