NC Irrigation Contractors' Licensing Board Newsletter
NCICLB Seal Color     
December 2011
In This Issue
New Continuing Education Category
Minimum Standards Adopted As Rules
Educational Materials
P.O. Box 41421
Raleigh, NC 27629-1421
919-872-1598 (fax)
Dr. Ronald Sneed, Board Chair
John Marmorato, Vice Chair
Dave Collins, Treasurer
David Williams, Secretary
Barry Bloch, Board Counsel
Michael Currin
Lindsey Griffin
Bob Peter
Maeneen Klein
Board Administrators
Barbara Geiger
Lisa Deubler
Last Minute Educational Opportunities 


License renewals are due by the end of December.  Have you fulfilled your continuing education requirements?  The following is a list of pre-approved educational opportunities for the remainder of 2011.


On Line Courses Sponsored by:

Pro-Line Publications

George Boothe 
(210) 495-0489


Irrigation Safety 

Course No.: 9179 

Date: 1-1-2011 - 12-31-2011
Irrigation Hours: 0
Business Hours: 8   

Irrigation Business Practices 

Course No.: 9182 

Date: 1-1-2011 - 12-31-2011
Irrigation Hours: 0
Business Hours: 8   

Water Conservation

Course No.: 9181 

Date: 1-1-2011 - 12-31-2011
Irrigation Hours: 8
Business Hours: 0   


Course No.: 9180 

Date: 1-1-2011 - 12-31-2011
Irrigation Hours: 8
Business Hours: 0


On Line Courses Sponsored by:

Irrigation Association

Bob Von Bernuth 

(703) 536-7080


Electrical Troubleshooting for 

Landscape Irrigation Systems

Course No.: 9309 

Date: 1-1-2011 - 12-31-2011
Irrigation Hours: 4
Business Hours: 0   

Landscape Irrigation Precipitation Rates

Course No.: 9020
Date: 1-1-2011 - 12-31-2011
Irrigation Hours: 4
Business Hours: 0   

Landscape Irrigation Hydraulics

Course No.: 9019 

Date: 1-1-2011 - 12-31-2011
Irrigation Hours: 4
Business Hours: 0   

Irrigation Scheduling

Course No.: 9017
Date: 1-1-2011 - 12-31-2011
Irrigation Hours: 4
Business Hours: 0 


Webinar Sponsored by: 

Hydropoint Data Systems, Inc.

Ben Coffey 
(707) 338-9302


Level II-Alerts and Preferences

Course No.: 9498 

Date: 12-7-2011 - 12-7-2011 
Irrigation Hours: 1.5 
Business Hours: 0   

Level I-Controller Training

Course No.: 9493 

Date: 12-13-2011 - 12-13-2011 
Location: On Line-WEBINAR, NC 
Irrigation Hours: 1.5 
Business Hours: 0   

Level III-Water Manager Training

Course No.: 9501 

Date: 12-21-2011 - 12-21-2011 
Irrigation Hours: 1.5 
Business Hours: 0


Face to Face Courses


Irrigation Technician's Course

Course No.: 9025 
Date: 12-5-2011 - 12-5-2011 
Location: Cary, NC 
Irrigation Hours: 8 
Business Hours: 0 
Sponsor: Rain Bird Services Corporation
(800) 498-1942


Basic Irrigation Hydraulics

Course No.: 9480

Date: 12-5-2011 - 12-5 2011

Location: High Point, NC

Irrigation Hours: 2

Business Hours: 0

Sponsor: John Deere Landscapes

Michael Howell 
2205-101 Westinghouse Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27604
(919) 875-8533


Irrigation Technician's Course

Course No.: 9026
Date: 12-6-2011 - 12-7-2011
Location: Cary, NC
Irrigation Hours: 16
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: Rain Bird Services Corporation
(800) 498-1942


Basic Irrigation Hydraulics

Course No.: 9480
Date: 12-6-2011 - 12-6-2011
Location: Raleigh, NC
Irrigation Hours: 2
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: John Deere Landscapes

Michael Howell
2205-101 Westinghouse Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27604
(919) 875-8533


Certified Arborist Workshop

Course No.: 9484
Date: 12-7-2011 - 12-8-2011
Location: Greensboro, NC
Irrigation Hours: 3
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: NCCE, ISA, NCUFC, Duke Energy

Corneilia Joyce
Southern Garden, Inc
P.O. Box 808
Apex, NC 27502
(919) 362-1050


Landscape Irrigation Design Process

Course No.: 9027
Date: 12-8-2011 - 12-8-2011
Location: Cary, NC
Irrigation Hours: 8
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: Rain Bird Services Corporation
(800) 498-1942


811 and How It Works
Western NC Last Chance Irrigation Education

Course No.: 9463
Date: 12-8-2011 - 12-8-2011
Location: Mills River, NC
Irrigation Hours: 1
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: Carolinas Irrigation Association

Ronald Gelvin
P.O. Box 309
Willow Spring, NC 27592
(919) 557-5474


Basic Irrigation Pump Training
Western NC Last Chance Irrigation Education

Course No.: 9464
Date: 12-8-2011 - 12-8-2011
Location: Mills River, NC
Irrigation Hours: 1
Business Hours: 1
Sponsor: Carolinas Irrigation Association

Ronald Gelvin
P.O. Box 309
Willow Spring, NC 27592
(919) 557-5474


Rain Water Harvesting
Western NC Last Chance Irrigation Education

Course No.: 9465
Date: 12-8-2011 - 12-8-2011
Location: Mills River, NC
Irrigation Hours: 2
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: Carolinas Irrigation Association

Ronald Gelvin
P.O. Box 309
Willow Spring, NC 27592
(919) 557-5474


Get to Know the NCICLB Minimum Standards
Western NC Last Chance Irrigation Education

Course No.: 9466
Date: 12-8-2011 - 12-8-2011
Location: Mills River, NC
Irrigation Hours: 1
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: Carolinas Irrigation Association

Ronald Gelvin
P.O. Box 309
Willow Spring, NC 27592
(919) 557-5474


Basic Irrigation Hydraulics

Course No.: 9480
Date: 12-8-2011 - 12-8-2011
Location: Aberdeen, NC
Irrigation Hours: 2
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: John Deere Landscapes

Michael Howell
2205-101 Westinghouse Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27604
(919) 875-8533


2 Wire Installation & Troubleshooting

Course No.: 9343
Date: 12-14-2011 - 12-14-2011
Location: Wilmington, NC
Irrigation Hours: 2
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: Hunter Industries

William Hobgood
314 Willowood Drive
Henderson, NC 27536
(919) 618-3122


Introduction to Landscape Irrigation Pumps

Course No.: 9427
Date: 12-19-2011 - 12-19-2011
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Irrigation Hours: 8
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: Rain Bird Services Corporation
(800) 498-1942


Rainwater Collection & Utilization for Irrigation

Course No.: 9428
Date: 12-20-2011 - 12-20-2011
Location: Winston-salem, NC
Irrigation Hours: 8
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: Rain Bird Services Corporation
(800) 498-1942


Low-Volume Installation & Maintenance

Course No.: 9425
Date: 12-21-2011 - 12-21-2011
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Irrigation Hours: 8
Business Hours: 0
Sponsor: Rain Bird Services Corporation
(800) 498-1942


Strength Management

Course No.: 9450
Date: 12-30-2011 - 12-30-2011
Location: Charlotte, NC
Irrigation Hours: 0
Business Hours: 2
Sponsor: Smith Turf & Irrigation

Bradley Comer
7401 ACC Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27617
(919) 218-2464


Chair's Thoughts

As 2011 comes to a close, it has been a very busy year for the Licensing Board.  Besides monthly meetings, Board members have spent considerable time between meetings doing subcommittee work, preparing reports, replying to e-mails and preparing for Board meetings.  One item that required considerable time for the Board Chair and two Board Members was working with the Irrigation Association to develop a new licensing exam that was utilized for the exam on October 14, 2011.  In addition the list of study materials for the Licensing Exam has been expanded.  Included in this Newsletter is the information provided to all potential licensees who are preparing to take the Licensing Exam. The Board feels that the references listed will be helpful to those who were licensed by grandfathering to help expand their irrigation knowledge.

Many of you are aware that the Board has a new and 
improved website.  Reviews of this site have been positive. The Board and Board staff continue to work with the website developer to add additional features to the site.

The Board has reviewed the Continuing Education criteria 
and definitions and one important change is listed in this 
Newsletter.  This change has an effective date of January 1, 2012.  During about a six-month period in 2011, the Board and staff worked with the Rules Review Commission to make Rules of all requirements included in NC General Statute 
89G.  Part of these criteria was to convert the Minimum Standards into Rules.  This means that the Rules (Minimum Standards) are now law and failure to follow the Rules as they relate to the design, installation, repair and maintenance of irrigation can result in legal action against the licensed contractor.

This has been another active year for complaints.  In 2011 through the end of November the Board has received 133 complaints.  Most of these complaints are for unlicensed installers either advertising irrigation construction and installation or actual irrigation construction and installation where the total cost of installation was greater than the exemption of $2500 for the life of the irrigation system. Most of the complaints result in a Cease & Desist Letter to offender.  Many of the cases are referred to one of the 25 Board investigators.  Two things happen if there is a violation of NCGS  89G.  A warning letter is sent to the offender or the case is referred to the Board Attorney for legal action.  The Board Chair reviews each complaint and where legal action may be required is discussed between the Board Chair and Board Attorney.  Legal action can include a Notice of Violation, a Notice of Hearing or an injunction filed in Superior Court in the county where the proposed offender resides.  Most legal cases have been settled by the proposed offender agreeing to a monetary settlement in lieu of a hearing of the case going to Superior Court.  The proposed settlement depends on the total cost of the irrigation system installation cost up to the maximum that
the NCGS 89G allows.  There have been a limited number of 
complaints against licensed contractors, mainly relating to failure to adhere to Rules (Minimum Standards). 
Educational Materials

The following educational materials and references are recommended for those planning on taking the Irrigation Licensing Exam.  The material is also useful for those licensees who were grandfathered that would like to expand their irrigation knowledge. All of these items can be found on the Irrigation Association website at by following the directional paths listed in bold. 


education | education resources | books | turf/landscape

*Irrigation Contractor Workbook.............................$60.00

            December 2002 (revised August 2008)


The Irrigation Contractor Exam Study Guide, Pine & Thompson.............................................................$70.00


Principles of Irrigation, 2nd Edition, Feb., 2010........$80.00


Turf Irrigation Manual, 5th Edition........................$100.00

            R. Choate, Weathermatic - Telsco

            Required chapters - 1, 2, 3 & 9

            Recommended - 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, & 15

Irrigation,6th Edition............................................$179.00


*Landscape Irrigation Auditor Manual, 2nd edition, 

Sept 2010..............................................................$70.00


education | education resources | books | turf/landscape | scroll almost to bottom | electricity for landscape irrigation systems package

Electricity for Landscape Irrigation Systems Pkg........$27.00

Basic Electricity for Irrigation Systems Student Workbook by Vince Nolletti

          Electrical Troubleshooting Student Workbook 

          by Donald Franklin


Download Free From IA website

certification | certification programs | CIC | prepare for exam | prepare to ace exam

-National Backflow Prevention Code - Ch. 10

-National Plumbing Code

-National Electrical Code

-Designing, Operating, and Maintaining Piping Systems                   using PVC Fittings, Ron D. Bliesner - February 3, 1987

-Materials and Installation of Delivery Pipes for Irrigation                Systems, Brian Boman

-Equation Sheet 


resources | best practices & standards | BMPs

-IA Best Management Practices


resources | tools & calculators | irrigation glossary

-IA Glossary of Terms Office


New Continuing Education Category
As of the first of the year, the NCICLB will be allowing one half the approved CEU credit to a licensed contractor for sending an unlicensed full-time employee to an approved educational event. The intent is for contractors to increase the technical knowledge of their employees and therein raise the level of technical expertise throughout the State's irrigation industry. No more than five CEUs may be granted per year to the licensee for this CE category and no yearly carry-over will be allowed. The courses eligible for this category will be directly related to the technical knowledge needed to design, install, and service irrigation systems.  Trade show attendance, in-house training, and business training will not apply .
Irrigation Minimum Standards Adopted as Rules


In response to a directive by the irrigation contractor licensing law of 2009 (89G 5.15), the Board developed and published the "Turf and Landscape Irrigation Best Management Practice and Minimum Standards".   These standards and practices cover irrigation design, installation, maintenance and management.  All licensees receive a copy of these standards in the Handbook distributed with their initial license. 


As required by law, the minimum standards have recently been adopted by the State Legislative Rules Committee and are now considered part of the licensing act.  Irrigation contractors are governed by law to abide by these rules.  In other words, your designs, installations and maintenance must meet or exceed these rule standards.


The rules are currently posted on the NCICLB website ( and will be included in a new addition of the Handbook.  The Board is currently revising the Handbook and readying it for distribution sometime in January.


Yearly Renewal Reminder

It's that time of year again...renewals are due and must be mailed to the Board office and postmarked by December 31, 2011. Renewals received after the deadline must include a 50.00 late fee, per license. Many licensees have questions regarding completion of the renewal.  Below is a check list that the Board hopes will be helpful. 

  • Make sure all parts of the renewal forms are complete, back and front.
  • Carryover hours from last year are listed on the front of the individual renewal form.
  • Do not list courses that have no course number. All Board approved courses are on the website, if you cannot find the course on the website then it has not been approved.
  • Credits cannot be earned for a course that has been taken more than one time within 3 years.  Check the course number if you are not sure whether you have already taken the course.
  • A Licensee can earn a maximum of 2 hours of credit per year for trade show attendance.  
  • For those licensees that have an individual license and a corporate license, you will not receive your individual license card for 2012 if you do not submit your corporate renewal.  This is also true for submitting a corporate renewal without an individual renewal.
  • Remember that the renewal fee is $100 for EACH license.
  • It is not the Board's responsibility to decide how to apply the licensee's hours. The licensee must complete the bottom of the CE report and indicate how he/she would like the credits distributed.
  • If the licensee has carryover from last year, remember that the carryover MUST be used for this year's renewal.  It cannot be carried over to next year.
  • A TOTAL of 10 credits are required each year.  This includes irrigation and business credits.
  • The Licensee is required to have a minimum of 2 business credits up to a maximum of 4 business credits each year.  The balance of the ten credits must be irrigation credits.  So the maximum amount of business credits that can be carried over is 4, while the maximum number of irrigation credits that can be carried over is 8. REMEMBER the maximum number of carryover is 10. 
  • DO NOT SEND PROOF OF ATTENDANCE WITH YOUR RENEWAL.  The Board will request proof of attendance if the licensee receives the continuing education audit, which usually occurs around March or April.

Although the Board is not requiring that you send proof of Surety Bond with your renewal this year please remember that there can be no lapse in your Bond coverage.  It is the licensee's responsibility to ensure that the Bond does not expire.  If the Board is notified of cancellation of a Bond the individuals and corporate license if applicable, associated with the bond will be suspended. The licensee(s) and company will have one year to pay a $100 license fee, per license in order to re-activate the license(s).  The individual licensee must continue to keep up with the continuing education requirements and renewal fees. 

New and Improved Website

What can I do to get some last minute CEU credits?  Does that company have a license to install irrigation systems?  What does the law actually say about licensing?  Where are the minimum standards that I have to follow?  How can I keep up with my CEU credits?  What is being done to enforce the licensing law?  Who has been fined and punished for law violations?  How can I help enforce the law?


All of this information is at your finger tips and available at the new website:  The Board is continually trying to make it easier to find information and manage your North Carolina Irrigation Contractor License. Have a complaint to file, look under "forms" and fill it out.  It is as easy as that...