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Nature Based Education Summer Institute
University of Maine at Farmington
June 23 & 24, 2017

Summer Teacher's Institute
University of Maine at Farmington
July 31 - August 4

Teach ME about Food & Farms
*Contact us to plan a workshop date for your school for Fall 2017

Grant Ideas 

Kids Gardening Grants


Future Organic Farmer Grant 


Green Works Grant 


Digital Wish Grants


Fruit Tree 101


Let's Move! Salad Bars to Schools


School and Community Garden Grants


Captain Planet Foundation Grants


Sustainable Agriculture Grants for Farmers and Educators

Special Programs
Looking for a  presenter or field trips ? Check out our
Teachers Resource Guide

See the Maine Farm to School Census here. Are you participating?

Maine School Garden Network - resource for all school gardens across Maine!

Search The National Ag. In the Classroom Curriculum Matrix for resources.
Agroworld- agricultural science e-zine developed for the secondary educator 

Kids Gardening has ideas about plants and gardens, teacher resources, and grant opportunities.
The Chop Chop magazine and website has easy and healthy recipes. 

Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom Ag Mags are 4-page, colorful agricultural magazines for kids. 



Agriculture License Plate

Funding from this plate has impacted 98,528 students in 2016 with lessons, materials, volunteers and teacher training. Annually up to $60K is distributed in grants to schools, FFA, 4-H and other Non-profit programs for Ag education initiatives by the Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Council.

Contact Us

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28 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333


June Newsletter
With just a few days left, the deadline for submission for current applications is 4:00 PM on June 8, 2017!
Request for applications are available on our website. Categories included: Agriculture Awareness, Ag Leadership, and School Gardens and Greenhouses, in amounts of up to $1,000 or $3,000.
University of Maine at Farmington
The week will include fiber, Art, food preservation, and many lessons in the classroom as well as 2 days of tours that include Boothby's Orchard, Norlands, Sheep Farm, Dairy and crops farms, Nursery and much more! 
Visit our website for more information and to download the registration form!
Journey 2050 and Farmers 2050
Journey 2050
Need an entertaining way to teach 7th-12th grade students about sustainability? Allow them to become farmers with the Journey 2050 gaming system and use related lessons to drive the environmental educational themes home.  Download the game and use the lessons.
Farmers 2050
Don't want your students to forget what they learned when they go home? Make them aware of the Farmers 2050 gaming system they can play anytime, anywhere. Download the game.

Nature Based Education Summer Institute
A great professional development opportunity to learn about the benefits of nature based education and how to incorporate the principles into your own classroom!
Build 2×2 mini-gardens with our own Kevin Duplissie, and learn what is needed in the soil for your seeds to grow, for drainage and watering and actually plant seeds that will grow this summer in your classroom or home.
When: June 23&24
Where: University of Maine at Farmington

Workshop at the Muskie School for CEUs
Food Waste Reduction & Recovery for K-12 Schools & Institutions
In K-1 2 schools, leftover food can be recovered by setting up a Share Ta ble and collecting for composting. For institutions and restaurants , cut ting down on food waste helps to reduce their costs and is one of the practices that contributes to a sustainable brand. This  workshop will look at how Maine schools, institutions and restaurants can set up and operate data driven food wast e reduction and recovery programs and achieve economic and environmental benefits by keeping leftover food out of the dumpster. It will examine the links between food waste and gleaning networks, and food recovery and food insecurity, as well as the donation of leftover food. Guest speakers from schools, municipalities, businesses and the hospitality industry will share their perspective and practices.

Read ME Agriculture County Leads

Maine Agriculture in the Classroom is looking for help for our future Read ME Programs.

If you're interested in being the lead in your county to help coordinate the volunteer reading program, please contact Kelsey.
- Introduction to AquacultureGrades: K-5. Through class discussion, examination of resources, a game and YouTube video, students will explore aquaculture and identify areas that they would like to study in depth.
- Aquaculture Equipment. Grades K-5. This activity utilizes a game to identify what is needed to grow seaweed.   Students will design an aquaculture rig and compare to actual rigs used in kelp farming.  Students will make diorama models or work together to make a rig that will be placed in the water.  Students will also begin their Seaweed Journal.
- Identification and Taxonomy of Seaweed. Grades: K-5. Students will hone their identification skills by examining and identifying common types of seaweed found along the Maine coast.  Review may be in the form of a competitive game.
- Kelp Anatomy. Grades: K-5.  Through a variety of activities, students will learn the structure and function of kelp anatomy.  Comparisons to plankton are made and buoyancy, density and surface area are explored.
- Seaweed Habitat and Photosynthesis. Grades: 3-5.  An understanding of photosynthesis is acquired through discussion and watching YouTube videos.  Students will engage in creating a mural of a seaweed habitat and show how a species' anatomy helps it live in this habitat.
- Seaweed Products and Marketing. Grades 3-5. Class will read through Aquaculture for ME book together and discuss questions. General knowledge of aquaculture will be reviewed through a Jeopardy style game.
- Water Quality Monitoring. Grades K-5. Water tests are identified and conducted over time to note changes that may occur.  Trends may be identified and results graphed.

Click to view the book online!

Aquaculture Game: Class will read through  Aquaculture for ME book together and discuss questions. General knowledge of aquaculture will be reviewed through a Jeopardy style game.

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Our Mission Statement

"To promote the understanding of agriculture and natural resources among students, educators, and the general public" 

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