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Monthly news & updates
November 2020 | Issue #110
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NEW RESOURCE: Oyster Farm Tour!
Have you ever wanted to visit an oyster farm in Maine?
Do you want to learn more about oyster farming and Maine's aquaculture industry?
Now you can from the comfort of your own home or classroom!

Take your students on a virtual tour of an oyster farm in Maine at Pemetic Sea Farms in Surry, Maine hosted by Anne Noll.
NEW RESOURCE: Remote Learning & Online Resources Guide
Maine Agriculture in the Classroom has tons of resources available on our website, lesson site, and in past newsletters. In this document we're highlighting some that we think might be especially helpful during this time or remote learning. Pictures, videos, and words are hyperlinked throughout the document. Access the Remote Learning & Online Resources Guide on our Teach ME Food & Farms site, on the homepage and under "Resources."
MAITC Grants Program - Upcoming December Deadline!
Funding is still available for our 2020 Grants Program!

Visit our website to view and download the 2020 request for applications.
Deadline for applications is DECEMBER 14th!
We have already awarded several grants from our earlier 2020 deadlines, please visit our website to learn about the great projects that have been approved for funding!
My American Farm
The My American Farm website has been completely redesigned!
My American Farm strives to be a credible source for agricultural literacy information. They have apps and games that cover a variety of subjects, teacher implementation ideas, and tips for parents helping their students at home. Check it out!
Harvest of the Month - November is Maine Brassicas!
Check out the great HOM materials:

Brassicas Curriculum Resource Page COMING SOON!
Teacher Resources Section
Homegrown in Your State: Fruits and Vegetables. Grades K-2. Students explore their state's specialty crops, discover how food gets from the farm to the table, and discuss the importance of eating fruits and vegetables every day.

A Rafter of Turkeys. Grades 3-5. Students will learn about the domestication and life cycle of the turkey, recognize how turkeys are raised on farms, and identify turkey products.

Cracking Open the Story of Nuts. Grades 3-5. Students investigate a variety of nuts, discover how and where they are grown, and explore their nutritional benefits.

In a Nutshell. Grades 3-5. The students will explore pecan production from farm to fork, simulate the process of grafting, and create a nutritious snack.

The Geography of Thanksgiving Dinner. Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12. In this lesson students will identify common Thanksgiving foods and their farm source, determine if those foods can be produced locally, and locate the common origins of their Thanksgiving day dinner.

Looking for more? Explore the Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix HERE
Check out these videos about cranberries and pecans to learn about how some of Thanksgiving staples grow!
Activities & Resources
UMaine Cooperative Extension Cranberry Resources for Educators. Vocab, puzzles, worksheets, language arts, activities, and more! Check out these great resources about cranberries from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension.

Poultry Reader. This printable four-page reader is packed with information about chickens, turkeys, and other poultry. Use this reader to share information about the parts of an egg, poultry-related careers, the diets of chickens, and more. 

Cranberry Bounce. A great video to celebrate Thanksgiving. See an enactment of the first North American Thanksgiving at Plymouth. Watch children put on hip waders and go chest high into the bog during the fall cranberry harvest. Cranberry Bounce introduces children to the seasons on a cranberry farm. Along the way, they learn about the biology of cranberry reproduction, geography of cranberry growing areas, some cranberry recipes, and cranberry decorations.
Maple Curriculum Support: Tapping into Maple Tradition - Lessons for K-12 Classrooms.

Looking for field trips? Check out Get Real Get Maine's Food, Farms, and Forest Search

ReTreeUS plants orchards in schools and provides educational programs that empower people to be healthy environmental stewards.

See the Maine Farm to School Census here. Are you participating?

Maine School Garden Network provides resources and technical assistance for all school gardens across Maine!

Search the National Ag in the Classroom Curriculum Matrix for resources

Fuel Up to Play 60 offers educators a wide array of resources they can use to help students make sustainable changes in their school environment.

Agroworld is an agricultural science e-zine developed for the secondary educator.

KidsGardening has ideas about plants and gardens, teacher resources, and grant opportunities.

The Chop Chop magazine and website has easy and healthy recipes.

American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has curriculum, games, and resources available for educators and students.
Funding from this plate has impacted up to 200,000 students annually with lessons, materials, volunteers and teacher training. Annually up to $60K is distributed in grants to schools, FFA, 4-H and other Non-profit programs for Ag education initiatives by the Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Council.
Donate today to The Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Association
The Non-profit, completely volunteer, portion of MAITC. These funds are used directly to support teacher scholarships and recognition, and support volunteer participation for Ag education programs. Your donation is completely tax deductible and you can make a one-time donation or a recurring monthly donation which will support the mission, "to promote the understanding of agriculture and natural resources among students, educators, and the general public." If you have any other questions or would like to join this group please contact the chairman, Maryjane StaffordDonate Here.
Our Mission Statement
"To promote the understanding of agriculture and natural resources among students, educators, and the general public"  
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