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Welcome Back!

School is back in session, students and teachers have settled into the new year, and it's time for a look ahead to the 2017-18 year!

This year the Needham Public Schools have a number of upcoming projects.  Read below for more information on:
  • Needham High School expansion project 
  • Other NPS News
  • Welcome new CNS board member!
  • Learn more about the School Committee
Updates below and we'll follow these projects in future newsletters so stay tuned!

Best wishes for a wonderful year,

~Citizens for Needham Schools
Needham High School Expansion Project

Neeham High is slated for expansion this year.  This project will construct 10 new classroom to address issues of overcrowding, update the A gym, and addresses nonfunctional HVAC equipment. The project, totaling 14.2 million, was approved by Town Meeting on October 2, 2017.   


For more information:  

Other News from NPS 
Full Day Kindergarten
Needham continues to focus on adding Full Day Kindergarten, potentially by Fall 2019.  More on FDK here.
Needham High School 1:1 Technology Program
This fall, Needham High School implemented its 1:1 technology program Read here for more information.
Needham Public Schools 2017 Performance Report
Have you seen the latest NPS Performance Report?  It's out and available on the district website.
Welcome to new CNS board member, Alisa Skatrud!
As CNS starts the year, we'd like to welcome our newest board member, Alisa Skatrud.  Alisa has three children in the NPS and we're happy to have her join us.

We'd also like to acknowledge CNS board members whose terms ended.  Special thanks to Emily McCann, Nancy Tegler and Matt Spengler for their time spent with CNS.  Thanks for all your service!
Learn More about School Committee 
Did you know that the Needham School Committee meets twice per month?  They usually meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7pm at Broadmeadow School Performance Center.  These meetings are open to the public, and often include an opportunity for citizens to share their thoughts.

Can't make a meeting?  They stream live on the Needham Channel and are available online.  General information,  meeting dates, agendas and minutes are located on the Needham Public School website.  Email the school committee at

Follow the CNS Facebook page for agendas, updates, and more  information.
What does CNS do? 
Citizen for Needham Schools tracks initiatives facing the Needham Public Schools and provides information to the public through four main forums:  newsletter, facebook, twitter and our website.
This year we'll cover the issues above, plus provide information about the budget process and election.  
Stay in touch!

Citizens for Needham Schools

In this letter...
NHS Expansion
More NPS News
New CNS Board Member
About School Committee
About CNS
Quick Links
CNS Website
Superintendent's Blog
Needham Public Schools

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