April 2022 Issue 1: Live Independently
Image Description: The Center for Exceptional Families logo with 3 hearts: 1 green, 1 orange, and 1 blue heart. The hearts are interconnected and hanging off the letter E in the word Exceptional.
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Live, Work, and Learn Independently
Image Description: Logo with a gray robot character with yellow eyes winking, with a tv/computer monitor for head, and antennas coming out the top of head. The phrase around the character says, "Live Work and Learn Independently" and the letters on the side of the character are LWLI.
A Newsletter for Arkansas Teens and Adults
with Disabilities Transitioning to Adulthood
Who? What?
The Center for Exceptional Families' goal is to improve the quality of life and opportunities for all students with disabilities, including teens and young adults (age 14-26) who are transitioning from school to adult life. TCFEF will offer regular workshops, training, resources, and 3-4 annual newsletters specifically with information on transitioning to adulthood.
Independent Futures That Work Program
Image Description: Logo with the title "Independent Futures that Work. Live. Work. Learn." Logo is in blue and green. There is a person in a wheelchair, a person with a backpack on, and a person with a walking cane on a path with 3 arrows pointing in different directions.
To expand the goal of reaching teens and young adults, TCFEF has partnered with The Independent Futures That Work Program. IFTW is a multi-state program with a mission to work together with families, schools, and other organizations to help teens and adults with disabilities plan their futures! Click the link below to learn more and connect with IFTW on their website and social media sites!
What does Independent Living Mean?
Meet TATE, our Teen Adult Transition Expert (TATE).
TATE will give you important facts, vocabulary, and info related to Living, Learning, and Working Independently. TATE was created by a teen with a disability specifically for this purpose!
What is independent living? Is it living alone? Being employed? Going to college? Living in a community home? Socializing with friends?

It can be those things and many other things. There is no one size fits all when talking about independent living. But what do all these things have in common?

Self-determination. What is that? Self-determination means having control of your life, making decisions about your life, and getting the support you need to live your life your way!
Would you like to practice self-determination skills? One of those skills is goal setting. Follow the link to a website that has fillable and printable goal plans and even a goal planning web app! Share your goal plans with the people who can help you achieve them!
Project Search!
Image Description: Logo for Project Search. A dancing orange figure with various shapes like a sun, moon, star, swirl, asterisk, and triangle curve above the figure.
Project Search is an Arkansas program that offers onsite internships for adults with disabilities age 18-35 who qualify for the program. The interns will work in specific hospital settings offered in different areas of the state. To get more information, click the button below.
To learn more about the different organizations that participate in Project Search and their partnerships with specific medical centers, follow the links below.
Tell us What you Think!
Are there enough transition resources in your area?