Where Love Begets Love

February 7, 2019

A Word from Rev. Paula+

Beloved Community,

The full and busy week I mentioned in last week's newsletter has been such an incredible blessing.  There is so much to talk about, so much to pray about, so much to do.  And it is all good!  More importantly, as a friend from seminary and I used to say (tongue-in-cheek, acknowledging the grammatical incorrectness), "Life is good. God is gooder!"

This good God we worship has a living Spirit who seems to be working overtime in our life together.  Two of the most recent examples are our Annual Meeting and the coincidences in the approach we took to that meeting and the way the diocesan staff planned Diocesan Convention.  We talked about our gifts and how we might use them to serve God, each other, and the world.  The theme of Diocesan Convention was "Gifted, Called, Sent."  We heard our incredible Bishop Hughes' amazing sermons about these themes.  At Convention, we engaged in conversation very similar to the conversation we had at Annual Meeting. My friend, Sue (different friend, same faithful spirit) would call that a "God wink." I don't think it is much of a stretch when I say, "I think the Holy Spirit is trying to tell us something."   And I look forward to discerning together how we listen and respond.  

I want to offer a huge thanks (many, many thanks, actually) to all who helped to make Annual Meeting a huge success.  At the risk of missing someone, I mention the Dorn Family and Peter Wick for the huge task of setting up the fellowship hall on Saturday.  Thanks to the Dorn Family for a special coffee hour celebrating the Chinese New Year.  Thanks to Carole Francis and Linda B. for shepherding the children and to the children and their parents for taking part in the conversation.  Children's voices are so special and important!  Thanks to Carole F. and Jean James for a uniquely challenging Altar Guild set up. Thanks to the vestry for the help planning, setting up Sunday morning, and facilitating the conversation at table.  Thanks to Kim Williams and John Schucker for their flexibility in sharing their gifts with us.  Finally, thanks to all who came to church and participated with such open hearts and minds, as well as all who were with us in spirit and prayer.

Peace & Blessings,

Diocesan Convention Update 

Many thanks to your fabulous convention delegates: Carole Francis, Sue MacBeth, and Linda Soughan, as well as to alternate delegate Heloisa Rooney, for representing St. Stephen's so well.  Please take a few minutes to ask them about their experience.  

Convention took some action, as conventions do, all of it either unanimously or almost unanimously approved.  (Their was one "nay" vote on one resolution.)  There were resolutions to support transgender people and recognizing and ending domestic violence in our congregations, and moving diocesan convention toward a more digital future.  There was the sad but needed resolution to finalize closure of  The Church of the Holy Communion in Paterson, as well as the usual budget and clergy compensation actions.

St. Stephen's was visible on the four big screens twice!  Our collaboration with Wyoming Presbyterian to have drumming at the MLK Day event in 2018 was a part of the "Mission Minutes" presentations.  The Beckerath Organ Recital on February 10th was included in the announcements loop.

And there was the preaching!  Our bishop is a wise and faithful women, with a profound simplicity to her faith and her preaching that makes the Gospel accessible and real.  She moved the convention in a way that was extraordinary.

Please take a few minutes to check all of this our on the diocesan webpage.
The information about the resolutions is here.  Please note this link includes resolutions from prior years, too.
You won't want to miss the preaching!

Listening and Responding, a.k.a How will you use your gifts?

As we (the Vestry and Rev. Paula) said at the Annual Meeting, the conversations we had at our tables were both a continuation of the conversations that were part of the search and the next steps in our ongoing discernment of our shared ministry.   St. Stephen's is such a spirit-filled place, gifted with so many faithful and faith-filled people that, as Fran Taber said, in this upcoming year, "the sky's the limit."  The question for all of us is how will we listen and respond to God and commit to using the multitude of gifts we have been given to build up the Body of Christ to share God's love within our walls and beyond our borders?

Some thoughts, a.k.a. opportunities:

Within our walls:
We have vacancies in our elected leadership.  This year we need to fill one position on the vestry, a position that has been open for many months.  Please pray about whether or not now is your time to join this ministry.  And know that, although we are still in a period of transition, there is no need to be daunted by the unusually challenging and demanding work done by the vestry last year.  The search is over.  The rectory and offices have been made ready for the rector and her family.  We are now at a point when we can focus on the fun and exciting work of being Church.  Talk to Maryalice Chech, Roger Riedel, Rev. Paula, or any of the vestry members: Fran Taber, Kira Hanson, Eugene Foley

Diocesan Convention is an annual event, which means we need three delegates and three alternate delegates for twelve months from now.  If you have any interest in learning more about how we are connected to others in the diocese, what are some of the ways other people and parishes share their gifts, and are willing to represent St. Stephen's at next year's convention, this may be the ministry for you.  Talk to Roger Riedel or Rev. Paula.

Our liturgical ministries (Altar Guild, ushers, lectors and chalicers, choirs counters) welcome new members. If you haven't taken the opportunity to explore how your faith and relationship with God would be enhanced by this kind of service, now is your chance.  Talk to the coordinators: Julia Dorn and Theresa Scharff (Altar Guild), Roger Riedel (ushers), Barbara Riedel (lectors and chalicers), Kim Williams (Senior and Children's Choirs), and Felder Dorn (counters).  

We want to have a conversation about Christian Education, beginning with how we "form" our children and youth in their understanding of faith and Church.  An invitation from Rev. Paula has gone out to the three families we know are interested in this, though by no means should this conversation be limited to families with young children.  As Bishop Hughes said at Convention, "Children are the future of the world."  Let's talk about how we include them more actively in our life together and live into the Jesus' model of love of the youngest among us. Talk to Rev. Paula if you are interested in being a part of this conversation and ongoing ministry.

Our treasure is a gift.  If you haven't done so already, please make a pledge to the financial support of our ministries.  If you haven't thought about this, please consider planned giving, too, so that your financial support will continue long into the future.

Beyond our borders:

We remain committed to a number of outreach ministries, including Christine's Kitchen, North Porch, Drumming Camp, and IHN.  As with our liturgical ministries, there is always room for more people to be involved.  Talk to Deryck Rugbeer (Christine's Kitchen), Theresa Scharff (North Porch), Fran Taber (Drumming Camp), Margo Greenfield (IHN), or Rev. Paula.

Barnabas Health Hospice Services is looking for volunteers.  Their call is to those with a "warm heart, listening ear, and the gift of compassion."  Rev. Paula wants you to know that from her experience as a hospice chaplain, hospice volunteers make a profound difference in the life of patients and families.  For more information: call 973.370.8130 or email volunteercoordinator@vnahg.org.

IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network, of which St. Stephen's is a founding member) is in need of Shop Rite cards valued at $25 or less.  Sadly, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find host congregations for homeless families.  As a result, IHN sometimes provides families with the means to buy a meal or two worth of food this way.

Rev. Paula has started to venture out beyond the parish to get to know the community better and to meet new-to-her people.  If there is someone you think she should get meet, please let her know.  As the "church on Main Street" with the incredible gift of knowing "love begets love," being visible and connected is an essential element of faithful ministry.

If you have gifts you'd like to share in a ministry not mentioned here AND there are two or three others who share your interest AND tare willing to work with you and others to undertake this ministry, talk to Rev. Paula.  She'll be happy to join your discernment.

                                                 Upcoming Events

Preschool Committee Meeting        February 7, 7:30 pm
Beckerath Organ Recital                    February 10, 4:00 pm
Vestry Meeting                                    March 3, 11:30 am
Pre-School Committee Meeting       March 7, 7:30 pm
Church Leader University                  March 9, 9:00 am
Lenten Series                                       March 10, 17, 24, & 31 
                                                               April 7&14, 11:30 
Celebration of New Ministry            March 30, 2:00 pm


B eckerath Organ Recital:  Our final organ recital of the season takes place this Sunday, February 10 at 4pm with esteemed concert organist, Robert McCo r mick.  
Mr. McCormick will culminate the performance with an improvisational piece, rarely heard in classical recital programs.  

You will have the o pportunity to meet the artist at a reception following this special performace. No tickets are required. A suggested $10 donation can be made at the door.  Children accompanied by an adult are welcome.  Please invite your family, friends and neighbors for this extra special event!

Pledge Envelopes:  To request pledge envelopes for 2019, please see Fran Taber, and add your name to the list she is compiling.

Food Barrel:  Well, we all know the Super Bowl score was Patriots 13  Rams 3, but what about the S O U P E R Sunday score:  Campbells?  Progresso?  Other?  You can find out at St. Stephen's Church on Sunday!!! Remember to bring something for the Food Barrel.

Church Leader University:   The Diocese of Newark welcomes all wardens, vestry members, treasurers, clergy and other congregational leaders to learn, network and celebrate your ministry.  Saturday, March 9, from 9 am to 12 pm at St. Elizabeth's Church in Ridgewood.

Lenten Series:  After church (11:30 to 12:45) on March 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st, and April 7th and 14th, we will meet upstairs in the music room/library for a discussion based on a great book by renowned New Testament scholar Amy-Jill Levine, Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi.  The participant's guide is available  here  at Cokesbury f o r $9.99 and in paperback or Kindle at Amazon for about $10.  The full book is also available, though not necessary for the study group.  If you need help with the cost, please let Rev. Paula know.
Serving at the Altar  2/10/19 & 2/17/19

February 10 February 17

8:00 am

10:00 am
8:00 am
10:00 am
Altar Guild:
C. Francis
Altar Guild:
T. Scharff
J. Scharff
Altar Guild:
N. Sieffert
Altar Guild:
A. Cole
C. Francis
T. Scharff
K. Conway
B. Churchill
A. Walker
K. Hanson
B. Riedel
K. Wade
C. Francis
J. Scharff
A. Walker
R. Riedel
B. Majtyka
J. Majtyka
Ushers: Ushers:
K. Wade
J. Wade

Coffee Hour:
C. Francis
M. Nazareth
H. Rooney

Coffee Hour:

Parish Office Hours

Rev. Paula's regular schedule is Sunday thru Thursday, though that may change depending upon what's happening in the parish or diocese in any given week. 
She isn't always working in the office, so please call or email to schedule to see her.  She can be reached at 973-376-0688, ext. 21,  though for pastoral emergencies you may try her on her cell: 508-542-1327.  Her email is rector@ststephensmillburn.org.

The office is open Tuesday thru Friday from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm.  Doreen may be reached by phone at 973-376-0688, ext. 32 or by email at church@ststephensmillburn.org.