Welcome to School of Education's first Fall 2024 Newsletter!
This is my first CSUCI SOE newsletter issue and I look forward to showcasing your accomplishments and outstanding achievements in this newsletter and those to come. You are an outstanding group of faculty, staff, and students!
The SOE added four new staff this summer and have a few more starting soon, as well as two tenure-track faculty members. A warm welcome to all of you. We are looking forward to a big year that sees continued success of our credential programs in teacher education and early childhood, as well as a new credential in counseling and our Ed.D. programs which both started recently.
As the new Associate Dean, I am excited to be part of the School of Education. I come to CI from Kansas State University (K-State) where I was Professor, Director of the Rural Education Center (REC), and Coordinator for three programs (EDD, MAT, Online BA) in our Department of Curriculum & Instruction. Prior to K-State, I was an Assistant Professor of Social Studies Education at Utah State University. I have worked with teacher education programs and field experiences for 17 years in 4 states. In my role as faculty, I taught undergraduate courses in social studies methods, social foundations, and inquiry-based learning, as well as graduate courses in curriculum theory and development, research methods, historical and social foundations, and doctoral support courses. In my role as Director of the REC, I developed a network of research-practice partnerships, advocated for equity-based school funding, and oversaw $13 million in grant funding that we pushed out to rural schools in the form of resources and professional learning experiences for teachers. My work with rural schools brought together my teaching, research, and service to address equitable funding issues and teacher shortages in rural communities. Lastly, I coordinated three online programs that I either founded or co-founded with my colleagues to help increase enrollment in our department. I also enjoy engaging in collaborative research projects and have over 40 publications, including three books and most recently a biography for upper-elementary and middle grades students. My research has involved a range of topics, but is centered on the concept of agency in teacher professional learning, student learning, and history of education. I serve on the editorial board for two impact factored journals and am a regular reviewer for NSF grant programs.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Linguistics from the University of Kansas and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Rockhurst University in Literacy and Social Studies education. My doctoral degree is from Indiana University in Curriculum Studies and a Minor in History of Education. I taught elementary, middle, and secondary students in mostly suburban and urban contexts for over seven years. During my time in higher education, I have worked with mostly rural and urban schools and teachers in Indiana, Utah, and Kansas. I have also worked with teachers and faculty internationally from Afghanistan, Armenia, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Kazakhstan, Malawi, North Macedonia, South Korea, and Turkey.
I look forward to being part of the School of Education and learning more about the CSUCI community!
Spencer Clark
Associate Dean and Professor
School of Education
CSU Channel Islands