April 23, 2024

Volume 2, Edition 14

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Dean’s Letter 

Photo: Happy Administrative Professionals Day



Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.

Winnie the Pooh, A. A. Milne

Most of us remember the organized chaos of lunch while in high school—the cafeteria redolent of burgers and fries and warm chocolate chip cookies, the overflowing trash cans, and the chance to catch a much-needed break with friends between classes. When I was a new vice principal, I learned my responsibilities would include lunchtime supervision of our students.

I recall one afternoon during the early days of my new position after the bell rang for students to return to class. As the principal and I guided the students toward the buildings, I noted the condition of the quad, which was a minor disaster area of wrappers, cans, and half-eaten comestibles.

“Paul,” I said to my principal, “We need to call the custodian immediately to get this cleaned up.”

My sage principal, Paul Goldman, turned to me and retorted,

“What’s the matter with your hands, Elizabeth?”

The moment remains memorable for two reasons.

First, while we each have roles and responsibilities, all of us are responsible as leaders to model what we expect of others. None of us is above any task that comes our way.

Second, as Paul had told me shortly after my arrival, the secretary and the custodian hold the school together.

“They actually run the school, Elizabeth.”

Paul’s message was clear: there were individuals in our school—administrative professionals—who would make my life as a school leader wholly achievable.

In 1952 the day was called National Secretaries Day. Today, we call this day of recognition National Administrative Professionals Day. While the name has changed to better reflect today’s professional ethos, the purpose of this day is the same: to honor and recognize those individuals in our organizations whose contributions serve as the infrastructural backbone of all that we accomplish.

Over the years, I have had the privilege of working together with many accomplished administrative professionals. In our CSUCI School of Education, we have three such individuals: Liege Auyb, Lyzette Cornejo, and Evan Hill. These colleagues ensure that each day our faculty and other staff have the support necessary to accomplish their responsibilities.

Please take the opportunity this week to reach out to and thank the administrative professionals in your organization. They really do run your operation!

And by the way, that day back in the high school quad in much need of a clean-up? I did indeed pick up the trash and reflect on our good fortune that we had such fine administrative professionals to lighten our loads.

With sincere gratitude, 


Elizabeth C. Orozco Reilly


Photo: “Passion Led Us Here,” Ian Schneider


School of Education Assistant Professor Dr. Tadashi Dozono publishes new book

Photo: Dr. Tadashi Dozono

Tadashi Dozono’s forthcoming book, Discipline Problems: How Students of Color Trouble Whiteness in Schools, published by University of Pennsylvania Press. (publication date May 7, 2024)

Discipline Problems: How Students of Color Trouble Whiteness in Schools is an ethnography that centers the thinking of twelve tenth-grade Black and Latinx students from Circles Academy, a small urban low-income public high school. Focused on students who have been labeled as troublemakers, the book reframes troublemaking from a behavioral deficit in students of color to troublemaking as an intellectual asset and distinct form of reasoning. Whereas the disciplining and punishment of Black and Latinx youth often gets framed through the disciplining of bodies, Dozono resituates the problem of systemic violence towards Black and Latinx youth within classroom content and pedagogy, through the disciplining of minds. Dozono frames this through what he calls white systems of disciplining reason, the systematic perpetuation of whiteness through curriculum and teaching which regulate students’ expression of reason in school. By naming the reasoning of students of color as a form of generative trouble, this book centers students’ insights into how schools marginalize and punish them for not adhering to the school’s systemic whiteness. Each chapter culminates in a dialectical pedagogy that engages students of colors’ generative trouble as generating inquiry in the classroom. This book sits between ethnic studies, sociology, urban education, critical race theory, and social studies education. 

Dia del Niño/Children's Day celebration recently held on campus

Photo: Early Childhood Studies students and faculty who volunteered at this year's event.

The Early Childhood Studies program hosted the annual Día del Niño/Children's Day event on April 20th. Over 300 people were in attendance to enjoy the student and faculty led play stations that focused on early literacy, STEM, music, physical, and art activities. Guests were also treated to a dynamic read-aloud of El Cochinito Fugitivo/The Runway Piggy with guest author James Luna. Every family took home a copy of the book and a cochinito cookie! Thank you to all the community partners who participated in the event as well!

Photo: Yulisa (Early Childhood Studies alumni) and her children meet CSUCI mascot Ekho at the event.

Award announced for Undergraduate Research

Photo: Dr. HyeSun Lee 

Associate Professor of Psychology HyeSun Lee, PhD, received $115,000 in funding for her project “UNIV 201/301 Undergraduate Research: Becoming a Scholar - An Online Course that Accommodates the Needs of Diverse Groups of Students.” Funding comes from the University of California, Office of the President; the project aims to enhance student success by “fostering the development of research and critical thinking skills and fostering robust connections between faculty and students.” Dean Elizabeth C. Orozco Reilly assisted with writing the grant as the UNIV program is housed in the Educational Foundations Department.

CSUCI participates in Early Childhood Education Convening

Photo: Assadullah Sadiq, Aura Perez-Gonzalez, and Lorena Ramos

The CSU Chancellor’s Office invited each CSU campus to an Early Childhood Education Convening to support the development of the new PK-3 Early Education Specialist Credential (PK-3 ECE Credential) with a focus on early numeracy with an emphasis on multilingual learners. For this convening, Dr. Aura Perez-Gonzalez created a mini team composed of CSU faculty, Community College faculty, and LEAs to strengthen communication and partnerships between all stakeholders involved in the PK-3 credential. Our CSUCI mini team included Drs. Aura Perez-Gonzalez (PK-3 Coordinators), Assadullah Sadiq, Lorena Ramos (Director of Child Development at Fillmore Unified School District and CSUCI faculty) and Thesa Roepke (Community College faculty at Allan Hancock in the Early Childhood Studies department). The team was able to attend various workshops focused on early numeracy and multilingual learners to inform the future PK-3 credential programs at CSUCI.


Upcoming Information Sessions

All sessions will be held via Zoom. Registered participants will receive an email with meeting details.

Please register in advance. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming session.

MA in Educational Leadership & Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Session


Please register here

MA in Education Session

TUESDAY MAY 7, 2024, 5:15-6:00PM

Please register here

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Grand Salon, CSUCI Campus

8:30am- 3:30pm, invitation only

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