The Beacon Newsletter May 2024

This Month

VBS Planning Meeting - Sunday, May 5 After worship (Parlor)

Youth Group - Sunday, May 5 from 5pm - 7pm

Martha Lydia Circle: Monday, May 13 at 10:00 am

Council Meeting: Tuesday, May 21 at 6:00 pm

Sharing the Gospel, Food, and Other Assistance

A Word from Rev. Snell


Dear Cedar Grove friends:


I love pie.


My favorite pies are apple pie, blueberry pie, peach pie, pecan pie, and, my go-to, chocolate cream pie. Years ago I learned how to make all of these, and more. I even make my own crust, which is key to a good pie. I love pie. And, I want to share that love with you.


Starting in June, Pastor Faith and I will host Pie with the Pastors on the second Saturday of each month from 9am – 11am. We will share pie at these events, of course. More importantly, we will share more about what it means to be a Christian, a Global Methodist, and a member of Cedar Grove Methodist Church.


You may have noticed all the new faces in worship over the last year. Many of these new folks have expressed interest in joining our church. The purpose of Pie with the Pastors is about more than sharing dessert. The purpose is to provide critical information for anyone wanting to commit to full membership at Cedar Grove. People who have attended one of these gatherings, and who feel God is calling them to live out their discipleship at Cedar Grove, will be welcomed to take the sacred vows of membership during one of our regularly scheduled Sunday worship services. 


Because membership in a local church is a deeply meaningful covenant commitment, we are also inviting people who are already members to attend a Pie with the Pastors gathering. This is because our church has experienced much change in the past year. Last July Cedar Grove disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church. Six months ago Cedar Grove aligned with a new denomination, the Global Methodist Church. Though related by our past heritage, the UMC and the GMC are now on much different spiritual paths as to their understandings of Scripture and how we are accountable to each other in sacred covenant. The information provided in Pie with the Pastors addresses what it means to be a member of this church in this season of its life. 


I want to be very clear here. People who were members of Cedar Grove before November 12, 2023 automatically became members of the Global Methodist Church on that date. This is confirmed in a letter from Keith Boyette, Transitional Connectional Officer of the GMC. If you wish to remain aligned with Cedar Grove and the Global Methodist Church, you don’t have to do anything to retain your membership status here. 


However, rather than just default into membership here because you joined years ago, we encourage everyone to be informed. Come to a Pie with the Pastors gathering. And then, as God leads, recommit to your discipleship journey during a Sunday worship service. Recommitments of faith by current members will be offered alongside commitments by new members so that we can all walk this new path in solidarity, together. 


Signup sheets for Pie with the Pastors will be available in the church lobby. You can also sign up by contacting the church office. Even if you like pie a lot, you only need to sign up for one Saturday gathering in order to receive all the information you need to make a decision about a commitment/recommitment to membership. So that we can get to know each other better, and so that I don’t have to make more than a couple of pies at a time, each PWP is limited to 12 attendees. Don’t worry, though. When the summer dates fill up we’ll offer PWP on the second Saturday of every month through the end of the year and beyond. 


See you soon at Cedar Grove, friends. As much as I love pie, I love Christ and the people of his church far more.




A.B. Snell


Playdate Drop-In — All are welcome to bring children 0-5 years old for Open Playtime in the Ministry Center Tuesdays from 9:30 am—11:30 am. See Pastor Faith for details.


VBS Planning Meeting — We will hold an interest meeting next week, Sunday, May 5, immediately following worship. Please grab some snacks and meet us in the Parlor. Ages 6th grade and up may volunteer. As always, Middle and High School volunteers can request a letter for service-learning hours. Contact Pastor Faith for details.


Martha Lydia Circle — The Martha Lydia Circle will meet on Monday, May 13 at 10:00 am in the Parlor. All are welcome to join us!


Wednesday Night Dinners  Join us at 5:30 pm on Wednesday nights to fellowship and break bread together. Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies are open to all beginning at 6:30 pm. 


Men’s Bible Study — Wednesdays, at 6:30 pm. All men are welcome to join in a study of “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren. Contact Greg Witte (301-346-2385). 


Women’s Bible Study — Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. All women are welcome to join in a six week study of “He Speaks to Me: Preparing to Hear from God” by Priscilla Shirer. Contact Diana Seen (443-618-9759).

Vacation Bible School — Save the date! Our theme, “Hometown Nazareth,” will be held July 8-11, 6-8 pm. Register online today!

Sunday Worship Schedule

May 5 - Scripture: 1 John 5:1-6 ~ John 15:9-17 Preacher: Rev. Snell

May 12 - Mother's Day Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 ~ Luke 24:44-53 Preacher: Pastor Faith

May 19 - Pentecost Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 ~ John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 Preacher: Rev. Snell

May 26 - Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8 ~ John 3:1-17 Preacher: Rev. Snell; Baptism Zachary McDonald

June 2 - Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 ~ Mark 3:20-35 Preacher: Rev. Snell

June 9 - Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:6-17 ~ Mark 4:26-34 Preacher: Rev. Snell

June 16 - Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:32-49 ~ Mark 4:35-41 Preacher: Rev. Snell

June 23 - Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 ~ Mark 5:21-43 Preacher: Rev. Snell

June 30 - Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 ~ Mark 6:1-13 Preacher: Rev. Snell

Children & Youth Update by Pastor Faith Wilkerson

Margot on swing

Smiles from the children like Margot who attend Sunday morning and our mid-week play group. Thankful for the new mulch under the swings!

The swings at Cedar Grove Church are enjoyed by our community. Any time of the week, you may see neighbors enjoying the playground area. We are blessed to be a place where children and youth can gather for fun and fellowship. Thanks to the Trustees for the recent cleaning and upkeep of our community playground!

Sunday Mornings at Cedar Grove

Following the children's message, our Junior Church is offered for preschool - elementary. Pictured at right are the children re-enacting the Bible lesson of Jesus eating with his disciples. Thank you for the donations of costumes that are being used for this imaginative, play based learning.

Serving as an acolyte on Sunday mornings is an opportunity that the children enjoy. Did you know, that as they place the flame upon the candle, I am sharing with them the meaning of their action? More than just lighting the candles, they understand the importance of placing the Light of Christ at the center of our worship.

These young “bearers of light” remind us that the church exists not for itself, but for sharing the Light of Christ with the world.

Even if they are too little to carry it alone, they serve as a reminder that all of us come before the throne of God’s grace as a child.

If your child would like to serve, please contact Pastor Faith.

Children & Youth Events

  • Youth Group Nights - May 5 from 5 pm - 7 pm
  • High School & Middle Schoolers: Sign up to serve at Vacation Bible School. Online form link
  • Vacation Bible School on the evenings of July 8-July 11. Planning meeting to be held on May 5 after worship. Register your child for participation. Online VBS REGISTRATION link
  • Disney Dance Camp, Sports Camp and PreK Camp will be offered July 15-18 from 9am til 3pm. Select one featuring dance, art, and sports games. Each camp includes hands-on projects such as sewing, building bird houses and more. This is a partnership with Martha Lydia Circle and area high schoolers. Day Camp Registration link
  • Mercy Me Concert - We have purchased tickets to the Friday, November 8 concert in Baltimore. Interested in going? Contact Janna Manifold or Pastor Faith for cost and details.

Mission Corner - Stand in Faith Ministries

Stand in Faith Ministries provides food to the hungry in twelve nations: Israel, Ukraine, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Cameroon, Nigeria, Mexico, Honduras, Great Britain, South Korea, and one other Asian country (unlisted for security reasons.)


We have been offered a $3,000 matching grant. If we raise $3,000 in donations, the ministry will be given the grant money to purchase much needed food.  


The soup kitchens, food pantries and governmental help available to the hungry in the US are usually not available abroad. Our Food Ministry workers have encountered a number of people who have not eaten for three days. They encounter people on a daily basis who are unable to adequately feed their children.  


The food has fed many people, a number of them truly desperate for food. At least seven suicides have been prevented as pastors stopped to give food and to listen. The Gospel is always shared. God wants to pull people back from a place of desperation.


Although our focus is getting food to the hungry, God is using it for salvations. There were 4,000 salvations by January of last year. All of this is the Holy Spirit’s work. He alone can give people understanding and lead them to Jesus. 


You can learn more about our food ministry at our website:


If you would like to help us share both food and the Gospel, donations can be made on-line or sent to the address below:


Stand in Faith Ministries

P.O. Box 549

Gordonsville, VA. 22942

Full Day Summer Camp for Kids 

ages 3 and up

July 15 - 19

9am - 3pm or preschoolers half day til noon

Register Online

8:45 am Camper Drop-Off

9:00 am Morning Praise

9:30 am  Dance / Sport

10:30     (snack)

11:30 am  Break for Lunch

Noon    preschool pick-up

12:15      Art Options

includes beads, wood working, sewing and arts & crafts)

1:15pm      Dance/Sport

2:00pm    Group Game and snack

3:00pm    Camper Pick Up

The Beacon Newsletter is a monthly publication of Cedar Grove Methodist Church in Deale, Maryland.

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