Storm Newsletter

March 11th,, 2024

Thank you all for a great weekend!! The Mock meet and pictures all went so well, and you all volunteered and learned so much! You can find the results on the track and field schedule page or on

We will be sending out a volunteer link to sign up for our First meet tomorrow

There is a lot of information today, please read ALL of the Newsletter

We are so excited to have our first meet this Saturday at Castaic High, as you know our bleachers are limited so you may want to bring lawn chairs! You are also welcome to bring tents as it will be warm! As you saw on Saturday we reserve the grass area mainly for the Coaches tents so your athletes know were to sign in and pick up their relays.

Your athlete's will sign up for their events at practice during this week if they miss it, they sign up with their coaches at the meet in the morning!

Our first events will start at 8:30 (please see order of events below) If your athlete is running in the 4x100 relay they must sign by 8:30 to be considered for a team!

Please review the information below and our Parent handbook!!

As we start our official meets please make sure your athlete is in full team uniform. They must wear the plain black shorts, at least 5 inches inseam, NO Basketball shorts! If they would like to wear under shirts or tights they must be plain (no design) and solid white, black, grey, or black. There were a lot of tights with colors and patterns not allowed in competition. Now would be a good time to review the parent packet again.

As a reminder, we are all volunteers, Please treat everyone with kindness and respect. It will take us all to run the track meets, especially parents, to keep it going smoothly!

Please refrain from coaching your child outside the track! Ask your coaches if you have any questions !!

This week the only parents allowed on the field will be the volunteers. Please check your athletes in with their coaches for warm up. Please do not go on the infield with them! It is very important that you listen for call to the events. Coaches can not go looking for your athletes. If we have internet the coaches will use the Remind app to call for events to each group! Please bring them to the team tent at 1st call! Tents will be in the same location as last week. Athletes will return to you after each event

Saturday we will compete with the Northridge Pacers and the Thimsha Tigers! They are very fast teams and we are looking forward to the meet.

Results for all meets can be found on our website under the "Meet Results" tab on top of the web site or on the Track and Field page . (We also will be posting them each week on if there is internet)

Our meet schedule is also on this page. We are a member of the Valley Youth Conference (VYC) You can find results for all the league teams on that web site


.First Track Meet

Our first track meet will be this weekend It is at Castaic High, If your athletes will be doing one of the first events please arrive at 7:45. All 4x100 relay runners must arrive by 8:30 am. Only athletes that have checked in by 8:30 will be considered for a relay

Athletes this week will be signing up with their coaches at practice for the events they would like to do. Depending on the age of the athlete there are limits to how many events they can do each week. Sub-Gremlins & Gremlins are limited to a maximum of 3 events, everyone else is limited to 4 event maximum, but 1 event has to be a relay for Bantam through Youth , Intermediate 15-18's 4th event can be an individual event (ie not limited to a relay), an event is either a running or field event, so the limitation can be any combination of those events but not more that 3 single events for example 100. 400, and High Jump would be 3 single events.

Events can be changed at the meet if needed.

Please see you coach at the end of practice if you would like to know what events they are signed up for.

If you have any questions about the number of events please ask your coach. The conference has a very strict policy about over eventing, the athlete will be Disqualified in all events of the day if they compete in too many events at a meet.

Order of Event

Please arrive at 7:45 am so you can do your warm-ups if you are in the first events . Track and field events will begin at 08:15-8:30 am . The normal order of running competition will be Sub Gremlin Girls, Sub Gremlin Boys, Gremlin Girls, Gremlin Boys, Bantam Girls, Bantam Boys, Midget Girls, Midget Boys, Youth Girls, Youth Boys, 15-18 Young Women, 15-18 Young Men. Deviations in this order are shown in the order of the events which follow. We can not predict times so please arrive with enough time to check in, get your tags, and warm up.

Running Events

3000 Meter Run  MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB

(All age groups may run together. In this event)

80-Meter Low Hurdles   MG, MB

100-Meter Low Hurdles  YB, IG, IB

100-Meter Low Hurdles  YG

4×100 Meter Relay   SGG, SGB, GG, GB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB

1500 Meter Run  GG, GB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB

400-Meter Dash  SGG, SGB, GG, GB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB

100-Meter Dash  SGG, SGB, GG, GB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB

800-Meter Run  SGG, SGB, GG, GB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB

200-Meter Dash  SGG, SGB, GG, GB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB

4×400 Meter Relay  GG ,GB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB

Field events will called at 08:15 and run concurrently unless combined

Running events take precedence over field events, athletes should check out of their field event on the third call for their running event, athletes need to return to their field event within 5 minutes of finishing their running event. High Jump takes precedence over other field events.

Field Event Order

High Jump  BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG/YW, IB/YM

Long Jump  SGG/GG, SGB/GB, IB, IG, MG, MB, YG, YB, BG, BB

Shot Put  YB, YG, IG, IB/YM, BG, BB, MG, MB

Javelin - Gremlin and Bantam, Junior and Youth - Intermediate

Number of Events for each Athlete

Sub Gremlins and Gremlins can compete in a maximum of 3 events only. Athletes who are Bantam and older may add one extra event, IF THE 4th EVENT IS A RELAY. Athletes who compete in more than the maximum number of events will have ALL marks for the day disqualified, and would cause their relay team to be disqualified. Please address any questions to your coach to avoid any possibility of exceeding the maximum allowable number of events.

Running vs Field Events

Running events take precedence over field events. First check in at your field event. After the 3rd call for a running event, check out with the field event judge and proceed to the staging area to check in for your running event. Return to the field event within 5 minutes of completing your race or you will not be allowed to complete the event.


Lawn Chairs

Water (lots of it)

Snacks (healthy ones) fruits, veggies, sandwiches, power bars, health bars, etc.


Umbrella/canopy/ chairs

Complete uniform


Sweats/warm-up outfit

PowerAde/Gatorade (if desired)

Running Shoes/Spikes


The first thing on arrival is to have your child find his or her age group coach, under the purple tents. Check in with them to get the event tags they will be doing at that meet. Make sure they have their sweats on, it will be cool when they arrive. Announcer calls:

First call means go your coach for warm up

Second call means coaches are finishing up warm up

Third and final call means to go to staging and check in. If your child is at a field event they must check out with the judge and go to staging and they must return 5 minutes after their running event is complete.

Your child will need to be aware, at all times, of where his or her coaches are. Keep track of what event is being called (“First call, all Gremlin Girls 200 meters, Last call, all Midget Boys 1500 meters”, etc). It is impossible for the coaches to know where sixty or more athletes are.

Athletes must warm up before each event. Have them check with their coach on when they should report in for warm ups with their group.

As the day warms up, keep your athlete OUT OF THE SUN. Use lots of sunscreen, and have them drink plenty of water and drinks like Gatorade/Powerade. NO SODA!!. Soda depletes the body of fluids. Keep them relaxed and from running around. This is a good time to have them play cards or board games with a friend.

Volunteer Sign up

Will be sent out on Tuesdays

Here is a brief description of what we need this Saturday:

Long Jump - record measured marks, measure marks, rake and clear sand

Race Announcer - Sit in the middle of the field and announce the next race in order of events.

Finish line recorder- collect Tags from athletes and put them on the clip board for timers Help athletes get in their lanes

Tag pullers- pull tags off athletes at the end of the race or in staging

Data input - input race and field events at the timing table

Stagers- Put athletes in order in the middle of the field and take to starting line for each race

Race Escorts - walk athletes to the starting line and help them get on the track

Relay zone judges - help athletes on the track in their zone and report if they pass out of the zone

Set Up and Clean up - at the beginning and end of the race

Each week we will have different duties but after the mock meet you will be able to see each duty/ You can try to sign up at a time your athletes competes so that you can be near that area.

Loaner Spike Shoes! We have some used loaner spike shoes that you can borrow for the season. They will be out at practice at Castaic ! If you have spikes that no longer fit please consider donating them. You will still need to buy the correct spikes to put in them from the table. The cost is $5.00 per set. of A Registration F

Fleet Feet Shoe Store - Will be at the Track on Saturday!!

Practice Schedule

Monday March 11th - 6:15 pm -7:15 - Sub Gremlin and Gremlin

6:15 - 7:45 pm - All other age group -Castaic High 1 All Athletes

There is a Lacrosse game prior to our practice so please note the time change

Tuesday March 12th - 6:00 pm -7:15 - Sub Gremlin and Gremlin

6:00 - 7:45 pm - All other age groups

Thursday March 14th - 6:00 pm -7:15 - Sub Gremlin and Gremlin - Make up Pictures wear your uniform

6:00 - 7:45 pm - All other age groups - Make up Pictures wear you uniform

Saturday March 16th - 8:00 Meet @ Castaic High- See Schedule below for event order

Picture Makeups

Make up pictures will be on Thursday March 14th only, at 6:00 Wear your uniform

Remind App for age groups

Please be sure to download the Remind app and join the following classes, the coaches will send messages during the track meets about kids are who are warming up. This not a communication method for the whole team. For all other questions please send an email!!

Sub Gremlins





or you may download the app and then use the following codes to join those classes.






Merchandise and Uniforms

If you still need to pick up a uniform or merchandise They will be at practice on Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 - 7:15 Please pick it up! The Storm Store will stay open un Sunday March 17 ONLY

Click here for Storm Store

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club
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