JULY 2020     
This newsletter highlights items of interest
for summer 2020
2020 Inspection Program
Council Election Update
        Reminder to Report Land Sales

Recent News 
reforestation is one of the activities reviewed during inspections
2020 Managed Forest Inspection Program Underway

The Managed Forest Council conducts inspections on all managed forests at least once every five years. Over the past five years, 283 inspections have been carried out, including 62 inspections in 2019. The 2020 inspection program is underway with 63 managed forests scheduled for inspection this summer.
For more information on Council's inspection program, including the Covid-19 safety procedures that are in place, see our Inspection Program blog post here
Council Election Update

The Managed Forest Council consists of five members: two members appointed by the provincial government, two members elected by private managed forest landowners, and a chair who is jointly appointed by the other four council members.
A call for nominations for election of an interior owner member was sent to all landowners in February. Will Pryhitko, Managed Forest 38, was re-elected by acclamation for a three-year term starting July 1, 2020.
For more information on the election process & Council Governance, see the election blog post here


Requirement to Submit Notice of Sale Within 30 Days 
Managed forest owners are reminded that Section 11 of the Council Regulation requires landowners to notify Council within 30 days of the sale of all or part of their private managed forest land.
Council has recently entered into Consent Agreements, including penalties, with three owners who were in non-compliance with the requirement to submit a Notice of Sale in 2019.
The notice of sale form is available here.
Telephone: 250.386.5737
Online: MFCouncil.ca