Track & Field 2024

April 22, 2024

Our last regular season track meet was fantastic! Lost of records and PR's, but most importantly we had so many volunteers to keep it running smoothly!! Thank you all that helped out, so that the athlete could a compete! Special thanks to our Finish Line volunteers Kevin and Mandy that stayed there all day and our new Javelin crew! Coach Mike and his wife Michelle kept the shot put going all season, and Coach Elle managed the high jump! Also big thanks to all the Coaches!

This week we will be finding out the athletes that will be moving up to the May 4th meet, all other athlete will compete this Saturday. This is a very special meet as we will be giving out medals to the top 6 at both meets! We will also have Event t-shirts for sell! Please read carefully below!

Today is the last day to turn in the Scholastic form form this year, please see below for information!

This Thursday will be the last practice we will have all athletes in attendance so we will be have a special treat for all athletes! Kona Ice will be at practice and Storm will pay for all athletes. If you would like one, or a sibling to have one please bring $7.00

Championship meets. All athletes will go to a championship meet on either April 27th or May 4th. All Sub-Gremlins will go to the April 27th meet, and all non qualifiers or top 8 League will go to the May 4th race.

Athlete's that are close to the (Q) time may be invited to go to the May 4th meet. Athletes will not be allowed to attend both of those meets. These are such fun meets because the top 6 in each age group will be awarded a medal at the meets. 

Most asked questions about the Final 2 meets!

Who Goes to the Open Championship April 27th? - All athletes that did not hit a qualifying time AND all Sub- Gremlins, this is the final meet for those athletes! 

Who goes to the Western League Championship meet May 4th?- All qualified athletes, those who have a Q next to their results, and those who are invited from the top 8 of the Western League standings, you can find these results on our 2024 Track records page Coaches will be verifying in the next few days with those athletes I Will be available before and after practice to answer your questions.


The Individual Events Championship (I.E.C.) May 11th

Who goes to the The Individual Events Championship (I.E.C.) meet? - Those May 4th athletes that are top 9 (12 for distance events) between the 2 Leagues after May 4th meet. 

This Week's Track Meet

We will be having our Open Championship meet on Saturday April 27th at Castaic High! Please check with your coach to see if you are at this meet or the May 4th meet, all Sub Gremlins will be at this meet only! This is like a JV Championship meet and the athletes compete for medals.

Events can be added or changed at the meet if needed.

Scholastic Award Form

We give out a medal each year to all athletes that maintain a 3.5(B+) or 4.0 (A) grade point average. Please have their teacher fill out the form or attach their report card to this form. All forms are due Monday April 23rd. You can email or bring to practice

The following GPA is needed 

A or O= 4 points

B or S= 3 points

C= or N =2 points

D = U =1 point

We will adjust this according to the way your school grades.

Scholastic Form

Weekly Schedule

Monday April 22 -6:00 -7:15 for Sub-Gremlin 5/6 and Gremlins 7/8

6:00 -7:30 for all other age groups

Tuesday April 23 - 6:00 -7:15 for Sub-Gremlin 5/6 and Gremlins 7/8

6:00 -7:30 for all other age groups

Thursday April 25- 6:00 -7:15 for Sub-Gremlin 5/6 and Gremlins 7/8

6:00 -7:45 for all other age groups- Kona Ice Day for all athletes !

Saturday April 20th - 8:00: am - Open League Track Meet at Castaic High

Reminder For Relay Expectation

Relay Expectations

Please remember to be checked in by 8:30 if your child is on the 4x100 relay

Many parents are asking how relays are determined, here is a brief description on how this is done. We try to let all athletes try the event but there will be some weeks that the numbers do not work, but those who are there, and did not get on a team, we will try to make sure they are on a team in a future week.

It is very important to the team that if your athlete signs up for a 4x100 relay that they are at the meet and checked in before 8:30 am so the coaches can assemble the teams. If your child is signed up for a relay and does not show up, or is late, it will effect every other relay runner, and disappoint those who can not compete. If they sign up for the 4x 400 and do not stay it will also disappoint those on the team that will not get to run.

This is the only event that we are strict on signing up for. Please don’t sign up for the relay if your athlete can not compete in the event.

Criteria for relay team assignment.

1) Coaches discretion -Sportsmanship and team spirit

2 Time in the 100 meters at a meet, sometimes the fastest athletes may not be selected for the A team due to many factors, based on this criteria

3) Attending practice

4) Able to hand off smoothly

5) Time in the 100 or 400 meters at a meet, sometimes the fastest athletes may not be selected for the A team due to many factors, based on this criteria

All of this is considered when coaches put together their teams (A-Team, B-Team, C-Team, etc…).

If you have any questions about this, please speak with your age group coach or Coach Elaine

Team Awards Picnic

New location this year

Saturday, May 18th 2024

12:30 - 3:30 (Lunch served about 1:00-2:00)

West Creek Park , Valencia


We will need grills and Grill Masters !

Food Assignments Pot Luck Style :

Everyone needs to help out by bringing extra food, rule of thumb, bring enough for twice your family. Bring 2 items. 

Sub-Gremlins, Gremlins: Drinks 2-12 pack or 4-6 pack (1 case) any type of soda, juice boxes, water. NO TWO LITER BOTTLES!! Please put in an ice chest with ice. please make sure there is enough for everyone to have at least 2 drinks each.

Bantams & Midgets: Side Dishes – Salads, potato salad, coleslaw, fruit, baked beans, chips & dips, veggies, snack items, etc. PLEASE REMEMBER A SERVING SPOON Bring at least enough for your family and 12 other people. Please makes sure all items are pre-cut and ready to serve 

Youths, Intermediate : Dessert for 12 – PLEASE precut or sliced finger desserts would be great. I.E. Cookies, brownies, etc.

***Game suggestions are also welcome!!!


We are accepting donations for the Coaches thank you dinner. You can Venmo or bring cash or check to @SCTC2023

Lost and Found - Please check the fence for any lost jackets or waster bottle, All items will be donated each Thursday. We do not have place to keep these items!!

Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club
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