APRIL 2, 2023

Happy spring break!

See you back in school Monday, April 10!

HSA General Meeting April 18

The next general HSA meeting, previously scheduled for April 11 on Zoom, is being moved to TUESDAY, APRIL 18, in person.

Please mark your calendar with this change! We will gather as a community at 6:30 pm in the school library.


April 19: SAC Meeting

April 24: PSSA Testing Begins


April 18 | In person, Masterman library

May 9 | 7:30 pm | Zoom


April 3–7: No school (Spring Break)

April 14: Half day

April 21: No school

May 5: Half day

May 16: No school (Election Day)

May 19: Half day

May 29: No school (Memorial Day)

You can find the full SDP calendar here. Note that the 2023–2024 and 2024–2025 calendars have now been announced.

Run for the Masterman SAC!

In addition to HSA elections coming up, elections to serve on Masterman’s School Advisory Council (SAC) will also be held soon. Our school needs another cohort of dedicated, thoughtful community members to join this important team! The deadline to apply to serve is April 19—more information here.

Thank our auction sponsors

Over 100 businesses donated to the spring auction to support the Masterman HSA. Show your gratitude by supporting them in return!

Browse the list here.


Spirit Week!

The High School lit up last week with a series of hilarious and raucous events, pitching the Blue Team (10th and 12th graders) against the White Team (9th and 11th).

For your own dose of Masterman spirit, watch this video of spirit week highlights put together by senior Noah Eggerts.

The kids and teachers had so much fun, does it really matter which team won? 

Masterman Voices

Check out the latest issue of Masterman Voices. It is chock full, with articles on PA school funding, needed repairs to girls’ bathrooms, the musical, sports, National History Day, senior spotlights, and more.

Read the March 2023 edition here!

Chess Team at States

Congratulations to the Masterman Chess Team’s trip on much success at the 2023 PA State Scholastic Chess Tournament in Harrisburg!

The players are competing at nationals THIS WEEKEND so stay tuned for an update in the next newsletter!

States Results:

K-6 U500

1st Place School!

Top U400: Noah Steckel

Competitors: Leland Bullaughey, Wyatt Ross, Khang Tang, Noah Steckel, Sophia Kalule

K-8 Open

1st Place School!

PA 7th Grade Champion and 5th Place Individual: Caleb Landau

Top Female: Olivia Ryerson

Top U1400: Kael Kaufer

Top U1000: Anastasia Catelli

Competitors: Caleb Landau, Olivia Ryerson, Darren Milch, Vrishab Kaushik, Anastasia Catelli, Kael Kaufer, Sabastian La, Edward Lin

K-9 U1100

4th Place: Calvin Wang

K-12 Open

2nd U1600: Josh Smullens

Competitors: Valen Li, Josh Smullens, Marisa Maisano, Austin Ready, Samuel Weisz, Jonathan Djoenaidi

Athletics Update

Several of our Masterman teams posted wins last week. Keep up the good work!

Boys Tennis remains undefeated with 2 more wins last week, sweeping up GAMP (5-0) and Cheltenham High (5-0). Looking forward to another state championship run this year!! (instagram:

Girls Lacrosse had strong wins against Frankford High and Mastery Charter Shoemaker which brought their record to 3-1. Goals scored by Ella Berman and Anya Finlay. Strong offense and defense played by Aniesse Mezieche and Chelsea Rubin. (instagram: smpgirlslacrosse)

Boys Baseball remains undefeated with 2 more wins last week beating Boys Latin (13-3) and Kensington (15-0). Shout out to Oliver Dmochowski and Gabe LaRosa for pitching a no-hitter! (instagram: bluedragonbaseball)

Boys Lacrosse had back to back shutout wins against Northeast High (14-0) and Olney High (15-0). (instagram: mcslacrosse)


Reminder: NHS Tutoring Always Available!

Students in all grades can drop in as needed for help from Masterman HS student members of the National Honor Society during these hours:

Mondays, 7:30am – 8:15am in Room 214 (for everyone)

Tuesdays, 8th Period in Room 406 (for HS students)

Wednesdays, 8th Period in Room 305 (for 5th- and 6th-grade students)

Thursdays, 8th Period in Room 406 (for 7th- and 8th-grade students)

This is a free resource for everyone! If you have any questions please contact the HS Dean, Mr. Gilken, at

Scholarship for a Masterman Senior

Darryl J. Powell, Jr. M.D. Memorial Award

This $500 award is in honor of the legacy of Dr. Darryl Powell (Masterman C’05, Penn C’09, Perelman School of Medicine C‘13) who worked tirelessly until his passing to create more equitable and inclusive spaces in medicine for Black/African-American physicians and for better parity of healthcare for underserved patient communities.

The award will be granted to a Masterman graduating senior based on the following criteria: 

· student must identify as Black or African-American

· student must be aspiring to study in a medical science and/or healthcare related field

· student must submit a brief essay (500 word max) describing their commitment to/involvement in promoting social justice/equity/inclusion in the sciences

Apply here by April 30. Please direct any questions or concerns to


Spread the Word

Do you have news or announcements that you want to share with the school community? Is there information you'd like to see featured here?


Connect others with the HSA by forwarding this email or sharing this link to subscribe to the newsletter!


There are many ways to give to the Masterman community. Here are a few.


Donations fund the many programs and initiatives of the HSA that support our school, teachers, families, and students. Whether you are able to give $5 or $500, your gift is meaningful, and signals your commitment to our community.


Want to give direct support to specific teachers or your child’s classroom? Masterman teachers have updated their Amazon Wish Lists with the items they need to supplement the HSA’s Teacher Grant program.


Get your Masterman-branded hoodies, hats, tees, and athletic wear--and support the HSA.

And don't forget to become a member of the HSA today!


We need each other.

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