June 2023

Cow Hollow Association Newsletter
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In This Issue

CHA Annual Meeting: Thank You!

Cow Hollow Playground Clubhouse: New Drop-in Sessions

Edward II Transitional Age Youth: CHA Gift

Funding Law Enforcement and Shelter: Send Letter to City Hall

'Our Neighborhood Voices' Ballot Initiative: Keep Zoning Local

CHA Annual Meeting

Thank You!

Thank you to all who attended the Cow Hollow Association Annual Meeting. It was great to be back in person! We heard from members afterward that they thought the presentations on the impacts of proposed height increases in Cow Hollow, the Open-Air Drug Market in our City, and the other important topics from Supervisor Stefani were very informative.

Also, this year we had two sponsors, Butch Haze of Compass and the Land Rover San Francisco Dealership. Their underwriting of the meeting allowed us to continue hosting at the beautiful St. Francis Yacht Club.

Butch Haze's group would like to extend a special offer to Cow Hollow Association members from their partner, Stanly Ranch Residences, Auberge Resorts Collection - click here to read more about the offer.

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Cow Hollow Playground Clubhouse

New Drop-In Sessions

The Cow Hollow Playground Clubhouse (on Miley St. off Baker, between Filbert and Greenwich, and leased to a small private preschool) has reinstituted a free afternoon drop-in session open to neighborhood children and their caregivers. The sessions are Mondays from 3:30 to 4:30, with pre-school teachers in attendance. The sessions are limited to 6 children from the public, but no advance sign-up is necessary.

Edward II Transitional Age Youth

CHA Gift

In past years CHA Board of Directors has donated to the residents of the Edward II (EDII) during the holidays in the form of gift certificates to each resident.  Edward II serves Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) aged 18-24 who are at risk of homelessness, including youth aging out of foster care and is located at the intersection of Lombard and Scott Streets. 

We have periodic meetings with the management of EDII to discuss the status of various aspects of the operation and to offer help and services that are of benefit to the youth. This year we agreed that instead of gift certificates, we would donate what the residents said they needed most: cleaning supplies for each of the 24 apartments. A committee was formed to determine how best within our modest budget we could meet their needs.

So, we embarked on a “treasure hunt” of our local retailers and came up with this gift package: 

  • Mop with bucket and squeezer
  • Dustpan and hand-held whisk broom
  • Laundry basket
  • Hand soap, cleaning spray, and scrubbing cleanser powder.
  • Cleaning sponges and wipes
  • Toilet bowl brush kit
  • Disinfectant spray
  • Dishwashing liquid

These packages were delivered to Edward II in early January and according to the EDII management have been put to good use by the residents.



Send Letters to City Hall

From D2Unite (with edits):

The Board of Supervisors will be considering the Mayor’s proposed budget in the next week. 

We know that some of you may have mixed feelings about San Francisco's effectiveness in addressing the crisis on our streets. What many of us do agree with is the creation of more shelter beds so that fewer human beings are living and suffering on public sidewalks, and that the city fully funds and staffs law enforcement to meet today’s crime and safety challenges.

Over the last several years, San Francisco has imposed two failed strategies:

  1. Spending hundreds of millions on an unrelenting Housing First policy to the exclusion of other needed social programs for the drug-addicted and homeless.
  2. Prioritizing ideology and politics at the expense of public safety and police effectiveness. 

It is critical to the future of San Francisco that we tell the Board of Supervisors to fund shelters and law enforcement at the level that our current dire situation requires. 

Send a letter to fund more shelter beds
Send a letter to fund public safety

'Our Neighborhood Voices' Ballot Initiative

Keep Zoning Local

Our Neighborhood Voices (ONV) is a ballot initiative to restore our neighborhood voice and return sanity to the planning process. 

If there has ever been a time to stand up for your neighborhood, it’s now. In recent years Sacramento has passed an array of one-size-fits-all laws that ultimately give for-profit developers free rein to build whatever they want, wherever they want – even if that means destroying single-family neighborhoods and replacing them with massive unaffordable, multi-unit buildings, like the one pictured above.

For the last year, the ONV team has been hard at work uniting more than 50,000 Californians around the fight to preserve our neighborhoods. Thousands more are joining every week and their goal is to organize an unstoppable coalition of neighbors and leaders who can deliver the truth that we don't need to destroy our neighborhoods to build enough housing

Learn More & Show Your Support

CHA Board of Directors

Anne Bertrand, Lori Brooke, 

Jan Diamond, Don Emmons, Rich Goss,

Barbara Heffernan, Noel Kivlin, Claire Mills, Veronica Taisch

CHA Advisory Board

David Bancroft, Cynthia, Gissler, Don Kielsehorst, Elaine Larkin,

George Merijohn, Brooke Sampson, Geoff Wood



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