Leave No Veteran Behind
American Veterans Vote, Inc.
June 29, 2022
From The CEO
LTG (Ret) Bob Wood, CEO AVV
Elections Have Consequences

Elections have consequences. If ever a set of judicial decisions in our recent history proved this “truism,” it was the findings announced in these last days of June. Nine Justices, diverse in their views, nominated by multiple Presidents, confirmed by different legislatures, deliberating a variety of cases, once again refined our understanding of the foundation document of our Nation, our Constitution. The Supreme Court, with specific attention to the Bill of Rights, again and again found in favor of both the rights of individuals and our States. The Bill of Rights was designed to defend individual freedoms against the power and the dominance of a central government. It worked, again, as designed. 
Flag Day - June 14th
Celebrating Our Flag
This flag represents our Republic where powers not specifically granted by the Constitution to the federal government are reserved to the states and to the people. It reminds us that we the people confer authority to political representatives, and they are accountable to us. The ideals embodied by this flag assure the freedoms to fly others, making it exceptional.
A Veteran's Story
The Pledge of Allegiance To Our Flag
We all learned the Pledge of Allegiance in kindergarten by having to recite it every morning - standing up straight next to our desk, facing the flag, placing our right hand over our hearts, and belting it out. 

Today, young kids don’t have to do this. In the elementary schools where I live, the pledge of allegiance is merely played over the intercom system and recited by one student in the office for all to hear. It is not mandatory that children recite the pledge of allegiance every day anymore. This is unacceptable and needs to change.
Virginia Congressional Updates
Williamsburg, VA
First District
Robert J. Wittman is the incumbent and Republican candidate. While not a veteran, he was in Army ROTC during college and currently serves on the House Armed Services Committee. The Democrat challenger is Herb Jones who served 10 years active duty in the U.S. Army and ultimately retired a colonel from the U.S. Army Reserves. He served two tours in Iraq as a reservist.
Second District
Elaine Luria is the incumbent and Democrat candidate. She served 20 years in the U.S. Navy and retired as a Commander. She also served on the House Committee on Veteran's Affairs and House Armed Services Commitee. She will face Republican challenger Jennifer Kiggans, who served 10 years in the U.S. Navy as a helicopter pilot, including two deployments to the Persian Gulf.
Cape Charles, VA
Norfolk, VA
Third District
Bobby Scott is the incumbent and Democrat candidate. He received an honorable discharge for service in the Massachusetts National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve. He will face Republican challenger Terry Namkung, who served over 21 years in the U.S. Air Force.
Fourth District
Ashton Donald McEachin is the incumbent and Democrat candidate. He has no military service but was the son of a U.S. Army veteran. He will face Republican challenger Leon Benjamin who served in the U.S. Navy from 1986 to 1994.
Richmond, VA
Appomattox, VA

Fifth District
Bob Good is the Republican incumbent. The Democrat candidate is Joshua Throneburg. Neither have military service.

Sixth District

Benjamin Cline is the incumbent Republican candidate. He will face Democrat challenger Jennifer Lewis. Neither have military service.
Harrisonburg, VA
Fredericksburg, VA
Seventh District
Abigail Spanberger is the incumbent and Democrat candidate. She has no military service but served as a federal agent in the U.S Postal Inspection Service and later as a CIA case officer. She will face Republican challenger Yesli Vega, a police officer and U.S. Army spouse.
Eighth District
Don Byer is the Democrat incumbent and will face Republican challenger Karina Lipsman who spent 10 years in the defense and intelligence communities. Neither have military service.
Alexandria, VA
Ninth District
Morgan Griffith is the incumbent and Republican candidate. He has no military service. There are no Democrat challengers at this time.
Bristol, VA

Tenth District
Wendy Wexton is the incumbent and Democrat candidate. She has no military service. The Republican challenger is Hung Cao - a retired U.S. Navy Special Operations Officer and graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and Naval Postgraduate School.

Manassas, VA
Fairfax, VA
Eleventh District
The Democrat incumbent is Gerry Connolly who has no military service. He will face Republican challenger Jim Myles, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force where he served as a pilot and flight instructor.
Memorial Day Recap
AVV members brave the heat and humidity to participate in the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C.
Preparing For The Mid-Terms
Next Steps After The Primaries
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s recent admission that she underestimated the severity of inflation brought me little comfort when I recently gassed-up my car and grocery shopped – paying double and 30% higher prices respectively compared to just two years ago. And, with three years to go until retirement from my second career, I watch with dismay as my retirement plan - which was once on solid footing, becomes wobblier with each passing day.  
Are current policies diminishing your standard of living? Turn frustration into activity to bring about change.
My story is hardly unique. It doesn’t matter where on the political spectrum you reside, it’s plain to see that the nation is in a bad way. And because the doctrine of those currently in charge constrain them, I have no confidence the administration will ever make a course correction – no matter how bad it gets for the constituents. Only elections can resolve things; remedies to our nation’s woes are not likely possible until a substantial number of these politicians are voted out of office, along with their failed dogma. 
Vote, Volunteer, Run
Election day is November 8 and early voting is September 23 through November 5. Are you ready?

This is your opportunity to scrutinize candidates, weigh their potential effect on the nation, and then decide whether to vote them out or give them consent to govern. 
However, if you mismanage your voter registration in Virginia, you'll likely be restricted to casting a provisional ballot only. Then, the local electoral board will decide whether your vote is counted. Is that what you want?

Register here or check that your registration is up to date:  Registration - Virginia Department of Elections

Know which congressional district you’re in and familiarize yourself with the candidates. Check here by your zip code: | house.gov

Know where to vote. Find your registrar’s office for early voting here: Local Contact Information (virginia.gov)

For election day, find your polling place here: Polling Place Lookup - Virginia Department of Elections

Getting deployed and need to vote by absentee ballot? The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot is October 28. Apply here: Citizen Portal - Virginia Department of Elections
As we approach the mid-terms, the time to volunteer is upon us. AVV is seeking volunteers for:

  • Social Media: Create and manage AVV on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other platforms (multiple positions available)

  • Operations and Plans: Event Coordinator, Calendar Manager, Administrative Assistant

  • Liaison: Campaign Coordinator; Field Force Organizer

  • Finance: Accountant, Membership Coordinator, Data Entry Specialist
  • Research Coordinator

  • Data Analyst
AVV volunteers door knocking in support of the 10th Congressional District
Some critics say that our form of government needs to change, but more likely, the root cause of our problems is the people we elect to govern.  

As veterans we already have a track record of leadership, discipline, perseverance, and love of country. All levels of government need people like us if our country is to endure. Not convinced? Look around.
But if you can't run...
Be an engaged member of the electorate. Without any input from you, lawmakers could follow party or fringe agendas instead of the wishes of their constituency.

As the election approaches, now is a good time to let your congressmen know you're scrutinizing how they've governed - ask them what they've done to earn your vote.
Getting To Know You
Please take a minute to complete this short survey. Answering the questions will help AVV get to know Virginia veterans and mission partners.

Simply scan the QR code with your smartphone's camera or QR reader.
American Veterans Vote, Inc. (AVV) is a volunteer team of Veterans and Civilian Mission Partners who led the Veteran Coalition for Glenn Youngkin. We are a 527 Political Action Committee with a nationally-focused mission to promote the political voice of Veterans and mission partners in support of our three key objectives:
  • Support of Veterans and their Families,
  • Defense of the Constitution, and
  • Promote Our Nation’s Security.

AVV’s goal is to help Veterans maximize their political voice by supporting Veterans’ ability to Vote, Volunteer and Run for Public Office.

"Every Veteran, Every Vote."
We don't speak FOR Veterans... we speak AS Veterans.
Veterans and Civilian Mission Partners...Join Us!
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