This Week's Announcements

Our Schedule of Services:

Here is our schedule;

more information may be found by downloading the bulletin.

Sunday, May 12

8:30 AM Service of Holy Eucharist

Sunday 8:30 Bulletin

10:30 AM Service of Holy Eucharist

Sunday 10:30 Bulletin

Link For Facebook

Pentecost Picnic

Sunday, May 19 following a combined worship service at 10:30 AM

It's hard to believe another year of programming at St. A's is coming to a close. Our final Wednesday dinner of the program year will be Wednesday, May 15 and we will celebrate the start of summer and the feast of Pentecost on Sunday, May 19--which will also be the final day of Sunday School.  

On May 19th, we will have ONE combined service at 10:30 a.m. followed by an all parish lunch/picnic. There will be fun and games for all ages, as well as amazing food. The church is going to provide brats, burgers and hotdogs + yummy deserts. We are asking the entire parish to bring a side dish to share.

Youth Summer Save the Dates

We are coming so near the end of our Sunday School Year! Below are some dates to note.

Sunday, May 12, we WILL gather kids of all age groups to do a Mother's Day Craft in the Sunday School rooms at our normal time of 10:20-passing of the peace.

Wednesday, May 15 is our last Church Family Dinner/kids moment

Sunday, May 19 we will gather at our normal Sunday school time for last day of Sunday School fun and games

Sunday, May 19 will also be the last day that Nursery is available before Summer break. We will have some toys, coloring pages and books in the care room, just outside the sanctuary in case your littles need a break from church during the summer. There is now a TV in that room that will play the service for you.

Wednesday, May 22 is our last night of Youth Group

Sunday, June 23 will be our first Kid Craft Day. We will meet at 10:20-passing of the peace

Friday, July 12 Youth Pride(We will give details as soon as we have them)

Sunday, July 28 Kid Craft Day 10:20-passing of the peace

July 15-19 Camp Canterbury(Registration open now, see separate announcement)

Sunday, August 11 Backpack Blessing

Sunday, August 18 Kick off Sunday

Sunday, September 8 First Day of Sunday School

All Saints is having Vacation Bible School July 8-10, our youth have been invited to join them. For more information about helping their team with VBS or registering your child, please contact Kate and she can get you more information.

COPE Immediate Needs

for Tornado Relief

While Youth Group was volunteering at COPE, we learned of some immediate needs.

Current Needs Are:

  • Gift cards, preferably for gas (vehicles, generators) or VISA so they can use them for what they need. $25 suggested denomination.
  • Bedding, all sizes. GENTLY USED or new. Pillows, sheets, comforters etc. 
  • Shelf stable microwaveable food
  • New socks and underwear of all sizes, including adult work socks
  • Canned fruit or fruit/applesauce pouches
  • New clothing and household items
  • Paper towels/toilet paper (they are good for right now, but it goes FAST)

Please bring your products and place them in or around the bin, just inside the red doors. For the most immediate needs, please check COPE's Facebook page. They are still in need of volunteers to sort daily. You can sign up on their website.

Blood Drive

Thank you to all who were able to make it to the blood drive Saturday during this busy season! Amy has set the next blood drive date, so mark your calendars for Saturday, August 24!

Special Collection for May

Our special collection in May is designated for Christian Outreach Program of Elkhorn (COPE). Providing assistance including a food pantry, clothing, and household goods, as well as rent and utility assistance, COPE offers a helping hand and support to those whose needs are temporarily greater than their means. COPE is also actively involved in tornado relief efforts.


In April we raised $643.00 of “Milk Money” for COPE. A big Thank You to everyone for keeping our Dough Boys busy delivering milk.

Brown Bag Bible Study has Resumed Upcoming dates are:

May14 & May 21

Tuesday's at 12:00 PM

Our next Tuesday Bible Study will cover the Book of Acts. The Acts of the Apostles is a bit of a "sequel" to the Gospels ... specifically, it's believed to be written by the same author as Luke, and scholars sometimes refer to them together as "Luke-Acts." Our sessions will be a chance for us to learn about the growth, witness, and decisions of the early church, and the lives of some key figures like Peter and Paul. Feel free to bring a brown-bag lunch and join us as you're able!


May 14: Paul Part 1 (read Acts 13-15)

May 21: Paul Part 2 (read Acts 16-28)

You can also join the Weekly Zoom Meeting (same link each week) 

Meeting ID: 842 5540 1735

Passcode: 591804

Registration is Open for Camp Canterbury

Registration for Camp Canterbury is open! The theme for camp is Holy Misfits: We'll be hearing stories of unlikely people that God called into the story of God's people, and celebrating our gathered misfits as well!

Registration is first-come, first-served.

Questions may go to our camp director, The Rev. Ben Varnum. This year, we also want to let families and youth know we'll have campers check-in any cell phones they bring to help us be in the moment at camp. Phones will be locked up and returned to campers at Thursday rest hour.

Campers should arrive July 15 at 3pm, and pickup is July 19 at noon. Adults interested in being counselors should contact our camp director. Please keep camp in your prayers as we prepare for another great year!

If you would like to register at Church on Sunday, there will be a table set up in the Parish Hall. There will be two QR Codes, one will take you to register a camper, the other will take you to register as a camp counselor.

Honoring Women Luncheon

Saturday, June 1, 11:30 AM

The Daughters of the King are hosting their annual lunch event for the women and girls of our parish. This year’s guests of honor will be Heidi and Abby Sommer! Please join us in celebrating these remarkable community members (and don’t forget to RSVP by May 15 to Carol Ott ,or phone 402- 469-9264, to receive a gift bag! 

Let Us Serve You

During COVID, the Daughters of the King kicked off a service for individuals who may need an extra hand. This service continues to be available if you need a ride, groceries, a meal or anything else. If you need something, contact Barb Hall at 907-759-4692 or email her and she will locate someone to assist you.

Men's Bible Study

Friday's 8:00 AM

Join us at St. Augustine or via our Zoom Link every Friday at 8 am for men’s bible study. Please call or text Jack Ott (402) 469-1801 to get set up to receive the weekly Zoom link. Call or text Jack Ott, Bill Smith, Dave Holmquist. David Randall or Richard Krueger with questions or to receive additional information.

Garden Update

From our Church Garden Steward, Jim Keepers

Church Garden "Stick Picker Upper" Needed

Our church garden is in desperate need of a volunteer to pick up tree sticks (branches) every Wednesday. Our garden River Birch trees have a tendency to lose their branches in the church garden every time the wind blows. These sticks need to be picked up so our great mowing team of Dave and Mark can cut the church garden lawn at the end of each week. Also, when we have a strong wind, time needs to be spent picking up the fallen down branches that cover the church’s garden beds, lawn and sidewalks.

Our prior stick picker upper is unable to pick up sticks any longer, so we are in a desperate need of one of our church members to assume these duties. The River Birch trees in question are located in the berm with the garden sign (Decon Pat’s Garden) and the three trees on the east side of the garden behind the Del Morgan Pet Memorial Garden. The branches collected can be put into the dumpster or stacked in a pile by the tree next to the Memorial Garden.

This is not a hard task but does take some time and energy. Having the branches removed will save Dave and Mark mowing time and help to keep the lawn tracker blades sharp. Any person, regardless of age or ability level should be able to complete this task. It's a great job for a parent with children in programming Wednesday nights, a family, or even a retired member. If you like to spend time outside, this is the job for you!

So, if you would like to help out in our church garden and don’t enjoy pulling weeds or mulching, this task will allow you to help our garden look great. You will also have the opportunity to spend some time meditating in a very quiet garden space. Please contact Jim Keepers via email or at 402-618-8837 if you are willing and able to volunteer for this church garden task. “Lets keep our church garden looking clean and beautiful.”

Special Pentecost Reading Invitation on May 19!

Do you know a language beyond English? This year we're inviting people to bring their own language's version of Acts 2:1-21 to read aloud, together, as part of our reading on Pentecost Sunday. This is to give us a chance to experience a piece of what it might have been like for the crowd who heard the apostles speaking in the languages of all the world. If you'd like to participate, please e-mail Fr Ben ( with what language you'll bring! At the first reading, all those who have a language to speak in will gather at the front and proclaim our reading together until the last reader is done. As a reminder, we have a single combined service at 10:30 with a picnic lunch afterwards on May 19th -- we'll see you there!

Icons in Transition Exhibit at All Saints Episcopal Church

April 14-June 9

Experience the mystery and spiritual powers of religious icons transformed into art April 14 – June 9. This is a rare opportunity to view the works of acclaimed abstract expressionist artist Ludmilla Pawlowska as well as traditional Russian icons from the Vassilevsky Monastery.

RRSJ Call for Volunteers

If you'd like to volunteer for the 3rd Annual Race, Religion, and Social Justice Conference co-hosted by TriFaith and UNO this coming June, there are opportunities throughout the week of June 3rd through 7th to help with setup, welcoming, registration, and cleanup. Please use THIS LINK if you'd like to help support this event through the week!

Culture Club Event

Mark your calendar for Hello Dolly! Which will be at The Omaha Playhouse the afternoon of Sunday, June 9. Group rate for these tickets will be $32, collected in early May. Please let Sandra know if you would like to join!

Vestry Notes – April

Our parish vestry (our official board) met on April 28th and reviewed our financials, building and grounds projects, and other topics. The Vestry is planning to spend its next meeting (June 9th, noon to 2:00) considering some SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) that we can pursue in the coming year to help live out our slogan (Come, Grow With Us) and our mission (to be a growing, faithful, inclusive, and caring community committed to the ministry and teachings of Jesus Christ). If you'd like to offer suggestions to the vestry, our current members are Pam Wright (senior warden), Mike Ehinger (junior warden), Maggie Wellman (treasurer), Ali Threlkeld, Mary Jane Smith, Pat Zimmerman, Carrye Fassero, Jean Lahti, Hannah Early, and Barb DiGiovanni.

Elaine Randall Book Club

Friday, May 10

  • 8:00 AM -Men's Bible Study

Sunday, May 12

  • 8:30 AM -Service of Holy Eucharist
  • 9:30 AM -Breast Cancer Support Group
  • 10:20 AM -Mother's Day Craft
  • 10:30 AM -Service of Holy Eucharist

Monday, May 13

  • 10:30 AM -The Order of the Daughters of the King Prayer and Bible Study

Tuesday, May 14

  • 12:00 AM -Brown Bag Bible Study

Wednesday, May 15

  • 6:00 PM -Church Family Dinner & Youth Group

  • May 19 Combined worship at 10:30 AM with Pentecost Picnic to follow
  • May 20 Daughters of the King
  • May 28 Elaine Randall Book Club
  • June 1 Honoring Women Luncheon
  • June 5 & 6 Race, Religion & Social Justice Conference Tri-Faith



St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church
285 S 208th Street
Elkhorn, NE 68022
Church Communication and Announcements
Those of you who need to share information with the parish, please be sure to send it to as well as  Jay and Kate will need to have this information by Wednesday at 10:00 am to be included in that week's communication for bulletin and newsletter. We appreciate your support.