Every Veteran, Every Vote
Leave No Veteran Behind
American Veterans Vote, Inc.
Newsletter, February 21, 2022
Ukraine Special Edition
Veteran's Voices Need To Be Heard On Ukraine

As the world awaits a Russian decision about whether to invade Ukraine, conversations around the dinner table are being had by military families and Veterans --- and, importantly, among families of young men and women considering enlisting in the military or entering one of the nation’s military academies.
Actions And Orders
It's Zero Dark Thirty For The Mid-Term Elections
Election day isn't until November 8th, but now is the time to start ramping up. Let's start with an azimuth check because being off course at the start of a mission can have major ramifications when you're supposed to arrive at the objective on time.

For AVV, the objective is the mid-term elections, and the mission is every Veteran every vote. Don't be the one who gets lost or left behind. Come navigate with us.  

Here we go...

Check Point 1 - The deadline to register to vote is October 17. Are you registered to vote? Perhaps you’ve never voted before, or maybe you’ve recently moved. In either case you can register here or check that your registration is up to date:  Registration - Virginia Department of Elections

Check Point 2 - Do you know which congressional district you’re in? Check here by your zip code: house.gov

Check Point 3 - When and where can I early vote?  Early voting is September 23 through November 5 at your local registrar’s office. Find your registrar’s office here: Local Contact Information (virginia.gov)

Check Point 4– Where should I vote on November 8 - election day? For election day look here: Polling Place Lookup - Virginia Department of Elections

Check Point 5 – Getting deployed and need to vote by absentee ballot? The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot is October 28. Apply here: Citizen Portal - Virginia Department of Elections

Check Point 6 - Become a guardian of free and fair elections. Volunteer here to become an Officer of Elections: Officer of Elections - Virginia Department of Elections.  Another option is to be a poll watcher - apply via your political party’s website.
"Here's the skinny...if you don't get involved, you've no right to complain"
Be A Delegate

AVV encourages Veterans to get involved in the process for selecting the candidates who advance to the General Election via upcoming primaries or conventions for each of the 11 VA congressional districts.

You will need to be registered to become a delegate, and registration deadlines are likely approaching within the next few weeksVisit your local political party's website for further details.
Concerned About Election Integrity?
Do Something About It - Be A Poll Watcher
If your confidence in election integrity is a little shaky these days, the best thing to do is get involved in the process. With the mid-term elections approaching, becoming a poll watcher is the perfect opportunity to do just that. During the Virginia gubernatorial election, several AVV members volunteered as poll watchers and found the experience gratifying. Here’s an overview of my experience throughout early voting and on election day.
Call To Action - Support Military Retirement Tax Exemption

Virginia is one of only five states without a special tax exception for military retirement benefits.

Click below to view a sample letter to assist you in writing your congressmen to request they support HB 1128 and SB 586.

These bills establish an income tax subtraction for up to $20,000 of military benefits in taxable year 2021, up to $30,000 in taxable year 2022, and up to $40,000 in taxable year 2023 and each year thereafter. Benefits encompass military retirement income and benefits paid to the surviving spouse of a Veteran. 
How To Write Your Congressman

Elected officials are supposed to represent the interests and concerns of the people who elected them, but opinion polls suggest a disconnect between citizens and their law makers.

Constituents can keep elected officials tethered to them through engagement - both to criticize and to encourage.

Lacking any direction from constituents, legislators may instead follow loud fringe voices, or a detrimental party agenda.

Flash Traffic
View the status of military/veteran bills in the VA General Assembly
Election SITREP - Consensus Forecasts for VA Districts
Hint: At the forecast website, select VA from the drop-down menu above the U.S. map
Time to Step Up
Harnessing voter sentiment and turning that sentiment into action to bring about change in Virginia was only possible through the hard work of volunteers. As we approach the mid-terms, the time to volunteer is upon us on a grand scale.
Fall In! - Volunteers Needed For...

  • Social Media: Create and manage AVV on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other platforms (multiple positions available)
  • Operations and Plans: Event Coordinator, Calendar Manager, Administrative Assistant
  • Liaison: Campaign Coordinator; Field Force Organizer
  • Finance: Accountant, Membership Coordinator, Data Entry Specialist
  • Research Coordinator
  • Data Analyst
American Veterans Vote, Inc. (AVV) is a volunteer team of Veterans and Civilian Mission Partners who have led the Veteran Coalition for Glenn Youngkin. We are a 527 Political Action Committee with a nationally-focused mission to promote the political voice of Veterans and mission partners in support of our three key objectives:
  • Support of Veterans and their Families,
  • Defense of the Constitution, and
  • Promote Our Nation’s Security.

AVV’s goal is to help Veterans maximize their political voice by supporting Veterans’ ability to Vote, Volunteer and Run for Public Office.

"Every Veteran, Every Vote."
We don't speak FOR Veterans... we speak AS Veterans.
Veterans and Civilian Mission Partners...Join Us!
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