AUGUST 18, 2023

Getting Ready for Back to School

It’s hard to believe we’ve arrived at the final weeks of summer break! We hope you are soaking up all of the summer fun and downtime you can over these last few weeks and Labor Day weekend.

On September 5th, we will come back together as a Masterman community. We are super EXCITED to see all of our returning families and WELCOME our new families into the Masterman fold. It’s going to be a great year!

Read below for important updates and information!

HSA Statement about the School Selection Process

Earlier this month, the School District announced revisions to the school selection process. It includes some welcome news for the Masterman community: a pathway from eighth to ninth grade within the school has been created. 

The same will be true for all five of the schools across the district that, like ours, combine middle and high school. Current eighth-graders who meet the criteria for admission to 9th grade at their own schools will be provided spots there. At the same time, they will have the opportunity to enter the lottery for other schools if they wish, and students across the city will be able to apply for open spots at these schools.

We want to congratulate and thank Superintendent Dr. Watlington and his staff, along with our team of principals, Dr. Payne, Ms. Lennon, and Ms. Harrison, for recognizing and addressing the need for this policy shift, affecting multiple school communities. It is a change that the Masterman HSA advocated heartily for over the past nine months, and one where we enjoyed full agreement and partnership within our own walls. We are extremely pleased that district leaders and their external consultants arrived at the same conclusion.

Our students and those at the other “pathway” schools have good reason to celebrate this decision: it will provide much-needed security for our students, eliminating stress and uncertainty that distracts from the learning and growth of students. Perhaps even more important in the long run is that this continuity will strengthen our community and school culture. It will allow long-term bonds of mutual commitment to flourish among students, families, teachers, and staff; and will create circumstances where the school’s unique offerings can grow ever stronger, given the opportunity to step up in a natural progression each year over a long period of time. 

We hope new students will be given the opportunity to join the Masterman community at the high school level as well, both for the effects of a healthy amount of change on a school’s social and academic atmosphere, and to aid our school in better representing the diversity of the school district as a whole.

There is more to appreciate in the district’s announcement, as well. It is a relief to see that the district is also focused on fixing the part of the process that led to heartbreaking scenarios at a number of district schools last year: they say they are committed to finding ways to fill vacant seats at under-enrolled schools, as well as to place students who qualified for criteria-based schools but were not assigned seats, after the selection period is over. Dr. Watlington’s straightforward acknowledgement of past difficulties with communication and logistics, and his prioritization of improvement in these areas, reflect a welcome attention to the experience of students, families, and staff through the process.

The announcement also included a statement of intention to explore new operational resources that would allow the district to make further improvements to the school selection process next year, notably including ranked-choice in the application system–a component that would truly enable students to match with their best-fit schools.

Many questions remain about how exactly this new policy will be implemented at Masterman. One thing we do know is that open spots will continue to be filled via the lottery system, from among students who meet criteria, with preference given to zip codes that have been underrepresented among the school’s entering students in recent years. We truly hope that with carefully set criteria and the improved communication and support promised by the district, this system will begin to yield its intended results in terms of student diversity and academic achievement.

Most pressing is what exactly the new criteria for admission will be. It is our understanding that district staff are meeting next week to make determinations about this. The announcement stated that they are providing opportunities for principals and union leadership to provide input on the criteria. We respectfully suggest that families who currently attend criteria-based schools should be given a chance to review options and weigh in as well, before final decisions are made, as admissions policies have such a large effect on the experience inside a school–both in the immediate and over the course of time. HSAs, SACs (School Advisory Councils), and SGAs (Student Government Associations) have a constructive role to play here.

At Masterman, there is also the question of how to expand or reallocate space in the school to allow for a larger ninth grade (and hence, over time, larger grades across the high school). Currently, each high school grade at Masterman is significantly smaller than each middle school grade–a ratio that will have to flip if Masterman stays in the same building and every eighth grader who meets the school’s admission criteria is able to return, alongside a cohort of new students.

We don’t yet know the process or what proposals are being considered for implementation. We will keep the community posted as we learn more. For now, we thank everyone in our community for supporting the school’s students, staff, and mission, and look ahead to its increasingly bright future.

A Message from Dr. Payne

Happy New School Year!

By now, I'm sure everyone has heard the preliminary announcements concerning school selection for the upcoming school year:

The school selection window has been moved up and is scheduled to open September 15th and close on October 27th.

Providing offers to all eligible 8th graders who already attend one of the below middle/high schools and meet that high school’s criteria, upon completion of the application process:

George Washington Carver Engineering & Science

Girard Arts Music Program (GAMP)

Hill Freedman World Academy

Masterman, Julia R. Middle & High School

Science Leadership Academy SLA At Beeber

The principals of the district's criteria-based school have been invited to convene the week of August 21st to discuss and hopefully solidify the logistics of how this will function. We know that the changes will take effect during this selection window (23-24sy) and will form the 2024-25 SY incoming class composition. 

We are excited that the district has finally heard the concern regarding making sure all eligible students receive a school offer in the process. However, my priority going into the meetings the week of the 21st will be hearing details and laying out an operative plan for how that will take effect at Masterman for the upcoming school selection window.

We've discussed the organization of the school as having grades 5 through 12 and the greater number of sections in the lower grades than in the high school. In redesigning how high school offers are made available, I expect to sit with district staff and identify the individuals responsible for supporting the changes.

This is an exciting time for Masterman, and I thank you for continuing your advocacy for your students that triggered this work for the system. As I receive additional information, I will share.

Sincerely, Jeannine A-H Payne EdD

Masterman Students Offer Testimony to School Board

On August 18, four of our rising seniors spoke to the Philadelphia Board of Education about the importance of involving students in decisions about the school. Kudos to to our students for making their voices heard and participating in school governance! You can read their comments here.

Call for HSA Volunteers and Leaders

If you are interested in helping out in any capacity next year, now is a great time to connect.

You can make as large or small of a commitment as you wish. There is something for everyone to do. We especially need people interested in helping with communications, events, and fundraising.

The HSA Board also at least one seat currently open, and we are speaking with potential committee chairs, subcommittee chairs, and committee members.

Email Let's talk!


Carpool and Neighborhood Connections

Are you looking for families to carpool with, or willing to offer advice to new families about transportation from your area of the city? The Home & School Association has created a way to share your neighborhood and contact information to connect with other families for transportation and other support. Please take a moment to complete this form so we can help connect you with other interested families. Parents/guardians can submit information and receive a link to the shared spreadsheet.

Connect with Other Families on Facebook

One of the best ways to stay connected with other families is through Facebook groups. These groups are not run by the HSA, but moderated by individual parents with kids currently in each grade.

Grade 5 (Class of 2031)

Grade 6 (Class of 2030)

Grade 7 (Class of 2029)

Grade 8 (Class of 2028)

Grade 9 (Class of 2027)

Grade 10 (Class of 2026)

Grade 11 (Class of 2025)

Grade 12 (Class of 2024)

Supply Lists and Infinite Campus Update

No need to rush out and get specific supplies before school starts. Our school administrators have let us know that teachers will share supply lists after school begins in September. 

As a reminder, you can find summer assignments for each grade HERE. Also, don't forget about required medical forms. You can find links to forms on the nurse's section on the Masterman website or email our school nurse, Ms. Bagley at

We know new families are excited to get set up in the Infinite Campus portal and get oriented with classes, schedules and more in the system. We will share information on this as soon as we get it. 

Fall Sports Information

Fall sports have just begun for high school students. For information and questions about high school sports and teams, please contact Mr. Otarola at

High School sports officially started on August 14. If you have a high school student that is interested in joining a sport, it's not too late. Don't forget - sports teams need managers, too. You don't have to be athletic to join a team. As a small high school, we need student participation to keep our sports teams going. That means 9th graders! Meet new friends, get fit, and have fun. No experience required. As an added bonus, athletes get to leave school early on game days!

For more information, please contact one of our coaches (see table). Please note - students need to have a completed sports physical form (signed by a doctor) to participate in Athletics.  

Middle School sport options at all SDP schools can be found here. Under the District's eligibility rules, middle school athletics is defined as 6th grade through 8th grade. Masterman is offering two sports this Fall: Co-ed Golf and Co-ed Soccer. More details will be provided during the first weeks of school.

Volleyball intramurals are also an option in the fall. All middle school fall sports will begin in mid- to late September. Watch for announcements after school begins. All sports except for intramurals require a PIAA sports physical, available here.

Opportunity to Join a Black and Asian Youth Initiative

Masterman’s new art teacher, Allison Aubry, shared this opportunity to participate in a youth program that aims to bring together Black and Asian youth in greater Philadelphia:

Black and Gold 2.0, part of Philly Solidarity programming, will include a series of workshops spanning across several topic areas including African-American history, AAPI history, sports, career development, photography, design and more.

  • Eligible youth are 14-18 and identity as African-American, Black, Asian, Asian-American or Pacific Islander
  • Program will be on select Saturdays in Philadelphia (mostly at the Crane Center in Chinatown) September through December with some additional later dates possible
  • There is a peer mentor component that pays selected peer mentors (16-18) $200 after the completion of the program
  • For students who need it, there is transportation assistance
  • To register: Enroll here by September 1

Prepare Now to Chaperone School Events and Trips!

The school district requires certain clearances and background checks for all adults entering the school or accompanying students at field trips and other events. Get your clearances now and submit them to the main office so that you're ready to help out come September. Info is here.

Masterman Logo Gear

Support our school and show your Masterman pride with a new tee, hat, bag, shorts, or water bottle.



You can find the full SDP calendar here. Note that the 2023–2024 and 2024–2025 calendars have now been announced.


We need each other.

Donate to the HSA today and help fund this year's programs, activities, and improvements!


Donations fund the many programs and initiatives of the HSA that support our school, teachers, families, and students. Whether you are able to give $5 or $500, your gift is meaningful, and signals your commitment to our community.

Thank Our Auction Sponsors

Over 100 businesses donated to the spring auction last year to support the Masterman HSA. Show your gratitude by supporting them in return! Browse the list here.


Spread the Word

Do you have news or announcements that you want to share with the school community? Is there information you'd like to see featured here?


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