Register for Youth Programming
-Register for Youth Programming
If you have a child who will be playing in the nursery during 10:30 church service, attending Sunday School(Youth 3 years-12th Grade) or Youth Group Wednesday evenings(Youth 6th-12th grade). Please update your information by registering your child through THIS FORM
Join Us This Year By Helping in Canterbury Village!
It takes a village to raise a child, and each of us can help them grow in Christ.
Here's a great big thank you to those who participated last year from dinners to teaching, and especially welcoming new friends!
Here are a few roles within the Canterbury Village we are hoping you will fill:
- Provide donations as needed
- Assist with Special Events
Provide dinner(or a monetary donation for dinner), assist in cooking, set up or clean up for Church Family Dinner on Wednesday evenings(1-3 times per year). There will be a paper sign up on Kick Off Sunday.
- Join the planning team for Vacation Bible School
- Please also prayerfully consider volunteering to teach or assist Sunday School or Youth Group this upcoming school year.
The "job description" for teachers and assistants is below:
- Get to know the youths’ names, interests, and activities; respect what they have to share.
- Participate in the games, activities, or discussions.
- Display a positive attitude (or fake it!).
- Encourage spiritual growth.
- Praise positive behaviors.
- Lead by example.
- Have fun!
Recommended skills: Sense of humor, Flexibility, Patience, An open mind, Listening, Talking/Sharing, Creativity, Ability to act immature but still be responsible
Optional Skills: Dance Experience, Singing Ability, Guitar Strumming, Harmonica Blowing, Tambourine Shaking, Toe Tapping!
To either confirm your previous role, or volunteer for a new role in Canterbury Village, please fill out the volunteer form HERE We would love to have you join this amazing team of people!
Contact Kate( with any questions.
We will plan on a group safeguarding event for Staff, Vestry & anyone who works with our you on Sunday, August 11 after the 10:30 service. We will provide lunch for any of our safeguarding class, so please let Kate know if you plan on joining us.
Kick Off Sunday
August 18, Following a Combined
10:30 AM Worship Service
Please join us for lunch, fun and games as we kick off our Sunday School Year! We will provide burgers and hot dogs & dessert and ask that you bring sides.
Some Dates to Keep in Mind For Kick Off:
August 11-Backpack Blessing & Group Safeguarding
August 18-Nursery Re-opens during 10:30 service(will be closed for labor day) & Kick Off Picnic
August 21-Youth Group Kick Off for grades 6-12
August 25-Acolyte Training & Parent Meeting for all youth
September 4-Church Family Dinner Kick Off-Communion Class for 1-5th Grade & Episcopal 101 for adults after dinner
September 29-First Youth Sunday(No Sunday School, youth in church)-Instructed Eucharist at both services
Acolyte Training & Parent Meeting
Sunday, August 25, 11:30-12:15
Rising 3rd-12th graders
From young children ready to start their first ministry during worship to older youth who can help set the table and stand as an example, our acolyte program invites young people at church to use their gifts as full members of the community who help us offer our worship to God.
This year, we’ll be training returning and new acolytes about how to use our Sanctus bell, which you’ll begin to hear during communion again, as well as reviewing how to use our altar railing during communion. We ask that acolytes be in at least 3rd grade to serve as torchbearer and at least 6th grade to serve as crucifer. Please contact Fr Ben and Pam Wright if you have a youth interested in serving in this ministry! Please also send Pam any conflicts you may know about through December, and whether they would like to serve at the 8:30 service or the 10:30 service OR either one, as she is beginning to prepare a schedule. Parents are welcome to stay and learn too, so you can help remind your acolyte of the details. Acolytes are scheduled to serve several times a quarter, and can coordinate subs with one another or through Pam Wright, if there’s a conflict. The training will begin at 11:30 am, after worship on Sunday, August 25th, and is scheduled until 12:15.
If you have an acolyte who would like to serve but isn’t available for the training, please let Pam or Fr Ben know.
While the children are training, we will have a Parent Meeting to discuss the upcoming Sunday School/Youth Group Year. Please join us!