March 27th, 2024

St. Joseph School Families,

The staff of St. Joseph School would like to extend our prayers to all of our families as we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Throughout the Lenten Season, our school has prepared the students for Easter through daily reflections, Stations of the Cross, a trip to Holy Hill and other activities.  Our hope is that we assisted in making this Holy Season one of spiritual growth for our students.

Tomorrow we have an early release (12:00) to begin our Easter Break.  Staff and students will have a casual day on Thursday (no need for out of uniform passes).  Students will be participating in Stations of the Cross at 11:15.  Families are invited to join us in the church at this time.

Upon returning from break there will be a number of events impacting our school children. The Wisconsin Forward Exam will be made available for students enrolled in both The Milwaukee and Wisconsin Choice Program.  Students are not required to participate in this assessment.  With the addition of the NWEA/MAPS Testing at our school, we have sufficient data to drive our instruction.  However, if you wish your child (Grades 3-8) to have this test administered, please notify your child/ren’s teacher no later than April 10th. 

Thursday, April 11th Home and School will be meeting at 6:00.  The School Committee will also meet that evening at 6:30 (2024-25 school calendar will be shared following this meeting).

On the evening of April 17th there will be a meeting at 6:00 in the school cafeteria.  This meeting will be centered on how St. Joseph School will provide extra curricular activities for the 2024-25 school year.  Athletics, forensics, musical, clubs etc. will be discussed.  We also will be solidifying a mentor program for new families. If you are interested in these offerings or have any suggested activities, you are encouraged to attend this meeting.

Finally, the spring musical will be performed on April 18, 19 and 20 in the school hall.  Ticket forms need to be turned into the school office.

I will be in the school office on April 2nd and 3rd if you need to contact me or need a response to any messages.  We wish all of our families a blessed and relaxing Easter Break!


CLICK HERE to Print the APRIL School Calendar

CLICK HERE to go Directly to the LifeTouch Page to Place your Order

Not sure if you already placed an order?

CLICK HERE to view of list of all yearbook orders-to-date.


CLICK HERE to Email your Ad for the Play Booklet Directly to Lisa

CLICK HERE to Print the Annie Jr. Ticket Order Form

Copies are also available outside the school office.

Spring Sessions of Chess Scholars and STEAM are starting soon!

Chess takes place on Thursdays (April 11th - May 30th) from 3:15-4:15

STEAM takes place on Wednesdays (March 27th-May 29th -no class on April 3rd) from 3:15-4:15


CLICK HERE to Print Your RSVP to the Ladies Night Out on May 8th!




Help Make the 2025 Sale a Success!

Over the past 25 years we have raised close to ONE MILLION DOLLARS for the School and Parish.

Help us reach the 2024 goal of $35,000 by donating BIKES and JEWELRY. Bikes can be left outside

the 2-car parish garages along with anything METAL. Jewelry can be left by the children in the

container on the Lost and Found Table outside the School Office. Clothing can be left in the bin

under the table. Jewelry and clothing can also be left in the Church Welcome Center.

                               Many thanks for your support of this Fundraiser,

Questions or comments or to make donations of furniture contact Fran at Subject: Rummage Sale

CLICK HERE to Visit the St. Joe's Athletic Page

Congrats to the 8th Grade Girls St. Joe's/St. John Vianney/St. May's Visitation "SHAMSPARTIATORS" on taking 3rd Place in the Padre Serra Basketball Tournament!

Thanks for all the fans who came out to support them!

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