Thursday, March 21st, 2024

St. Joseph Families,

As we are in the process of planning for the 2024-25 school year, there have been some questions regarding the calendar. Our school calendar has been completed and, following approval from our School Committee at the April meeting, will be shared with school families. For your planning purposes we are looking at Christmas break starting December 23rd through January 3rd, resuming school on January 6th. Spring break would be scheduled the week of March 24th with the students having a half day on April 17th, no school on Good Friday (April 18th) and off on the Monday after Easter (April 21st).  Hopefully, that information is helpful for families trying to coordinate events for next year.




Students celebrated special Lenten events this week, including a Rosary Presentation, Mass on Tuesday for the Feast of St Joseph (where donations of bread were blessed and donated) journal reflecting and an all-school Rosary. All of these events are teaching our students how to draw closer to God.

Sunday, March 24th

Palm Sunday

Wednesday, March 27th

All School Lenten Meal

(or Bag Lunch if you did not order)

Thursday, March 28th

Half Day of School

Dismissal at 12:00 Noon

Friday, March 29th

No School - Easter Break

CLICK HERE to Print the MARCH School Calendar

CLICK HERE to Print the APRIL School Calendar

Hot Lunch Volunteers

Week of March 4th

Monday, Mar. 25th - Caitie Ratkowski

Tuesday, Mar. 26th - Caitie Ratkowski

Wednesday, Mar. 27th - Angela Cruz

Thursday, Mar. 28st - Half Day - NO LUNCH

Friday, Mar. 29nd - NO SCHOOL

CLICK HERE to Print the MARCH Hot Lunch Menu

It was a busy week with our Gym Teachers of the Day!

Auction winners were the Boucher Family and the Lazzara family! Tucker, Olivia, Lydia, Genevieve and JJ wore custom t-shirts, a special lunch with Ms. Minster and chose all the gym activities for all the students this week!

 BEST OF ALL, they all got to hang out with Ms. Minster all day! 

CLICK HERE to go Directly to the LifeTouch Page to Place your Order

Not sure if you already placed an order?

CLICK HERE to view of list of all yearbook orders-to-date.

CLICK HERE to Email your Ad for the Play Booklet Directly to Lisa

CLICK HERE to Print the Annie Jr. Ticket Order Form

Copies are also available outside the school office.

CLICK HERE to Print the High Interest Day Flyer

(or pick on up in the school office).

Spring Sessions of Chess Scholars and STEAM are starting soon!

Chess takes place on Thursdays (April 11th - May 30th) from 3:15-4:15

STEAM takes place on Wednesdays (March 27th-May 29th -no class on April 3rd) from 3:15-4:15


CLICK HERE to Visit the St. Joe's Athletic Page

CLICK HERE to Visit the Pius XI Summer Camp Website

CLICK HERE to Visit the Junior Crusaders Registration Page

CLICK HERE to Visit our Website

CLICK HERE to Follow St. Joseph School

CLICK HERE to Follow St. Joe's Parent Forum