
A message from the General Manager...

Great to see players of all levels back out on the field the past two weeks. We are seeing very high levels of registration this year, which is awesome after the couple of years of challenges we have faced. Of course, this also comes with increased challenges in organizing and running every program to the high standards we have all grown to expect. We are continuously working to replenish the staff and volunteers lost during COVID, a challenge faced by most industries.  I ask that you please be patient with the great coaches, staff and volunteers we do have, especially during the first few weeks of programming. Also, I encourage you to step-up and help out where you can. We are looking for help in virtually every capacity, from coaching at all levels, to basic tasks like setup and cleanup, volunteering for various team and club roles or even just helping to create a positive environment at games and events.

Remember that the referees and team coaches you will see in the program are young leaders coming mostly from our Competitive and Academy level programs at the U14 and older levels. We are working hard to support and grow with these great young leaders who we believe have outstanding potential, but some of them are just at the start of their coaching, refereeing and leadership journeys, just like your kids are. Let's be positive, supportive and helpful so that we can make the best possible environment for the kids to enjoy and grow in.

On a related note, sourcing equipment gear and resources of all kinds is also a global challenge that we are all facing. Our club is no exception as we too are experiencing unprecedented delays in distribution and out right shortages of various items. We are working hard to resolve these, but again, please be patient with our staff in these areas and lets pull together to help make great experiences for our kids even in this area.


Thanks for being a part of our growing soccer community and one of Ontario's and Canada's most respected clubs. Let's make an awesome season together for our kids.


As always, if you ever have any concerns or questions with a program or function within the club, please feel free to reach out to our leadership team or to me directly. The best ideas always win, and we are all here to continuously improve our programs.


Pavel Cancura


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A message from our BU15 OPDL team...

Dear Ottawa TFC family,

On Sunday, June 19, the U15 Boys OPDL team will be holding a fundraiser with a canteen and silent auction sale at Millennium Park (most likely near the turf fields) during the boys' festival and two OPDL games.

The canteen will offer a variety of healthy snacks, cold beverages, coffee and possibly freezies if the weather cooperates. There will be no BBQ at this time.

There will also be a range of items offered at the silent auction including ACM soccer jerseys, OTFC swag, restaurant/spa gift cards and possibly some sporting equipment items.

Come out and support the U15 Boys OPDL team! We look forward to seeing you on June 19.


Un message la part de notre équipe masculine U15 OPDL...

Chères familles de l'Ottawa TFC,

Le 19 juin prochain, notre équipe masculine U15 OPDL tiendra une cantine et un encan silencieux dans le cadre d'une campagne de financement. L’équipe sera située près du terrain de gazon artificiel.

Nous allons offrir une variété de collations santé, boissons froides, café et possiblement des popsicles (si la température coopère) mais pas de BBQ.

L’encan silencieux aura une belle variété de prix tel que des cartes-cadeaux pour des restaurants, et spas, chandail de soccer ACM et d’autres items OTFC.

Venez encourager notre équipe masculine OPDL U15 le 19 juin prochain. Nous vous attendons en grand nombre.

Do you want to know an easy way to get your volunteer fee credited? Join our tournament team.

We are looking for field marshals and various others positions. Get your volunteer fee by helping us out! If you are interested in joining our tournament team, please fill in the following FORM, and we will contact you with more information.

Is your team

looking for an opportunity to organize a fundraising event?

In order to start the process, please refer to these documents - They can be found on our home page under Documents and Policies: Guidelines, Policy, Agreement, Application form.

Send all forms and/or questions to fundraising@ottawatfc.com


Ottawa TFC in the community

Over the past weekend, the 2008G OPDL squad took some time out of their Saturday to help with Storm Clean-up in Carlsbad Springs, one of the hardest hit areas following the storm that occurred on Saturday, May 21.

We’ve had members of the community reach out in gratitude of the girls help. This is exactly the kind of people we hope our athletes become in their time with the club. We are so proud of the girls (and Coach Raz) in their thoughtfulness and selflessness to help our community.

There is still a need for volunteers to help in the hardest hit areas, that are only a couple of KM from you. If you, or your team, are interested, email Amanda Brazeau (OMN Navan Clean Up) - 613-302-1901


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Ottawa TFC is looking for coaches!

Are you interested in giving some time to the youth of your community? Ottawa TFC is always searching for coaches. You can apply to coach:

  • Grassroots (4 years to 8 years old)
  • Open/recreational program (9 years old to 18 years old)
  • Competitive/academy teams

Please visit our Coaches' Corner on our website, where you will find more information as well as the application form.

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