Learning, Loving, and Leading through Christ

April 29, 2024

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Leadership Team Updates

Dear St. Alphonsus Families,

Happy Monday! Hard to believe that we are under 30 days left of school this year and the month of May begins this week! We are so excited to finish out the school year strong.

This week kicks of Staff Appreciation Week, and everyone is really excited! Thank you to the Home & School Association for celebrating our teachers and staff, who are truly the best!

A couple of volunteer needs still pending!

The St. Al's Invitational track meet is this weekend and we still have volunteer slots for that. You can check out all the info below in our Cougar Sports Corner. You can also find a link to purchase this year's track t-shirt! The shop will close on Tuesday.

Mrs. Schermetzler wants to give a shout for more student volunteers for the Parish Auction as well. This is coming up on Friday, May 10. A link to sign up and more details are at the bottom of the newsletter. There is still time to register for the auction if you are mulling over attending! It is a great time with lots of school families involved.

Don't forget to submit your questions and mark your calendars for State of the School on Thursday, May 23. You can find a link for that below. In addition, this week is our 4th & 5th Grade Spring Concert taking place at 2:00pm on Thursday, May 2 in the church. We hope to see some of you there!

Please be sure to check out the rest of this newsletter, which includes some Girl Scout news, pictures from the Father Daughter dance, and more!

Have a fantastic week!

Best regards,

Ms. Parey, Principal

Mrs. Schermetzler & Mrs. Bruhn, Leadership Team

St. Alphonsus Staff Appreciation Week is happening now!

To celebrate all the amazing teachers and staff at St. Alphonsus, Home & School is making this week extra colorful with fun snacks, treats and surprises all week long.


Be sure to drop a note to let all the staff know how much we appreciate them!

Thursday, May 2nd we invite the students in on the fun with Favorite Color Day.

Students may be out of uniform if they dress in their teacher's favorite color

Please see the color by grade below:

3K Blue

4K Yellow

5K Pink

1st Green

 2nd Rainbow Colors

3rd Green

4th Pink

5th Orange

6th - 8th Blue


It’s no secret that St. Alphonsus has the BEST staff in town and we are so grateful for each and every one of them!

Important Dates to Remember

04/29 - 05/03

Staff Appreciation Week


4th & 5th Grade Spring Concert

2:00pm in the Church


Athletic Banquet


Early Dismissal 11:30am

No Cougar Club


Dine Out Night

Cousins Subs


Parish Auction


No School

Memorial Day


School Graduation Mass for 8th Grade

8th Grade Last Day of School

(dismissed after 9:00am Mass)


Cougar Outdoor Extravaganza


Last Day of School

10:00am Dismissal

State of the School

State of the School, hosted by the School Advisory Commission, will take place on Thursday, May 23 at 6:00pm in the Community Room.

Please join us to hear a presentation to answer parent questions and also learn more about Home & School and Athletics. There will also be an opportunity to sign up to volunteer for school events and a chance for you to mingle with other parents, faculty & staff.

Starting this week, you can submit any questions you have at this link! We will not collect your email address or contact information, so the form & questions submitted are anonymous. The form will close on Monday, May 6.

We will also be serving light snacks as well as beer & wine. Because we are serving alcohol, this event is for adults only. We hope to see you there!


Scholarship & Award Information Requested

It is the time of year when we start preparing for 8th Grade graduation! 8th Grade parents, we want to hear about all of your children's accomplishments. Please email Mrs. Schermetzler a list of their scholarships and awards, as well as the high school they will be attending, by Wednesday, May 15.

Mrs. Hoeppner is Seeking Yarn!

If you or any of your family members have any yarn lying around...Mrs. Hoeppner would love to have it become part of the St. Alphonsus Art Studio!

Please send yarn donations to school, Attn: Mrs. Hoeppner. Thank you!

May & June Lunch Menus

May Out of Uniform Schedule

We thought it might be easier for you to have a list of days that are Out-Of-Uniform either with a pass or with special circumstances for the whole month, so here are the Out-of-Uniform Days for May:


Staff Appreciation Week Favorite Color Day

Students may be out of uniform if they dress in their teacher's favorite color

Please see the color by grade below:

3K Blue

4K Yellow

5K Pink

1st Green

 2nd Rainbow Colors

3rd Green

4th Pink

5th Orange

6th - 8th Blue


First Friday of the Month

Spiritwear Day!

Wear St. Alphonsus Spiritwear and Jeans/Joggers


Out of Uniform with Dine Out Night purchase on 05/08 (receipt required)


Last Friday of the Month

Out of Uniform with Purchased Pass

Girl Scout News

The Girl Scouts of St. Alphonsus are organizing a toy drive for the “Magic Room” at the Ronald McDonald House at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.

This all-school Girl Scout project will help children and their families who are dealing with a serious illness. Children are able to pick a toy of their choice in the “Magic Room” to make their stay a little brighter. Illness affects the whole family and your donation can help with coping, distraction and comfort. 

The collection will be from May 13th to May 17th. Donations can be dropped at the Ronald McDonald box in front of the main office in the hallway. New toys only, please. Thanks in advance for supporting St. Alphonsus Girl Scouts & the Ronald McDonald House!

The 6th grade Girl Scouts are collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House!  

Please collect them and send to school care of Hana in 6th Grade.

Thank you!

Home & School Happenings

It was another successful Father/Daughter Dance this weekend!

We hope all the dads, grandpas, and father figures had a great time with their daughters! Thank you again to our fabulous volunteer teams who helped put this event on. Special thanks to Dawn Eisold, who headed up both the Mom Prom & the Father/Daughter Dance to great success!

Join us for a Milwaukee Milkmen Game this summer! Mark Your Calendars for Friday, July 12 at 6:35pm.

St. Alphonsus Catholic School is once again the featured organization at the Milwaukee Milkmen baseball game on July 12 at 6:35pm. We hope you can attend, watch a great game and support St Alphonsus Catholic School! 

Get your tickets at the link here and we will see you at the ballgame! Feel free to spread the word & share this with your family and friends.

St. Alphonsus Home & School has a new fundraiser offering, running from April 15-April 30!

Considering a water park adventure this summer? Check out Bear Paw Adventure Park and buy your passes through our code! Passes are good all summer long. Bear Paw is located in Caledonia, so it's an easy day trip getaway.

25% of sales will go back to St. Alphonsus School. Check out the flyer below and scan the QR code today! Use promo code SACSBEACH24 to purchase.

School Supply Kits Now Available from 1st Day School Supplies!

Did you know that St. Alphonsus Home & School partners with 1st Day School Supplies to give parents an easy to get everything your student needs for school?

We're not wishing summer away, but if you like to purchase pre-boxed school supply kits, it's time to order! Start the school year with the exact supplies your teacher requested, and have them shipped quickly and easily to your home just in time for school to start in the fall. This is an easy way to check off a big to-do list item and perfect for busy parents.

Order today at this link. The deadline for ordering is July 1st!

Cougar Sports Corner

Congratulations, St. Alphonsus Track!

Both boys and girls teams had a great showing this weekend at the St. Leonard Relay Invitational in Muskego.

5th Grade Girls took 5th place in the 4x100 relay.

5th Grade Boys took 6th place in both the 4x100 and 4x200 relays.

Our middle school combined team also took 6th place in the 4x100 relay, and we had many athletes who did great on the field events as well!

Congratulations to everyone involved!

Don't forget that coming up this weekend is the St. Al's Invitational at Greendale High School. We need lots of volunteers to make it happen! Middle & High School Students looking for service hours, this is a great opportunity for you. Please click the link here to sign up.

We also have St. Alphonsus track and field shirts available for purchase! St. Al's gets $2 for every shirt sold. The story will close tomorrow at midnight, so click here to order!

Go Cougars!

SCRIP Makes $ense!

Happy Spring from SCRIP!

Don't forget to use SCRIP to help you purchase items for Mother's Day, Father's Day, graduations, and more. Check out the Spring Gift Guide by scanning the QR code below.

Signing up for SCRIP is easy, and there is even an app to use! 

Register here, using the enrollment code 855F1LF31943. You can also check out our Enrollment Forms and FAQ on our school website. If you would like to order via paper order form, you can find that here.

Any questions, please call or email our SCRIP coordinator, Vickie Major at 414-704-0526 or via email here.

Local School & Alumni News

 Please note that any outside activities are not sponsored or endorsed by St. Alphonsus Parish or School

Join Pius XI varsity boys basketball coach Dan Carey and his Popes players at summer basketball camp! 
Fundamental Skills Camp (June 10-13) - This camp focuses on offensive skill development, primarily finishing, shooting, passing and catching, ball handling, attack moves and decision making. 
Pure Shooting Camp (June 17-20) - This camp focuses on shooting technique, form and proper repetition. Campers shoot a high volume of shots each day, with emphasis on proper shooting mechanics.
Mighty Mites Camp (July 22-25) - OPEN TO BOYS AND GIRLS! This camp introduces basic basketball skills, using youth-sized basketballs and smaller hoops. Emphasis on the fundamentals of dribbling, passing and shooting.
Click on this link to register for camps. 

Catholic Memorial 2024 Summer Camps

Open to ALL Rising 1st - 9th Graders

Get involved at CMH, stay active, learn new skills and meet new friends!

For Full Camp Details and Registration visit this link.

Calling all St. Alphonsus Alumni!

Do you have an alumni student in your home? Are you an alum yourself, or maybe you've heard some great things our alumni are up to? Please share them with us! We would love to share more alumni news in upcoming newsletters and on our social media. You can email items to Mrs. Schermetzler. Thank you!

Parish Auction Updates

Student Volunteers are still needed for the Parish Auction!

This counts as service hours for the kids, saves St. Al’s the money we’d otherwise have to pay for adult waitstaff, and is a lot of fun! 

Students should arrive at 4:30 and will be done between 9:30 and 10:00. Students will assist with table and other set up. They will serve appetizers to guests during cocktail hour. After that, they will work in the dining room, clearing salad plates, serving entrees, bringing coffee carafes to the tables and clearing plates, glasses, silverware, etc. at the end of the meal.

We will feed students dinner shortly after arrival. Students should wear a plain, white shirt or blouse and black pants or skirt with comfortable, closed toe shoes. 

Students in grades 4-8 are eligible to serve. High schoolers are also welcome. Sign up here!

If you haven't yet made plans to join us, please do! Registration for the auction is still open.

On May 10, 2024, we will Roll Out the Red Carpet for the 23rd annual St. Alphonsus Parish benefit auction, and we invite you to join us!

The auction is the only parish fundraiser that benefits all of St. Alphonsus’ ministries, including our school, Christian formation programs, adult education, community outreach (food pantry, community meal programs, giving tree, etc.), support groups and more.

It is sure to be a great evening, so please consider joining us! It is such a fun night out with other parents. If you've wanted to get know other parents & socialize more, the auction is the perfect opportunity for you to do so! Click here to register.

Parish News

Attention Parents of Girls ages 7-12! Cycle Prep will take place on May 8, 2024 from 6:30 to 8:00pm in the Community Room.

This is a Catholic program for girls ages 9-12 and a parent that introduces girls to menstrual cycles, periods, and body literacy in a positive, adult-supported environment.

Cycle Prep encourages girls to respect their bodies and equips them to navigate the natural changes that come with menstrual cycles.

Scan the QR code above for more information and to register!

Do you have items for the newsletter? To submit them or for questions and submission guidelines, please contact Amy Schermetzler.

Please note that submissions are due by 12:00pm Fridays.