Cordoba Academy Newsletter - April 2023
Upcoming Events
Enrollment for 2023-2024
Enrollment for the academic year 2023-2024 is open for Preschool, Kindergarten, and grades 1 through 6. Enrollment is on a first-come first-served basis so apply now!
Visit our website for more information.
Virtual Weekly Youth Halaqa
Our very own Hafiz Adnan Khalid is conducting a weekly halaqa for the youth! The topic will be the lives of the great caliphs, also known as a the Khulafa-e-Rashideen. Please have your children join this beneficial gathering using the link below every Wednesday:

Isha and Taraweeh Prayers at Cordoba Academy
We are offering Isha and Taraweeh prayers at Cordoba Academy for the month of Ramadan starting at 9:25 PM.

InshaAllah we will have Taraweeh Khatamul Quran and du'a on Friday, April 14.

Please enter from the South side of the building from behind the Prayer Hall area. The front doors will remain locked. Although the mask mandate has been lifted, we highly encourage everyone to wear a mask.

*Timing subject to change throughout the month of Ramadan.

Facebook Fundraiser - Goal: $5,000
Cordoba Academy is seeking your financial support to raise $5000 for general expenses. As a non-profit organization, we rely heavily on donations from the community to allow us to continue to serve the Muslim youth in various capacities.

Our multipurpose facility is not only used for academic instruction, but also as a resource center; hosting a variety of extracurricular programs and family-oriented activities and events to disseminate knowledge, build unity, and strengthen the Muslim community.

Take advantage of the blessings of this month and make a lasting impact by giving Sadaqah Jariyah (a continuous charity)!
Upcoming Events
  • Apr 8: Story Time: Ali (RA) & The Battle of Badr
  • Apr. 14: Eid Prep Party!
Dates to Remember:
  • Apr. 10-23: Spring Break (No School)
  • Apr. 21: Shawwal begins/Eid-ul-Fitr* (No School)

*Based on local moon sighting
3210 200th Pl SW Lynnwood, WA 98036