9th Edition | February 26, 2021
The Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub (the "MRV Hub") is a sustainable cooperative institution for conducting climate change relevant MRV in the Caribbean that generates objective data for use by Caribbean nations.
As part of The MRV Hub's commitment to keeping our members and interested parties updated we are pleased to share with you the MRV Hub Newsletter for February 2021 (9th Edition).

Wiley Barbour, Project Director

MRV Hub Annual Meeting 2021

The MRV Hub Secretariat is honored to be hosting our 3rd Annual MRV Hub Annual Meeting (2021). This important meeting will be held over 2 days, the 23rd & 24th March 2021, virtually, as a result of the ongoing challenges and imitations due to Covid-19.  

Each of our 12 members will be invited to nominate 2 participants while we anticipate a strong showing from the MRV Hub network, including UNFCCC/RCC, WINDREF, 5C’s, UNDP, UNEP, CARICOM, OECS, and many others.

Work Crew Update

MRV Hub Work Crew Leads have completed a series of bi-weekly and monthly capacity-building sessions with the Development Teams of the Forestry and Other Land Use (FOLU), Data Management Systems (DMS), and On-Road Mobile Source work crews. These sector-specific sessions develop skillsets, which enhance the work of individual work crew members and support the MRV Hub as a country-driven partnership, unlocking the capability of countries to cooperate on technical challenges underlying climate measurement and reporting.

Direct Support to Member Countries

The MRV Hub started operations in 2018 under a five-year grant from the German Government. From the inception of the project, we planned to provide targeted technical support services where it was most needed and to develop regionally applicable tools and templates to be shared with all. We designed our work to not only create products and tools but also to allow for capacity-building activities, training, and mentoring throughout the process.

Recent and Highlighted Events

October 22, 2020 | The MRV Hub partnered with the RCC STG to host the sixth and final Caribbean NDC Support Virtual Exchange Platform, under the topic Costing and Financing of NDCs and Tracking of Climate Finance.  Click here to read more and access recorded presentations.

January 12, 2021 | The MRV Hub attended a webinar hosted by the Environmental Policy and Planning Division (EPPD) of Trinidad and Tobago. The webinar discussed results from "Pilot Project on the Trinidad and Tobago National Climate Mitigation Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System. Click here to access recorded sessions.

January 27, 2021 | The MRV Hub attended the Environment Division and the Center for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Studies (CEFAS) workshop on Economic Valuation of Blue Carbon (Mangrove and Seagrass ecosystems) in Grenada.

January 29, 2021 | The MRV Hub attended the 160th Meeting of the Sustainable Development Council of Grenada. This meeting consisted of a medley of short update presentations as Grenada prepares for World Wetlands Day 2021 including Blue Carbon and Grenada, Economic Valuation of Ecosystems, and Community-led Resilience Action 2021. 

The RCC St. George’s has recently published its annual report for the year 2020. The report entails the organization’s key achievements in areas such as support of CDM, development of standardized baselines, transparency, adaptation, climate finance, and support to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Click here to view full report
Meet the MRV Hub Network

Benise N. Joseph is a Program Associate at the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) with the Caribbean Cooperative Measurement, Reporting and Verification Hub (MRV Hub). Benise provides support to the MRV Hub’s technical activities and management functions.

Benise is a Saint Lucian with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Camagüey, Cuba. She received her master’s degree in renewable energy- electrical power systems from Curtin University, Australia, and an advanced training and research certificate in environmental science from United Nations University, Geothermal Training Program, Iceland. She has several years of experience as a senior energy officer of the Government of Saint Lucia, with involvement in many climate change and mitigation projects.

Caribbean MRV Event Calendar
The MRV Hub and its network collect and post events relating to climate meetings and events in the region. This "Caribbean Event Calendar" has been created and is posted on our webpage.
Please feel free to send us any important dates we may have missed or as events and meetings are announced.

The MRV Hub Newsletter is issued monthly and seeks to share important information about the Caribbean Cooperative Measurement, Reporting, and Verification Hub. If you have items of interest you would like us to share please email us and we will consider including them in the next newsletter.


The CCMRVH is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag, with additional resources and technical support provided by the UNDP/UNEP Global Support Programme.