The United States Bible Society, Inc.
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UnitedStatesBibleSociety: Newsletter
June 1, 2014 

Welcome to the Monthly Newsletter of the United States Bible Society. Our goal is to keep you informed on our Community and Ministry. Below is a word of encouragement, a thanksgiving, a look back, a look forward, our financial statement, and what we need to meet the vision the Lord has placed on our Hearts. Please enjoy and Pray over this Months Newsletter.

Help Wanted
God Has a Job for You.

A recent set of family devotions had our family had agree on a conclusion of "Help Wanted, God has a Job for You". The key memory verse we learned was Acts 1:8 which states, "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." This verse made us reflect on ourselves to see if we were reaching our own personal Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and Uttermost with the Gospel. Now it would seem that in the United States and living in the Bible Belt of the south where there is a Church on every corner that everyone would have heard the Gospel but recently I talked to an individual who had never heard the Gospel of Jesus-Christ. This encounter had me ask the question - why??? With more than 4 Churches around this mans home not to mention even more Christians living around him, why has no-one witnessed to this man? In making application we see the Job that Jesus-Christ has left us to do. First to be Saved, and then to be a witness to our Jerusalem (neighborhood), our Judaea (community), our Samaria (state and nation), and to the uttermost (other nations) with the key being to focus on all at the same time. How about you? Do you witness to the 4 areas listed in Acts 1:8? Let us learn and apply Acts 1:8 doing the Job that the Lord has left us to be....A witness of the Gospel.

Thank You
Your Labor is not in Vain. 
"Thank You," to all those who are apart of this work as we had a record number of Web Hits with 507,506. We also had another good report of Souls Saved, Bibles Distributed, Devotions Emailed, Bibles Downloaded, Audio Bibles Accessed, and Online Bibles Accessed. Thanks again, for everyone who Prayed, Supplied Funds, Made Visits, Answered Emails, Placed Phone Calls, Provided Bibles, Delivered Bibles, and Shared the Gospel. Your labor is not in vain as I receive mail every day of souls being saved and lives being changed. Let us be encouraged to press to the mark of continuing in the Lord, to do His Will, and His Work in these last days.
Looking Back
A New Online Bible:  
In April we made a new Online Bible in a Bible Data Base Format. You can view and use it at!mybibleuscom/caqj and we put the domain to work. This is Bible Data base program that is a super fast Online Bible in a Data Base format. You can type in "mat 1" and it goes to MATTHEW chapter 1. Type in "God" and all the verses with GOD come up. It has a Lexicon in a Strong's and IPD format as well to make Bible Reading Easy. Tell me what you think and other items you need to help your Bible Study. Words cannot express my thanks for all who give and again, Thank You. I am excited about what the Lord is doing and again thank you for your prayers and gifts. 

May Results
576,506 Web Hits
240 Souls Saved
3,510 Bibles Distributed
1,000 Tracts Distributed
715,635 Devotions EMail
23,085 Subscribers EMail
58.79% Distribution %
  2014 Results
    2,351,590 Web Hits
    1151 Souls Saved
    16,790 Bibles Distributed
    5,000 Tracts Distributed
    1,534,983 Devotions EMail
    23,085 Subscribers EMail
    57.03% Distribution %

Ministry Results
11,129,434 Web Hits
14,981 Souls Saved
282,896 Bibles Distributed
2,372,400 Tracts Distributed
19,718,932 Devotions EMail
23,085 Subscribers EMail
51.97% Distribution %
Looking Forward
Our Next Step: is a site we are still working on to link all the Global Bible Societies together. We are continuing to work on the Life Application notes that I send in our daily devotion to our commentary section of our Online Bible. This will make each Chapter of our Online Bible a devotion in itself with a Chapter of Scripture, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Chapter, and now my Life Application Notes all on the same page.  We are working out the bugs in our Phone Gospel Message that works with the Tracts we had printed. This allows the caller to hear the Gospel Message and Order a Free Bible from our toll free phone number that is on the tract. We are continuing in the change of our focus from automating our Bible Request Search and Placement with a focus on individual ministry and prayer for each who contact us.   If the Lord lays this on your heart you can give and we will apply the gifts to this specific need.
Our Finances
 Ministry Finance Report  

Words cannot express our appreciation for all who give to the United States Bible Society. Funds given are only a small portion that is invested as thousand of Church Partners provide Bibles daily at their cost. As with any Ministry we have costs to provide our services. I too contribute to this Ministry and receive no personal support for our work. We have grown to the point where we need the Lord to Burden Churches and others to give to meet our financial needs. Thank you for your gifts.
May Finance Report
$ 200 Salaries
$ 267 Insurance-Build.
$ 120 Insurance- Veh.
$ 273 Phone
$ 468 Power
$ 125 Water
$ 211 Natural Gas
$ 039 Alarm Service
$ 143 Internet Service
$ 053 Server-Internet
$ 295 Server-Email
$ 300 Fuel-Repairs
$ 2494 Total
$   300 Donations from Individuals(Thank You)
$(2194) Balance
$ 2194  Donation from
Our Need
We continue as others Pray and Give: 
1) Fulfill the Bible Requests.

2) Funding for our Needs.

3) Souls to be Saved.

4) New Converts to be Discipled.

5) Translate obscure Languages.


We continue as others Pray and Give. Please consider taking our Needs and Requests before the throne of our Lord. If the Lord prompts you to give simply click on the "Give to the U.S.Bible Society" to go to our giving page.


Thank You, David Burnette, Director : U.S.Bible Society

Please Contact Me with Any Questions or Comments, 

Email : | facebook : David W Burnette

facebook : The U.S.Bible Society | twitter : USBible Society

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 The U.S. Bible Society | (855) 5Bi-bles
5544 Forest Drive | Loganville, Ga. 30052