4th Edition | September 30, 2019
As part of The MRV Hub's commitment to keeping our members and interested parties updated we are pleased to share with you the MRV Hub Newsletter for September 2019 (4th Edition).

 Wiley Barbour, Sr. Project Director
The MRV Hub Membership
We are very grateful to all our Country participants for advancing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) through internal legal review processes. To date we have nine fully signed and executed MOUs, representing 75% completed for The MRV Hub membership.
Regional Data Management

On 8 th and 9 th July 2019, the Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub held a two-day workshop on data management systems and data collection. The sessions were attended by representatives from member countries of The MRV Hub family. The first day of the workshop focused on planning and designing a data management system for the CCMRVH, while the second day focused on providing participants with the tools and strategies they need to collect and document greenhouse gas and climate data. On both days, participants were given group exercises to further cement the information discussed throughout the different presentations. These workshops are part of The MRV Hub’s activities to build capacity and improve knowledge among climate experts in the region.

This training was held in coordination with UNFCCC's July 10 th and 11 th , two-day hands-on training workshop on NDCs, ICTU and accounting.

Learn more about the data management system expert working crew, next section.
The MRV Hub Expert Working Crews
The MRV Hub secretariat, through the country assessment process, has unambiguously identified high priority needs and gaps for almost all participating countries to support MRV. Some of these gaps include - Data Management Systems (DMS), Maritime Bunker Fuel emission estimates, on-road mobile sources and emission estimates for the AFOLU sector. The MRV Hub aims to address these needs/gaps through the formation of expert working crews with the task of addressing these concerns.

Country Scoping Trips
Since the beginning of the year, experts and staff from The MRV Hub have conducted scoping trips to ten countries: Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts & Nevis and Trinidad & Tobago. Scoping meetings have also been held in Grenada but as the Country Host of the Hub Secretariat, there was no need for a trip to be done. Arrangements are being developed to collect critical data from St. Vincent & the Grenadines while determining if additional trips may be necessary to countries already visited.
The MRV Hub continues to use what it has learned on these scoping trips to set project and MRV priorities.  A list of regional MRV priorities has been developed to influence future MRV project development.
Caribbean MRV Event Calendar
Over the past several months as our team has interacted with The MRV Hub network, we have collected and recorded information relating to meetings and events in the region. A " Caribbean Event Calendar " has been created and is posted on our webpage.
Please feel free to send us any important dates we may have missed or as events and meetings are announced.
Meet the MRV Hub Network
We are pleased to introduce you to members of The MRV Hub network as part of an ongoing feature of our newsletter. In this edition we would like to introduce you to Molly White.

The MRV Hub Newsletter is issued monthly and seeks to share important information about the Caribbean Cooperative Measurement, Reporting and Verification Hub (CCMRVH, or "The MRV Hub"). If you have items of interest you would like us to share please email us and we will consider including it in the next newsletter.


The CCMRVH is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag, with additional resources and technical support provided by the UNDP/UNEP Global Support Programme.