13th Edition | 15th July, 2022
The Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub (the "MRV Hub") is a sustainable cooperative institution for conducting climate change MRV in the Caribbean that generates objective data for use by Caribbean nations.

As part of the MRV Hub's commitment to keeping our members and interested parties updated we are pleased to share with you the MRV Hub Newsletter for July 2022 (13th Edition).

Wiley Barbour, Project Director
MRV Hub Annual Meeting 2022

The 4th Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Cooperative Measurement Reporting & Verification Hub (MRV Hub) took place in Grenada from 11–12 May 2022 at the Royalton Grenada Resort. The meeting’s objective was twofold. First, to provide member countries and partners with the status of MRV Hub outputs in 2022 as well as an overview of achievements and challenges faced by the project and its members; and second, to garner feedback and cooperative engagement with MRV Hub Member Countries.

The meeting was attended by MRV Hub Staff, MRV Hub Member Country focal points and country representatives, members of the MRV Hub Steering Committee, and project implementers, including the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI), the UNFCCC-Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) at St George’s, and the Windward Islands Research and Education Foundation (WINDREF). In addition, other regional and international organizations also joined, such as the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Secretariat, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Grenada (GIZ), United Nations Climate Change (UNFCCC), and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

MRV Hub at LACCW and COP27

The MRV Hub will attend Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week and the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties.

We look forward to meeting with our Member Countries and supporting their delegations as well as cultivating opportunities to further build our network and knowledge.

We look forward to seeing you in the Dominican Republic and in Egypt as we seek to share our model of Cooperative Regional Hubs for Climate MRV.

IKI Regional Exchange Workshop, Central America & Caribbean, 17-18 May 2022

The MRV Hub attended and participated in the IKI Exchange Workshop for Central America and the Caribbean that was held in San Jose over the two days, 17-18 May 2022.

The Program Director (Mr. Wiley Barbour, Right of Pic) was accompanied by the Project Coordinator (Mr. Hayden Redhead, Left of Pic) as they sought to share experiences, solutions, and recommendations with the organizers and fellow attendees.

IKI projects from the target region were brought together to,
  • Receive news from IKI,
  • Discover & share lessons learned,
  • Further explore the concepts & issues of "knowledge management"
  • Panels to discuss and agree how IKI can be of further value to projects and the region.

Several panels were held in both Spanish & English to share and discuss issues affecting the region. Several recommendations were developed for consideration by IKI, including but not limited to,
  • Creating more opportunities for projects to exchange information, best practices, solutions, etc.,
  • Create opportunities for exchanges of staff and resources between project countries.

It is anticipated that a full report of the workshop will be shared soon.

Work Crew Update

The MRV Hub Work Crews have completed a successful first year of operation! We congratulate and thank work crew leads, Brittany Meighan and Dr. Michael Gillenwater (On-Road Mobile Sources), Dr. Anup Joshi (Forestry and Other Land Use), and Dr. Olia Glade (Data Management Systems) and their teams for the exceptional work done for the region thus far.
The work products produced include land use maps of Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad & Tobago and respective FOLU emissions analyses for the period 2000-2020. Tools produced include an activity data template for mobile combustion and stationary combustion specific to this region and guidance documents for the expert group focus sectors. These tools are available to MRV Hub Member Countries.

In the upcoming year of operation will welcome work crew members to the FOLU and On-Road Mobile Sources work crews as well as the newly launched Agriculture work crew led by Dr. Luanne Stevens.

If you are interested in participating in any of these expert groups, please contact the MRV Hub Focal Point in your country and respond to our Call for Participation or send us an email at info@mrvhub.org for more information.

The Modelling & Projections Programme | First Virtual LEAP Training Course

The MRV Hub Modelling and Projections Programme (MPP) continues to develop modelling capacity in the Caribbean region. The MPP launched its Virtual Course on the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) software on 30th May 2022.

The course has a total of nineteen (19) registered participants across eleven (11) Caribbean countries and is geared toward new professionals involved in climate change mitigation with little experience in the LEAP software.

The course will run for ten (10) weeks. Upon completion, participants are expected to understand basic energy and environmental modelling concepts, create LEAP models, and apply LEAP in mitigation assessments and decision-making.
The course is designed as an asynchronous learning experience, self-paced with recommended weekly milestones. It also features optional live question and answer sessions and end-of-module assessments.

Support for this course was received from our partners, the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the developers of LEAP. The MPP hopes this is the first of many courses to continue building capacity in the region to conduct mitigation assessments and update Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). 

Regional Recognition

The following countries have recently submitted UNFCCC reporting:

  • December 29th, 2021: Trinidad & Tobago submitted its NC3 and BUR1

Recent and Highlighted Events

  • May 9 & 10, 2022: The UNFCCC Secretariat and the Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub jointly organized a technical hands-on training workshop for the Caribbean region on transitioning to the ETF and tracking progress in implementing and achieving NDCs; to assist countries in strengthening their domestic capacity to continue implementing the Convention's existing MRV arrangements and prepare for the ETF's implementation.

  • May 12, 2022: 12th Meeting of the MRV Hub Steering Committee

  • June 23, 2022: Grenada held its General Elections and saw the National Democratic Congress (NDC) defeat the incumbent New National Party (NNP) by winning a majority 9 of the 15 parliamentary seats.

Caribbean MRV Event Calendar

The MRV Hub and its network collect and post events relating to climate meetings and events in the region. This "Caribbean Event Calendar" has been created and is posted on our webpage.
Please feel free to send us any important dates we may have missed or as events and meetings are announced.
Meet the MRV Hub Network

Curllan Bhola is a Technical Support Associate at the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) with the Caribbean Cooperative Measurement, Reporting and Verification Hub (MRV Hub). His work involves providing technical and institutional guidance to MRV Hub countries to address climate change and manage their greenhouse gas emissions.

Curllan is a Grenadian national who holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Biology and a master’s degree in Public Health with a specialization in Environmental and Occupational Health from St. George’s University along with the designation of Certified in Public Health (CPH).

He has previously worked with the Government of Grenada and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on energy-efficient and climate-friendly refrigeration and air conditioning. In addition, he has provided broader support to energy sector projects in Grenada focused on renewable energy and electricity sector reform to support climate policy. He has been an advisor to public organizations, local governments, and regional organizations including inclusive and effective coordination of stakeholder-related processes in Grenada.

The MRV Hub Newsletter is issued periodically and seeks to share important information about the Caribbean Cooperative Measurement, Reporting, and Verification Hub. If you have items of interest you would like us to share please email us and we will consider including them in the next newsletter.


The CCMRVH is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.