Two More Colleges Challenged With Truth
At the well banner
They thought they could hide up in the foothills between Chico and Oroville, but we found this large community college ready for the Light.
OK, they weren't exactly ready.
But we were, and this humanistic school of "higher learning" was about to find out how low their thinking is when compared to truth.
The students had lots of questions and challenges for us to answer. Proclaiming the truth on a dark campus is invigorating, and when we leave for the day, we know this is what God has called us to do.
We had some Christian students overwhelmed by our presence. A few came up to us and asked if they could pray for us, and right there in the middle of the quad they laid hands on us, praying we would boldly proclaim God's Word to their lost friends.
One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the number of students who have never seen the pictures of the reality of abortion.
Where have they been?
The German people said the same thing when asked, after the war, if they saw the concentration camps and all the dead bodies during the Holocaust. "We didn't know," was their answer!
But then again, do most churches and schools show the pictures of injustice?
Throughout history, images have been used to show the public atrocities and injustice. Their consciences were then stirred for change.
The pictures speak volumes to defeat apathy and injustice that words alone cannot clarify.
On a lighter note, it also helps to have a pregnant woman on our team. But Diane had to go to the ladies room a lot. What's that all about?
We are sometimes privileged to have Royce Dunn join our team. He is the founder of the "Life Chain" that has chapters all over the world. He is a close friend of our ministry and I consider him one of my heroes.
San Jose State Pictures
We also spent two days on the San Jose State campus and were joined by the awesome folks of the "Live Action" ministry. This youthful team stood boldly with us and carried the mantle of truth throughout the quad of a very hostile and apathetic student body.
Between the two campuses, we handed out over 4,000 pieces of literature, including Gospel tracts, and had many great dialogues with a variety of students.
Next up: Sacramento State College and Delta College. The impact so far is more than we imagined, and your prayer covering is an essential ingredient for victories in this battleground.
Our battle cry for the coming colleges:
In humility, correcting those in opposition,
So God might grant them repentance,
So that they might know the truth,
And come to their senses,
And escape the snare of the devil,
Having been taken captive by
him, to do his will. 2 Timothy 2
In His Steps,
Don Blythe
At the Well Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 78025
Stockton, CA. 95267
Thank you for keeping me in the "harvest field" with you prayers and support!!!