At The Well Ministries Update
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  Los Medanos overwhelmed with Truth  

The impact was felt immediately as we set up on the Los Medanos College campus. 


Our location on campus was perfect, and every student had to walk by the Truth.  


The first day, seven women approached our team to repent of their sin of abortion.  




"You have given a banner to those who fear You, that it may be displayed because of the truth."


                           Psalm 60:4 


Sharon steps out of the shade and into the heat of the day to educate the students who are shocked by the reality of the photos of injustice towards the preborn babies. 


These students were changed forever by the truth.


Many guys were bothered by their involvement with past abortions. 


Bud regularly prays with students, pointing them to the only Hope - Jesus Christ.


The atheists don't like these scenes to play out on their turf.



We handed out over 3,000 of our new and powerful brochures.  


It is designed with our display as the theme.  


As far as we know, this is the first pro-life brochure that includes the Gospel. 

One professor told us, "For two days I had to change my lesson plan to accommodate the class debates on abortion."


A total of six professors came up to our display to challenge us.  That's a first.


Our message was the talk of the school

Diana brings out her

little living prop, the youngest active pro-lifer I know.


One of our most effective questions to ask students is, "At what point is it ok to intentionally kill an innocent baby?"


Students are silenced by this simple question.



Willing students, Muslims, included, listen as our evangelistic team opens the Word to them.


It was non-stop witnessing for our evangelists on the Los Medanos campus for two days.


Steve is back with us for this tour, starting pro-life clubs by gathering names of those willing to step out of the shadows and into the battle for the souls of the students.


This college has a pro-life club, which is rare, and we pray they are able to benefit from our presence.

We love to tell the students that if evolution is true, then all morality is relative, thus creating a terrible dilemma for mankind.


But if God is real, then it's time to objectively examine the claims of the Bible and make an informed decision.

This opens big doors for discussion.  


One of our senior team members, Martha, effectively navigates through the pro-choice rhetoric to bring conviction to students.


Few students challenge our age or gender as a prerequisite for discussion.  We remind students that this is a "human life" issue.


That seems to satisfy the challenge for most, and keeps the focus on the little preborn babies.






Kevin's daughter joins us sometimes and keeps the info table ready for those wanting more to read.




So there you have it with our first stop of this Fall Tour.


And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.  Matthew 28 18-20

Here is the schedule for our 2011 Fall Project Truth Tour among Northern California colleges. 
Los Medanos College North Bay  August 29-30
San Francisco State  Sept 6-7
Monterey Peninsula College  Sept 12-13
Cal State Monterey  Sept 14
Sac City College  Sept 27-28
UC Santa Cruz   Oct 4-5
Santa Rosa College  Oct 11-12
Ventura College   Oct17-18
UC Santa Barbara  Oct 19-20
Reno College  Nov 1-2 
Carson City College  Nov 3


Please consider joining us at one or more of these colleges and help us reach the lost. 
Thanks to those of you lifting us up in prayer and support, especially during the hours of 9 am to 3:30 pm each day we engage the culture.   


In humility, correcting those in opposition,
So God might grant them repentance,
So that they might know the truth,
And come to their senses,
And escape the snare of the devil,
Having been taken captive by
him, to do his will.  2 Timothy 2   

In His Steps,                                             



I am Don Blythe of At The Well Ministries Inc.  This ministry of 28 years uses the the abortion issue as a springboard for sharing the Gospel.


My Mission Field comprises three main areas of outreach; the abortion mills, high schools, and college campuses. 


The email newsletters you receive give a hands-on look at what this ministry is all about.


I do not use the content of the letters to talk about financial support, and for 28 years the Lord has supplied my needs through the prayers and financial support of a small number of churches and individuals who believe in what I do and have seen the fruit of this labor.


If you desire to support my ministry, you can do so through regular mail or through the CashLinq donation link provided.  Cashlinq is a Christian direct-giving program that allows you to follow your giving history, and the cost to At the Well Ministries is minimal.


Thank you for standing with me. 


At The Well is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


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Mail donation:     At the Well Ministries

                           P.O. Box  78025

                           Stockton,  CA.  95267


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