At The Well Ministries Update
September 2010
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American River CollegeOur Project Truth tour began with three days in the heart of this Northern California campus. There were thousands of students who passed by our displays, and we engaged and challenged them with the truth while handing out over two thousand pieces of literature and Gospel tracts.
arc collegeWe love presenting our worldview to the students who do not get the truth from the majority of their professors. The administrators tell us that "it is rare for any outside group to come onto the campuses and set up shop."
What a great harvest field!!
arc2010Right after we got settled into the flow of students passing by, this young lady approached me and asked if we were the same folks that were on her campus two years ago. I said yes and she stated, "I know you probably get discouraged
sometimes doing this, but don't stop. I was walking by your display the last time and saw for the first time the reality of abortion. I went home and told my boyfriend that I decided against the abortion and now I have a sixteen-month-old little girl at home." Tears filled her eyes as she thanked me for being on her college campus that day.
We noticed throughout the two days, a large number of students coming up to us to tell us about their personal experience in an abortion center. Many "post-abortive" students wanted relief from their guilt over the evil they had done; some having killed their preborn babies only a few weeks before we arrived on their campus.
We offer them the only hope for their struggles - Jesus Christ.
This photo makes my heart ache.
These students are ready to listen to the Gospel and we give it to them and then give them Mark Cahill's book "One Heartbeat Away" to take home. This book covers the truths of our faith and encourages the student to embrace God's Word for their strength and hope in life.
That's what people need!
While there are some students who mock us, many students thank us for coming and showing them something they had never seen before. These photos of injustice do "paint a thousand words."
Bernard is back for the Fall tour with his great presentation of the Gospel as he walks around the quad finding those divine appointments. He and his wife travel down from Redding every week to join our team.
Pray for us. This is a mighty challenge and we are already having an impact as we collide with the darkness. We are "tearing down strongholds" and Satan is not happy. He's fighting back. There are many things that happened we don't have time to tell you now.
A friend reminded me that Ephesians 4:27 tells us, "Do not give the terrain to the Devil."
Long ago, God's people lost the terrain in most colleges, and "Satan has taken the lost captive to do his will." 2 Timothy 2:26.
We're going out "into the world" to get them back, "rescuing those being led to the slaughter." Proverbs 24:11
The Fall Tour continues...
August 30-31, Sept.1 American River College-Sacramento
September 7-8 Butte College-Oroville
September 13-14 San Jose State
September 20-21 Sacramento State
September 27-30 Central Coast
Monday-Hancock College-Santa Maria
Tuesday/Wednesday-Santa Barbara City College
Thursday-Cuesta College-San Luis Obisbo
October 6-7 Cal State Hayward
October 12-13 Chico State
October 19-20 San Francisco City College
November 9-10 Fresno City College
In His Steps,
Don Blythe At the Well
At The Well Ministries P.O. Box 78025
Stockton, CA. 95267