The Bulletin Board Newsletter

A monthly e-newsletter highlighting the discussions, decisions and business of the North Penn School District Board of School Directors.
The North Penn School Board (NPSB) welcomes questions and feedback from the community. To that end, community members may email the entire board at

If you would like to contact a specific board member via email or phone, please visit our website to find contact information.

Board Members

Tina Stoll, President

Christian D. Fusco, Vice President

Elisha K. Gee, Ed.D.

Jonathan M. Kassa

Timothy MacBain

Cathy McMurtrie

Juliane Ramić

Al Roesch

Kunbi Rudnick

Letter to the Community

Dear North Penn Community,

I hope you are all well. As I write this, it is my 130th day serving the North Penn Community as one of your School Board directors, ~ four (4) months. In that time, I have had dozens of discussions with students, parents, educators, and staff, and to date, this past week has been the most challenging.

It is essential that I speak to our joint dismay and outrage about the assault that occurred at our Pennbrook Middle School on Wednesday, April 17th, before I provide the customary recap of the month.

Firstly, I will speak as a Pennbrook mom; my daughter is in 8th grade. Like many, I navigated through multiple emotions in the aftermath of the attack. From confused, profoundly concerned, deeply angry, and eventually, deeply sad for all the students affected, including my daughter. We pray for the recovery of the child assaulted, all the children who are affected, and our Pennbrook educators and staff.

By now, you would have received the plan outlined by Dr. Bauer on behalf of the school administration. It is comprehensive and achievable, but only if we all do our part. As a parent whom you have elected to serve as your voice, I commit to deeply supporting the administration as we execute the plan. I also commit to holding the administration accountable for quickly delivering on the expected outcomes of the plan. Our job is to rebuild our children's and parents' trust in our buildings, and I can assure you that our focus is ensuring that our buildings are safe. I have spoken to many educators and staff in our buildings, and they have the necessary protocols and practices to keep our children safe. Are there opportunities for improvement? YES, and we are currently working on understanding and addressing them. In addition, the independent investigation will support more robust solutions.

The attack on April 17th was horrific and cast a transient cloud over our district; it is also essential to acknowledge the many occasions this month where our community has demonstrated unity. For instance, April was National Autism Acceptance Month, and activities across the district were held to raise awareness and promote inclusion for people with autism.

Thanks to our partnership with a local pharmaceutical company who provided 14,000 solar eclipse glasses, all North Penn students who wished to participate were able to witness the solar eclipse. In addition, the Grow in STEM event was held to nurture an interest in STEM education.

As a diverse community, we observed Eid al-Fitr and celebrated with our friends and neighbors of the Muslim faith—Eid Mubarak. The International Spring Festival was held at North Penn High School on Saturday, April 20th. This is always a fantastic community event celebrating all the cultures that make North Penn special, and this year was no different. Thanks to the organizers and volunteers.

In my 130 days serving on the board, I have spent dozens of hours preparing for school board meetings, reading and debating proposals at meetings, and engaging with the community. While the past week has been very difficult, this does not stop. Our students, parents, educators, and staff need us to focus on sustainable solutions that prioritize the well-being of all our students. With a lens focused on our diverse community, I remain committed to acting in the best interests of our collective welfare.

Thank you and Be Well,

Kunbi Rudnick

NPSD Board of School Directors

Term Expiration: 2027

Meeting Information

School Board Meeting Information

Meetings of the whole (Finance Committee; Worksession; Action) will be held in person at the Educational Services Center (ESC) located at 401 E. Hancock Street Lansdale, PA 19446 unless otherwise noted. Those who wish to make public comment at these in-person meetings must be present in person to do so. For residents who would like to pre-register to speak during the audience of citizens, please email the school board secretary at at least 24 hours before the meeting. These meetings will be televised live and added to the library for later viewing on North Penn Television's (NPTV) YouTube Channel.

Committee meetings (Safe Schools; Facilities and Operations; Policy; and Education, Curriculum and Instruction) will be held virtually in an online format using Zoom, televised live and added to the library for later viewing on NPTV's YouTube ChannelIndividuals having difficulty accessing a virtual meeting may email for assistance. This email address will be monitored throughout the course of virtual meetings and may be utilized by any person who wishes to raise an objection during a meeting pursuant to Section 710.1(c) of the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act. Objections, which will be noted for the record, must include the person’s name and the general nature of their objection.  

How to Watch Meetings
Residents can watch live on the NPTV YouTube Channel, North Penn News, or NPTV local Comcast Cable Channel 28 and Verizon FIOS-TV Channel 29.

A recording of this meeting will be available on the district website, the NPTV YouTube Channel, and will air on North Penn Television Comcast Cable Channel 28 and Verizon FIOS-TV Channel 29 for the next three business days at 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm.

How to View Meeting Agendas
Meeting agendas are published the week of the meeting and can be viewed online on BoardDocs. To view meeting agendas, visit BoardDocs and select the "Meetings" tab in the top right corner. From there, find and select the meeting, and then click "view agenda".

How to Participate in Virtual Meetings
Public comment will be available using Zoom. A link to make public comment will be available on our website prior to the start of the meeting.

When it is time for public comment, please use the “raise your hand” feature in the zoom webinar. We will take public comment in order that hands were raised. Please listen for your name when called upon for comment and unmute your microphone.

If you do not have access to zoom, please email your comments to and it will be included in the board minutes.

Meetings in Review


April 8, 7:00 pm


April 18, 7:00 pm

Upcoming Meetings


June 4, 7:00 pm, ESC


May 16, 7:00 pm, ESC


June 18, 5:30 pm

Facilities and Operations

Change: May 6, 5:30 pm


May 7, 6:00 pm, ESC

May 21, 6:00 pm, virtual


Change: May 6, 5:00 pm

Safe Schools

April 29, 5:45 pm

View Meeting Schedule

You Could Save Up to $877 through the NPSD Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program

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Committee Reports
Education/Curriculum/Instruction Committee

The ECI Committee met on April 2, 2024.  At the meeting, the Curriculum Department team and two secondary school administrators described the academic programs being conducted for district students this summer. These programs will be offered to various student groups in grades K-12 and will provide academic support, remediation, and enrichment opportunities. 


The Curriculum team also presented information regarding academic resources for Geometry as well as two new courses - Advanced Placement African American Studies and American Sign Language 2. These will be recommended for adoption for the 2024-25 school year. Currently, the resources are available at the ESC for public review.   

Watch Video Recording of Meeting

The next ECI meeting is scheduled for June 18, 2024, 5:30 pm in a virtual format.


Dr. Elisha K. Gee


Christian Fusco,Tim MacBain

Facilities and Operations Committee

The Facilities and Operations Committee met on Monday, March 25, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in a virtual format.

The Committee reviewed the following items to be moved to the action meeting for the Board’s consideration.

  • Permission to advertise Penndale's boiler and domestic water heater
  • Contract award of the Professional Playground Assessment of the elementary schools

The Committee was presented and discussed informational items, including:

  • Dr. Bauer and David Schrader, SchraderGroup, provided an update on the High School project.
  • Update on the 10-year Capital Project Plan

Watch Video Recording of Meeting

The next Facilities and Operations Committee meeting is scheduled for May 6, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. and will be held in a virtual format. 


Cathy McMurtrie

Vice Chair:

Jonathan Kassa


Juliane Ramić,

Tina Stoll

Finance Committee

At the April 8 Finance Committee meeting, the financial reports were reviewed in addition to the following items:

Mr. Skrocki reviewed the status of the current tax rebate program and provided data to assist with the recommendation regarding the program for 2024-25. The Committee recommended lowering the rebate match to 60% of the state program. Due to the expansion of the program at the state level, the North Penn rebate program should still provide an increase in rebate amounts over the current year. This item appeared on the action meeting agenda.

Mr. Skrocki discussed a potential agreement with the North Montco Technical Career Center for their eligible employees and dependents to use the North Penn Healthcare Center for a fee.

Mr. Skrocki presented information regarding Act 91 which provides tax rebates for volunteer firefighters and EMS workers. Mr. Skrocki suggested a piggyback opportunity with the Montgomery County program starting in 2025.

Mr. Linke presented a proposal from Frontline for an electronic timekeeping system. This item appeared on the action meeting agenda.

Mr. Skrocki provided a brief overview of the first draft of the 2024-25 general fund budget.

Mr. Skrocki and Mr. Williard from PFM (the district's financial advisor) recommended the bond underwriter team as a conclusion to the request for proposal process. The recommendation was for Raymond James to serve as the lead underwriter and RBC Capital Markets to serve as co-manager for the bond issues pertaining to the high school project. This item appeared on the action meeting agenda.

Watch Video Recording of Meeting

The next Finance Committee meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the ESC.

Christian Fusco

Vice Chair:
Al Roesch

Committee of the Whole

NPSD Educational Foundation

At the Foundation's March meeting we welcomed Danielle Blanchard as our newest Trustee. Danielle formerly worked as the Foundation's Development Manager and is a parent of a NPHS senior.

The Foundation is currently looking to fill the part-time development position. Information about the position can be found on the Foundation's website.

Also at the March meeting, trustees learned from students and staff about two grants implemented at North Penn High School this year in the art department and the science department.

Trustees continue to prepare for our annual online auction that takes place May 2 to 7. Be sure to register for the auction. We have lots of great items this year, including vacations, camps and amazing baskets.

Visit our Website
Board of Trustees Member:
Juliane Ramić

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee continued its review of policies in the Financial section when it met on March 25, 2024.  During the meeting, the committee discussed policies 616 - Payment of Bills, 617- Petty Cash, and 619 - District Audit. All three policies were on the action meeting agenda for a first reading.

Watch Video Recording of Meeting

The next meeting of the Policy Committee will be May 6, 2024 at 5:30 pm in a virtual format.  


Al Roesch


Kunbi Rudnick,

Tina Stoll

Safe Schools Committee

The Safe Schools Committee met on March 25, 2024, at 5:45 p.m. in a virtual format.

Coordinator Provided presentations on Evolv Weapons Detection System. Mr. Rhone also had Evolv representative David Gutshell who talked about the technology of the system. Coordinator Rhone advised that this system would be used for events and in an emergency situation where increased security measures are needed to have school. Coordinator also provided an updated on the installation of cameras for the Bus Patrol systems. Installation will be completed on all buses by the end of the school year. Finally Coordinator Rhone provided an update on the ALICE Instructor Certification Training. Rhone reported that day 1 was completed and students will complete day two soon.

Watch Video Recording of Meeting

The Safe Schools Committee met on April 29, 2024. The meeting can be viewed here and will be reviewed in Bulletin Board following the next action meeting.

The next Safe Schools meeting will be held May 28, 2024, 5:45 pm in a virtual format.


Jonathan Kassa


Kunbi Rudnick,

Cathy McMurtrie