S E P T E M B E R || 2 0 2 0
The Bulletin Board Newsletter
A monthly e-newsletter highlighting the discussions, decisions and business of the North Penn School District Board of School Directors.
The North Penn School Board (NPSB) welcomes questions and feedback from the community. To that end, community members may email the entire board at

If you would like to contact a specific board member via email or phone, please visit our website to find contact information.
Board Members

Tina Stoll, President
Christian D. Fusco, Vice President
Elisha K. Gee
Jonathan M. Kassa
Dr. Wanda Lewis-Campbell
Timothy MacBain
Juliane Ramić
Al Roesch
Cathy Wesley
Letter to the Community
Meeting Information
School Board Virtual Meeting Information
In consideration of the health and safety of the school community, notice is hereby given that the NPSD Board of School Directors shall convene all meetings digitally until further notice. Participation at this meeting shall be limited to remote connection using the virtual meeting platform, Zoom.

How to Watch Meetings
Residents can watch live on the NPTV YouTube Channel, North Penn News, or NPTV local Comcast Cable Channel 28 and Verizon FIOS-TV Channel 29.

A recording of this meeting will be available at on the district website, the NPTV YouTube Channel, and will air on North Penn Television Comcast Cable Channel 28 and Verizon FIOS-TV Channel 29 for the next three business days at 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm.

How to View Meeting Agendas
Meeting agendas are published the week of the meeting and can be viewed online on BoardDocs. To view meeting agendas, visit BoardDocs and select the "Meetings" tab in the top right corner. From there, find and select the meeting, and then click "view agenda".

How to Participate in Meetings
Public comment will be available using Zoom. For privacy purposes, a link to make public comment will be available on our website 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.

When it is time for public comment, please use the “raise your hand” feature in the zoom webinar. We will take public comment in order that hands were raised. Please listen for your name when called upon for comment and unmute your microphone.

If you do not have access to zoom, please email your comments to and it will be included in the board minutes.
Meetings in Review

July 22, 6:00 pm

July 30, 6:00 pm

August 11, 7:00 pm

August 20, 7:00 pm

August 26, 6:00 pm
Upcoming Meetings

Please note that all meetings in September will be held virtually.

September 8, 6:00 pm

September 17, 7:00 pm

ECI Committee
October 6, 6:00 pm

Facilities & Operations Committee
September 21, 6:30 pm

Finance Committee
September 8, 6:00 pm

Policy Committee
October 6, 5:00 pm

Safe Schools Committee
September 21, 6:00 pm
You Could Save Up to $487 through NPSD Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program
Are you eligible? Do you know someone who is? Learn more and help us spread the word about this program!
Committee Reports
Education/Curriculum/Instruction (ECI) Committee
The ECI Committee met virtually on August 4, 2020.

Adoption of Novels
Four novels were presented to the committee for adoption. Adding these novels to the literary curriculum in grades 7 through 10 will continue the district's process of updating the secondary English curriculum with texts from diverse authors on diverse topics.

Virtual Learning
The virtual learning plan for the return to school this year was presented to the committee. Canvas will be the learning platform for all students with live instruction by NPSD teachers taking place daily. Secondary students also have the option to choose North Penn Virtual Academy as their virtual option. Other details including specific course and bell schedules were presented. In order to better align the middle school curriculum to learning virtually, the middle schools are shifting to a block schedule. Attendance will be taken at both the elementary and secondary levels.

Updates were presented to the committee regarding the Inglewood Elementary School redistricting progress, the continuing equity efforts and actions in the district, and the development of the social/emotional curriculum and other related services to support all students through this year.
Elisha K. Gee

Christian Fusco, Tim MacBain
The ECI Committee meeting scheduled for September 1, 2020 has been cancelled. The next ECI Committee meeting will be held on October 6, 2020 at 6:00 pm.
Facilities and Operations Committee
The Facilities and Operations Committee met virtually on July 27, 2020.

NPSD Director of Facilities and Operations, Tom Schneider, presented a request for the committee to consider a contract amendment to McMahon Transportation Engineers & Planners to provide engineering services and a revised permit plan to PennDot for the new school zone flashers associated with the Knapp Elementary School project.

The district’s construction manager, William Slawter of ICS Consulting, and Schneider provided an in depth update of the Knapp Elementary and Crawford Stadium projects. The projects are well underway and progressing well.

The Facilities and Operations Committee discussed the 10 Year Capital Plan if there was a need to revise the priority list based on the current pandemic concerns. It was decided that the current scoring matrix and priorities will remain as it was presented. Further discussions on future projects will be discussed in upcoming meetings.

Schneider provided an update on the Facilities and Operations reopening activities, summer cleaning and work, and the current supplies on hand.  The district’s current supply of disinfectant, cleaning supplies, hand soap, and paper products are well supplied and we have ample stocks for a good portion of the school year. Also, Schneider provided an update on the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit’s public bid for personal protective equipment and sanitizing supplies.
Jonathan Kassa

Vice Chair:
Cathy Wesley

Juliane Ramić
Tina Stoll
Updates from the Facilities and Operations Committee meeting held on August 31, 2020 will be shared in next month's newsletter. The next Facilities and Operations Committee meeting will be held virtually on September 21, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met virtually on August 11, 2020.

Representatives from Westrum Development Company presented a revised request for a 5-year LERTA (Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance) for property located at South Broad Street in Lansdale. Development of the property will provide additional tax revenue to the district phased in over a five year period.

Kristin Johnson, NPSD Assistant Director of Business Administration, provided an update on the copier bid and an extension of the existing contract until the end of December.

Steve Skrocki, NPSD Chief Financial Officer, reviewed the updated Montgomery County Intermediate Unit (MCIU) joint purchasing agreement which updates the agreement from 1993.

Skrocki discussed the 2020-2021 charter school tuition rates, enrollment and historical costs. Charter school performance will be reviewed at the next Finance Committee meeting.

Skrocki reviewed the results of MCIU personal protective equipment (PPE) bid. The district received bids on every item requested and will have an adequate supply for staff members.

Skrocki reviewed the results of the 2019-2020 rebate program that saw a 25% increase in the number of applicants from the previous year.
Christian Fusco

Vice Chair:
Al Roesch

Committee of the Whole
The next Finance Committee meeting will be held virtually on September 8, 2020 at 6:00 pm.
NPSD Educational Foundation
The NPSD Educational Foundation Board of Trustees met virtually on August 5, 2020.

The NPSD Educational Foundation Board of Trustees approved two new trustees and welcomes Don Lyons and Neal Shah, two community members with strong ties to local businesses. The Foundation is also set to approve two more trustees at the September meeting. Strengthening the number and diversity of the Foundation's board of trustees is a goal of its strategic plan, so the board is pleased with their recent progress.

The Foundation's Build-A-Bag Backpack and School Supply Drive launched in August. Tied to North Penn Strong campaign, the goal is to raise funds and items to fill 250 backpacks for the school year. The Foundation made it so easy to get involved this year. You can buy North Penn Strong clothing and proceeds go directly to this effort, you can buy items from registries at Walmart or Target or you can fill a backpack on your own using the provided supply list. All information can be found on the NPSD Educational Foundation's website.

Also tied to the Foundation's strategic plan, trustees approved two contracts. One is a donor management system, Bloomerang an online tool that will help the Foundation better manage and increase donor relations. Second, the Foundation is working with a local design firm to create a new logo that strengthens its brand in the North Penn community.

The Foundation did receive bad news from PineCrest Country Club that it cannot hold the Foundation's golf outing in October. The Foundation is currently looking at other local courses and plan to reschedule for another location in October. Stay tuned.

Updates from the NPSD Educational Foundation Board of Trustees' meeting held on September 2, 2020 will be shared in next month's newsletter. The next NPSD Educational Foundation Board of Trustees meeting will be held virtually on October 6, 2020 at 3:00 pm.
Board of Trustees Member:
Juliane Ramić
Policy Committee
The Policy Committee did not meet during the month of August and has also cancelled its meeting scheduled for September 8, 2020. The next Policy Committee meeting will be held on October 6, 2020 at 5:00 pm.
Christian Fusco

Al Roesch
Tina Stoll
Safe Schools Committee
The Safe Schools Committee met virtually on July 27, 2020.

Chris Doerr, NPSD Coordinator of Emergency Management and Safe Schools, presented proposed emergency drill guidance for the 2020-2021 school year, taking in to account COVID-19 mitigation efforts. Specifically discussed were fire evacuation drills, security drills, weather drills and offsite evacuation drills. This guidance will be shared with school administrators to assist in planning for the school year.

The committee also discussed Board Policy Number 252 which pertains to dating violence and is currently under review. Committee members offered several points of feedback on the policy which will be incorporated and brought to the policy committee for further discussion.
Jonathan Kassa

Dr. Wanda Lewis-Campbell
Cathy Wesley
Updates from the Safe Schools Committee meeting held on August 31, 2020 will be shared in next month's newsletter. The next Safe Schools Committee meeting will be held virtually on September 21, 2020 at 6:00 pm.