To: Members and Friends of the Maryland Green Registry
Three years ago, the Maryland Green Registry was launched at an event that included the first members of the program - a diverse group of businesses and organizations eager to share their environmental successes. Thank you for continuing to share your successes by updating your online profiles with your new goals, green practices and results.
While we hope to hear from you at least once a year to update your annual environmental goals and measurements, we are asking that members update their profile at least every three years in order to stay on the Maryland Green Registry list.
How do you know when your organization joined or when you last updated your profile? Check the top of your member profile to see the "Member since Month/Year" line. If it has been updated, there will be a line at the end of the profile that says "Profile Updated Month/Year." To update, simply request a copy of your profile, by e-mailing, edit the document and e-mail it back so that we can repost the new version.
Need some new cost saving ideas? You may only need to invest a lunch hour to learn more. The Registry's News and Events page lists new, free, events and training opportunities weekly. Upcoming webinars include: Computer Power Management (9/11/12), Water Efficiency (9/12/12) and Choosing Safer Sanitizers and Disinfectants (9/24/12). Upcoming events like the Plug In Electric Vehicle Demo Day (9/23/12) and MDE's Clean Water Innovations Trade Show (10/24/12) are also listed. To learn more, visit News and Events on the Registry website.
Grow Your Green Team
JBS International's Green Team
2012 Leadership Award Winner
Why let good ideas go untapped? Green teams are a great way to engage employees to help identify and implement environmental practices and projects in the workplace. Articles on Green Teams can be found on the Management Tips page of the Registry website, along with a "Top 5 Green Team Tips" card. To continue the discussion, tap into the collective expertise of your fellow members by posting your questions or comments to the Maryland Green Registry LinkedIn Group page.
Meet Elaine McCubbin, the Maryland Green Registry's State Business Development Liaison
Are you planning to expand, relocate or add jobs in Maryland and don't know what programs might be available to you? Contact Elaine McCubbin at the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED) who will be happy to direct Maryland Green Registry members to the right people and programs at DBED. Elaine may be reached at 410-767-7234,
National Pollution Prevention Week is September 17 - 23, 2012
Pollution Prevention, or P2, is defined as measures taken to eliminate or reduce waste and pollution in lieu of recycling, treatment or disposal and is at the heart of all sustainability efforts. Take a fresh look at what comes into your facility and what leaves it for opportunities to reduce use of materials, energy and water. National P2 Week is an opportunity to reinforce a prevention-first perspective and to celebrate some of your best P2 practices. Start by making sure they're part of your Maryland Green Registry profile!