News from the Manchester Historic Association
Collect, Preserve, Share
March 9, 2021
In This Issue
1. Pandora by Design - New Exhibit Open!
2. Queen City Athletic Hall of Fame
3. New to the Collection
4. Exhibit Video: Manchester's Urban Ponds
5. Become a Member!
Pandora Exhibit Now Open!
Pandora by Design: Sweaters from the Millyard

In the Henry M. Fuller State Theatre Gallery in the Millyard Museum
Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. - Included with museum admission

In 1940 Pandora Industries relocated to Manchester from New York City, and for the next several decades became one of the major employers of the Queen City with as many as 1,000 people working for the company. Pandora maintained itself as a major sweater and sportswear maker, making as many as 60,000 sweaters per week, and was one of the last textile manufacturers to operate in Manchester's Millyard.

This new exhibit at the Millyard Museum showcases a recently acquired collection of Pandora sweaters and designs as well as part of the iconic sign that stood atop the Pandora Mill building for approximately 50 years.

"Pandora by Design: Sweaters from the Millyard" will be on display in the Millyard Museum's State Theater Gallery through August 31, 2021
Queen City Athletic Hall of Fame
The Millyard Museum has recently acquired the commemorative plaque from the Queen City Athletic Hall of Fame and is seeking photographs of the many honorees who were recognized by the organization.
“Our plan is to mount the plaque in our Discovery Gallery and surround it with a changing array of photos from the many honorees in their athletic hey-day,” said John Clayton, executive director of the Manchester Historic Association.
If you or someone you know was inducted into the hall, please write to
New to the Collection

"The Council of War", a sculpture by John Rogers, has recently been acquired by the Manchester Historic Association through an anonymous gift and is now on display at the Millyard Museum.  

John Rogers (1829-1904) was a well-known sculptor whose "groups" were popular in the late 19th century. He worked as a mechanic in the machine shop of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company from 1851 to 1858 and while in Manchester began modeling with clay that he found near the Merrimack River in Hooksett. 

This particular group depicts President Abraham Lincoln, General Ulysses S. Grant and Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. Lincoln is seated, examining plans proposed by Grant for what would become the Overland Campaign of 1864 during the U.S. Civil War. 
This was one of Rogers’ most popular pieces, receiving widespread praise for his depiction of Lincoln.  Secretary Stanton wrote to Rogers that, “In form and feature, it surpasses any effort to embody the expression of that great man which I have seen”. Later, Robert Todd Lincoln wrote that “his family has always regarded John Rogers’ group The Council of War as the most lifelike portrait of his father in sculpture”.
Rogers used the likeness of his seated Lincoln again years later in the statue of Lincoln that now sits outside Manchester's Central High School.

The MHA is planning a special exhibit on John Rogers' works, and specifically his connections to Manchester, in early 2022. Stay tuned!

Exhibit Video: Manchester's Urban Ponds

The special exhibit "Manchester's Urban Ponds: Past, Present, and Future" at the Millyard Museum closed on December 5, but you still have a chance to see a video of the exhibit, featuring a guided tour with our curators.

Although ponds may not be the first thing one thinks about in Manchester, the Queen City has several ponds that have played an important role in the area’s history. More recently, the Manchester Urban Ponds Restoration Program, established in 2000, has led cleanup efforts to help return the city’s ponds to their historic uses. This exhibit looks at the history of several of Manchester’s urban ponds, including Crystal Lake, Dorrs Pond, Maxwell Pond, Nutts Pond, Pine Island Pond, and Stevens Pond and celebrates the accomplishments of the Urban Ponds Restoration Program over the last 20 years.

Sponsored by City of Manchester, Department of Public Works, Environmental Protection Division
Become a Member!

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Membership is the best way to stay in touch with people who care about the city's history, and who appreciate the importance of historical education.

To become a member of the Manchester Historic Association, visit our website:

To join over the phone, or if you have any questions, please call (603) 622-7531. You may also contact us by e-mail:

The Manchester Historic Association is an independent tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization with the mission to collect, preserve and share the history of Manchester, New Hampshire USA. The Association operates the Millyard Museum and Research Center.  
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